
blue people edition

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>tfw berber genes in me

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Post traditional berber music

Painting of a Libyan woman in traditional clothing

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Attached: morocco.jpg (1512x1080, 409K)

Why /Maghreb/ and not /mena/, btw?

Superior maghrebi genes, no gayrabs here

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Attached: Berber-womens-tattoos-3.jpg (500x616, 26K)

Let them have their special moment, everybody deserves attention once in a while.


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Very nice


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superior berber art

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please stop coming here

fuck /mena/ aint posting there anymore

nice desu

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>he doesn't have snowy mountains with apes in them

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tfw already extinct here

What is the view among Tunisians on Habib Bourguiba?

Attached: tunisia.jpg (671x1176, 133K)

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sad, they are so cute tho

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dubs of truth
aint nobody calling us sandniggers

pic rel

Attached: Atlas.jpg (1024x683, 166K)

tf i can't change it to legacy captcha
implying grand sahara isn't comfy

Attached: lezard rouge gafsa.jpg (720x485, 76K)

>ⵎⴰⴳⵀⵔⴻⴱ ⵏ ⴼⴻⵍⵍⴻⵡⴻⵏ / ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⴳⵀⴰ
What alphabet is this? Looks very aesthetic

Is this correct?

Attached: 1482719376013.jpg (1030x1299, 406K)

it is but Maghreb is mostly beaches and onfy forests/mountains, we are not desertic shitholes

Attached: Mokokko2.jpg (3872x2592, 2.29M)

>we wuz white n shit

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Tfu on (him) the french dog

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maghreb d fellewen / tamazgha
=maghreb and friends /tamazgha
it's tifinagh
yes sure compared to midd*e east

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how could arap manlets ever recover

Attached: manlets.jpg (720x396, 36K)

>we're better than ayraps guise, we're better than them at everything, pls accept us!111!


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>pls accept us!111!
literally who?
look who is talking west puppets kek

Attached: Tunisia_photos_roads_landscape_paysage_route_olive_almonds_tree_arbre (7).jpg (960x640, 56K)

Woman of the Awlad Nail tribe, Biskra, Algeria, c. 1880 by Benbouzid

I think "worst deeds with best intentions" perfectly sum him up

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t. butthurt Syrian manlet

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So taking pride in one's country and heritage is asking for acceptance now ?
just fuck off and go sleep now qatari

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tunisian jewish women late 19th century

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I absolutely love gnawa (I know it's not Berber in origin, but the lyrics often are in Berber languages afaik)


No. North Africa is where ISIS got most of its fighters from. It's a hive of Islamism.

Also berbers have more SSA admixture, and are pretty dark-skinned. A few fair-skinned kabyle doesn't change that. Algeria, along with Libya and Egypt are probably the most backward countries in NA and the Islamic world. I think only some arabian peninsula countries, and Iraq/Iran, beat them in backwardness. And even Maroc and Tunisia have plenty of islamism.

No it's nafris pretending they're different from ME, despite actually being worse in some respects.

inb4 you guys think i'm an arab/iraqi. no

>No. North Africa is where ISIS got most of its fighters from. It's a hive of Islamism.
ISIS purged the swine from North Africa. All of the teenage edgelords and criminals migrated to Syria/Iraq and died or will die there, leaving only the better stuff back in Maghreb.

Attached: choumicha-photos-shooting-illi-magazine-1.jpg (943x534, 145K)

Based gnawa lover

when did i ever say that though?

some middle easterns never saw a green area in their life kek

Attached: elfeija.jpg (1200x450, 50K)

>No it's nafris pretending they're different from ME, despite actually being worse in some respects.
fuck off and get the fuck out

what can I say, I naturally take to every form of drug music I come across

this is good too

Algerian man from Biskra in the early 20th century

Attached: Algerian man.jpg (568x866, 183K)

>implying we are not objectivly the best part of /mena/

Attached: gayrab.jpg (518x289, 26K)

this is some good shit, bro *takes a drag*

Great Synagogue of Oran in Algeria.

Confiscated by the government and converted into a mosque in 1975 after most Algerian Jews left the country.

Now it’s the "Abdallah ibn Salaam Mosque"

The problem is about Maghrebis pretending to be superior to Middle Eastern people.

Attached: Algeria.jpg (1280x960, 269K)

no actually, id say mixed deeds with mixed intentions.

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el tunisiano

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>The problem is about Maghrebis pretending to be superior to Middle Eastern people.
not a problem, its the reality, we are superior to gulfies, only levantines can compete with us
I would like to visit Slovenia, it looks confy af


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Lets ignore the shitraqi shall we ?

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I can't for the life of me visualize what the fuck goes through the head of the complacent dumbasses that seriously boast about their makhrebi heritage, this parcel of sand and rocks is as close as you get to hell on earth.

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fallega accused of treason and excuted by bou*guiba
maghrebis are clearly superior that's a fact

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Just end it subhuman piece of turd
Mmmh looks sexyy

>that pic

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>implying this doesn't look better than any arab cunt

Attached: Atlas4.jpg (1200x675, 146K)

Do you have alzhaimer ?
they were sharing berber songs and you just came in claiming that they are saying they are better than mashriqis fffs

? I was referring to the posts in this thread. I don't think anyone's superior to anybody else.

>that pic
Average ar*P

Ancient roman city in Morocco

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You do realize the Maghreb was colonized by various various nations/empires for centuries, yes?
Our culture is mix of several civilizations, including middle eastern.

izem is a bitch

But still we're far from being gulfy turds
dubs of beauty, here is the blue gem of Morocco

Attached: cat-street-chefchaouen-morocco-ff7f250043d0.jpg (1470x979, 271K)

in france again cyril?

comfy desu

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Lets discuss our "mixed" culture shall we ?
tell us which parts are from other cultures ?

inb4 mosques architecture

why is that every time you feel like you're not getting enough (you)s you split up the thread into an autismo enabling retardo bait pit ? go to /trv/ motherbitch

Tunisia have nice beaches

Attached: fes.jpg (640x426, 145K)

>no sewage
>less than a third of the populace has access to electricity
>even less so when it comes to fresh water
>whole town gets flooded during spring and what little functioning infrastructure there was bites the dust
>An entire family froze to death there lass february because they couldn't even afford kindling wood
>the SOLE doctor in the entirety of the town got bullied out if town by horny ruffians
Newsflash; water is wet, the sky is blue and diasrascals are oblivious retards.

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i don't like /me/ posters literally all good people are from maghreb
also it's not like i post here frequently today was the first day i posted here for a week and half
it seems you can't make differnce between me and other tunisian anons anymore ;(

Yes i hate the gouvernment/faggot king for not improving this beautiful country and stealing everything but somehow its still beautiful

Attached: medina-chaouen-2.jpg (1040x650, 341K)

tunisian woman 1950

Attached: tunisia197411.jpg (800x527, 107K)

They often think im you for some reason

>beautiful country
Christ, seems like I'm wasting my time here.

You can't ignore the truth forever.

Every tunisian has the same narcissistic personality type.

>we wuz berbeh
>we better dan dum araps
>anyone i dint liek is arap or shitraqi

You're tarded breh.

Algerian musicians in the sultanate of Tlemcen by Bachir Yellès

Habibi, we are not gulfies but we are not completely different from them :)
It's not wrong to take pride in your culture and be proud of your people, but to consider yourself superior is ignorance.

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Kys Morocco is a beautiful country, it needs infrastructure and a gouvernment, but its beautiful in itself

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just ignore the uk flag he is annoying af

>but to consider yourself superior is ignorance.
>beautifuler than them
>smarter than them
>dont sell our asses to the US of ass

i love this phenotype so cute better than pig skinned urban women

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He thinks im stupid enough to not recognize his iraqi autism

yes they are kawaii

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Finally, someone with some sense.

im waiting

One of my favourite city in the world

Attached: essaouira.jpg (1200x800, 338K)

ok have fun whatever

!الله أكبر


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