What is your opinion about young nationalists?
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What is your opinion about young nationalists?
pic related
>young nationalists
I think they're mostly social outcasts who are looking for an edgy rebellious group where they could fit in. The added bonus is they find an easy target to shit on and explain why they're losers.
You can feel autism just by looking at those faces
lithuanian fagposter btfo
>Sometimes only isolated individuals, abandoned by their generation, can reach their destiny. In that moment, they are their people, they speak in its name. All the millions of dead and of the martyrs of the past are with them, as well as the nation's life of tomorrow.
Imagine unironically drinking the Jow Forums kool-aid.
>Lithuanian nationalists
They are exist, wow
Dear Jow Forums
Why is Romania a shithole worse than Turkey when every significant Romanian in the 19th and 20th century was a literal fascist anti-semitic Jow Forumstard?
The literal definition of "cucks", bending over a State fucking them in the ass without mercy. When they start paying a rent they'll see.
Not stupid animals like boomers.
feels good to be part lithuanian and therefore allied with those brave young souls
>Why is Romania a shithole worse than Turkey when every significant Romanian
The jews were able to create their neo-isreael which stretched from the baltics to the black sea
I guess they like Russia so I like them too....
Why do European fascists like Russia?
Because russia is support european nationalist organizations, lul
Russia is illiberal country.
You made mistake in "absolute monarcy" words
>Why do European fascists like Russia?
They get money from Russia. The main purpose of the Euro "nationalistic" parties is to shit on the EU and generally destabilize everything.
The only ones that receive money are US/EU fucktoys.
Nationalists respect Russia over not bending to them.