Why is Jow Forums so popular in Finland?

Why is Jow Forums so popular in Finland?

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nothing else to jew

Because finns are cute

meme culture


Because they have the highest amount of Autists

Do normies know memes like apu apustaja in Finland?

finn boys have sticker albuns dedicated to helpers

they have a rough idea due to cancerous facebook meme pages, but probably wouldn't know the real concept behind them. I'd assume it's the same for other countries



Jow Forums is autistic


Attached: checksout.png (566x401, 18K)

>Jow Forums got a fourth less relevant in one year


coz they're white nips

Because of long and dark winter, its not easy to be northerst nation

no USA wat?

They have some of the highest rates of English fluency in the non-Anglo world and live on the internet due to their isolated geography

Some fellow mongol post the social media pic of someone wanting "more of these frog memes" a.k.a Apustaja.

They are a meme superpower.

Did you knew even Vietnamise are partly Finnish

Attached: Finnics.png (953x551, 65K)

Wtf i hate russia again

nice personality

kill all f*nns pls


Everyone knows scandinavia is full of autists

i love you finland
without your lax border security i wouldnt have cheap 96%

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