
incest is wincest edition

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drunk atm

shit thread


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don't like it when there's a multitude of threads to choose from

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pssstt.. hey kid, looking for a hobby


is this the thread


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think italy might have the best girls

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>been talking to a qt british girl from interpals for a few weeks
>suddenly get THIS

wat do

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can just see the cheeky smile on our Nige's face

he fucking did it

Finally, an intelligent edition

watching women on that bear gryll's show and they seem to be legitimately disabled

cuck that british runt

probably stop messaging his gf you fucking nigger

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Lads let's send each other vocaroos :3

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>>did you know Japanese has no word for pepperoni?
>written on dominos pizzas wall amongst other bollocks
>the vast majority of customers read this and think it has any value whatsoever

Who else can understand why this statement is utterly meanginless


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too many y*nks in this thread

Unironically had a girl compliment me and lean in to smell me the other day when I was wearing Lynx Dark Temptation lmao


press decline and continue with your life

>has spent the past five years improving Wikipedia articles about the subway
V respectable brand of autism. Good lad.

Sick of this shit lads

chocolate #1

is Deano a pikey or a wop?

I agree

Yanks in(side me)

>Looks like she had a thing for you as well

how can you tell - serious

Please, I'm attempting to make you leave.
Don't make me like you instead.

got a 3 day extension from unitoilberg

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What's your opinion on rolling a joint with a filter?

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OwO what's this?

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asked a tranny out on a date and they called me a chaser and told me to fuck off

don't think I've ever appeared on itv but okay

that cat has a tie


parents were so stingy with any gift they gave me as a child
for my 16th I got a secondhand iPhone 3 that didn't have any speakers (this was in 2013 when everyone had iPhone 5s and samsungs)
17th was a shitty chinkpad that I use to this day whilst my mates got xboxes and PCs
We weren't even poor but I always felt like we were
not trying to be ungrateful and I never complained at the time, I just don't appreciate that they didn't trust me with anything worth over 200 quid until I was past an adult, and still barely



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phrenology is real

O riordan

>he was in secondary when the iphone came out

fucking hell IMAGINE being this young, get out of here before you wind up like us

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only acceptable in dire situations
if you don't have any card at all to roll a roach then I can understand it

literally pointless
the thc does not transfer through the filter you mong


i was solidly middle class for my area but had worse living standards than all my poor friends

>*music stops*

call me jaded, but I think most april fools jokes are really shit


had a kek at this

the 6.8/10

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Most incels are trans. Their inborn nature is to play the passive feminine role in relationships and sex.

Just by the way she's writing, it's hard to explain. Especially by the "miss you!". If it was just a friendly thing she'd probably just say hey or something

>british women

honestly would rather be gay tbf


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I'm 21 you actual granddad
felt like a proper povvo having to go round to a mates to play cod
didn't like it at all

the 6.8 is middle class and petite

Is there any way for me to shed my Yankdom?

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maybe if you're outside but i refuse to believe that you can't find something to use as roach in any household if you're that desperate
literally impossible

god i feel like shit im such a dickhead

Very English

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the lads

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I'm allergic to peanuts

p soy

what if its the 6/8

and shes slightly fitter thn were imagining


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redditnigger exposed

is it the happy, reddit, her putting effort into it tone then?


This day in history:
1945 – The Battle of Okinawa, the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific Theater of World War II

149,425 Okinawans were killed, committed suicide or went missing. 110,071 Japanese soldiers were killed during the battle. Okinawa was the bloodiest battle of the Pacific War. 14,009 American soldiers, and smaller numbers of people from South Korea (365), the United Kingdom (82), North Korea (82) and Taiwan (34) were also killed.

The Americans were planning to use Okinawa as a base for Operation Downfall, the invasion of mainland Japan.

The super battleship Yamato, the world's largest ship and the lead of the Japanese Imperial Navy, was ordered to fight until destroyed protecting the island. The resulting mushroom cloud—over 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) high—was seen 160 kilometres (99 mi) away on Kyūshū.

The main landing was made on both Easter Sunday and April Fools' Day in 1945.

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yeah exactly
it should basically never happen unless you're woefully unprepared

what if nigger

eerie vicar

confusing image
the first thing that jumps out to me is that she looks like a minor

A new study has found that women carry living DNA from all the men she has ever had a sexual relationship with.

That's right ladies; the startling discovery was made by researchers at the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre. The discovery was made by accident when the team was initially attempting to find out if pregnant women with a son are more susceptible to neurological diseases that men are more vulnerable to.
The study began to take a turn when scientists dived deep into the female brain. They discovered the woman’s brain possessed male DNA known as “male microchimerism”. These cells are different to that of the cells that make up a woman.

"63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism” and in many part of the brain, the according to the study.
At first, researchers thought that the male DNA found in the female brain came from carrying a male while pregnant. But, that was not true. Why? On closer inspection, male DNA cells were still prevalent in the brains of women who had never even been pregnant.

Scientists say there are only four ways male DNA cells are likely show up in the female brain:

* Unknown abortion
* Possibly a vanished male twin
* Older brother transferred by the maternal circulation
* Sexual intercourse

The implications for women are great. When sperm enters a woman it swims until it hits a wall and them seeps into your flesh. If it is in your mouth, it can get into your nasal areas, behind your eyes and even your inner ear. It then enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine. You can never get rid of it.

With every man a woman has a sexual relationship with; she absorbs his spermatazoa which becomes a part of you forever. The study autopsied the brain of elderly women, many of whom have been carrying male DNA for more that 50 years. This starling and fascinating discovery is only the beginning in understanding the true consequences of sexual intercourse.

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going to filter the numbers 6 and 8 if you keep it up

what if poo

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What's wrong, George?

in english pal

good post

Just poured my drink down the sink, too tired to get drunk

fucking hell, I'm an old man


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hey did you know was an issue? Let's try to do better

that's her dad

the lads

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The buddhists were right, life is suffering

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"Feminine" refers not just to literal females but to anything that possesses or is imagined to possess stereotypically female qualities.

A man can be feminine or strike a feminine pose. various cultures attribute "femininity" to obviously genderless features of the natural world, like the moon or the soil (ancient chinese identified the ground as feminine with a masculine sky above). there are feminine rhymes in poetry. if an abstract linguistic pattern can be feminine, why not a penis?

A feminine penis is soft, small, and cute. But the thing you notice most is how non-threatening and friendly it is. Every time it rises in greeting because it's happy to see you despite it not even having the vigor to go up the whole way anymore always puts a smile on your face.

That earnest joy and pleasure it shows when you're around lets you know the girl really is in to you, too. With how lovable and inviting it is, you'll find that it quickly becomes your best friend in the whole world.

For example, a slender, smooth penis, contrasted with a blunt and veiny member.

...a graceful penis.

...a receptive penis that does not aggressively penetrate but rather allows itself to be engulfed.

A penis to be licked

A penis to be sucked

...to twist and twirl with your tongue

and isn't dribbling semen reminiscent of a breast's warm milk? a nurturing penis, a penis like a doting mother.

How can it be gay?

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is this supposed to be considered humorous?
is this what the left finds funny?