Are men in your country manly?

Are men in your country manly?

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Well, they're stupid, does that count?

not at all

about 1%

Only those who belong to the PEANUT BUTTER TEAM or the Chocolate team.

you tell me

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Only the gays

Depends on what part of the country their from.


some are
most arent
5 to 1 ratio desu

Cali - Soyboy fags and betas
NY/Boston - Hollow masculinity
Midwest - Salt of the earth type
South - Masculine
Alaska - Masculine

The average joe is laid back. I'd say 6/10 Men are Manly.




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My dad was

So yes

Outside of capital cities: yes.
In general: not really but it's still extremely important for your social status. I would say it's more like bravado and chauvinism than masculinity.

No, we are a bunch of soyboys

WTF is even masculinity? Watching sports or something?


Nah. All the real men died in the World Wars, along with their genes. We're all sissy cuckbois now.