Heritage thread
Heritage thread
To prove I'm not making shit up, this is my grandfather.
Imagine being this autistic about muh heritage.
It's $100 and like 2 minutes of my time my friend
I'm guessing your cheeseburger grandparents were anglo when it comes down to it.
>100$ to know the obvious?
Not just that, it gives you other stuff like health/trait info which is pretty interesting. Plus you can find living relatives which is pretty cool.
Sure why not
It's just $100
And I wanted to know how much Norman blood I have in me
Blue my ppl, green next near, red next, orange next, cyan next, prup next
Are you that Iber shitposter?
>by accident
If you're fine with spending 100 dollars on it then it's up to you. I find the idea of finding distant relatives interesting and knowing more about my great-greatgrandparents would be nice but I don't think it's that big of a deal to spend so much money on it. Though I find it funny that the only people I've ever seen posting their heritage thing are americans.
It's true
>end of war
>US and Soviet troops are finally meeting in Germany
>everyone is celebrating, exchanging gifts, and making friends
>grandpa stands off to the side like an autist chewing tobacco
>Russians are like "dude wtf why aren't you sharing?"
>he hands some out to everyone
>they ask what to do with it
>his Russian is shitty, can't think of word for "chewing"
>says "eating tobacco"
>they all swallow it, everyone gets sick.
They were
My ancestors on my mother's paternal side fought in the Revolutionary War
I'm sure they got george washington autograph.
That's pretty cool. Most of my family was still in Europe in the year 1900, so I don't have deep roots in this country like some people. I can say I had family on both sides of both world wars, which is interesting.
Be thankful, I'm 1/4 Y*nkoid and they're utter redneck trash, I wish I could trace 100% of my genealogy to Europe
supreme photoshop skills my peanut butter gentlemen
You can trace 100% of your genealogy to Europe.
Americans didn't originate in America.
Which region are they from? Mine are from the Northeast.
Quieres ser mi novia?
If you're fit and hung African-American then we can work something out, yup.
lol imagine if your nazi great-grandad would've known about this
are you seriously a coalburner?
>black dad leaves
I'm a Wh*Toid distance runner who gets mistaken for jewish all the time. Yeah, not gonna work.
Why so racist?
you're the one who specified african american. although t b h you're probably a sissy faggot.
Woah don't take your frustration on me, Jordi. Someday you'll pop your cherry I'm sure.
>doesn't deny it
Garbage trash, stay in your 300usd wage shithole.
Argentina truly is White
This is why your tribe must be small and homogenous and gradually expand with no differing people, we need a nationalist iron curtain.
I'm the muttest
Seriously tho, why do people pay for this shit? It's just to brag about it in some autistic amine forum? To feel less shit about you being unsucessful in life?
>why do people pay for this shit?
For curiosity’s sake I’d assume
why wouldn't you want to know
Isn't just easier to check some old documents from family? I have some about my old Lebanese grandparents.
Waste of money and time desu.
So you're a shitskin arab subhuman?
Kys trash
It's all been downhill since 1066
my children will be more disappointing than me, and so will theirs
Not all Arabs are brown user
Assad is shitskin but is a rape babby.
lol calm down butthurt wh*Toid.
He actually resembles my uncle a lot.
Wtf, how do you have black hair if your father's hair is brown and your mother's blonde? Did your mom cuck your dad?
How did you get into crime scene clean up?
>black hair
It's brown, and some of my uncles have even darker brown hair on my dad's side so it's not that strange. It's not as simple as a "brown dominant, blond recessive" punnet square.
My dad kinda looked like pic related until his 30s and then his hair got pretty brown.
My Finno-Ugric brother
t. (0.2% Finnish)
American since the day my forefathers set foot on this barren track of earth
I get paid to make pro racemixing threads on Jow Forums :^)
Haha, SLAV'D :DD
Mine is G*rman, French, and Irish and I somehow got 7% East Euro so a lot more than just the Finns got SLAV'D
>tfw you're mixed
>when you realize there was a high chance your ancestors could have ended up in Argentina instead of the US
Really dodged a bullet there
need to update this at some point
so you are basically a copy of your dad? or he made you into one?
"Give the cattle lots of booze. Who cares about the bill, they'll pay for it! With their future!"
le pure face
>tfw euromutt
ey I'm from Doncaster
Yeah pretty much. Even down to mannerisms. I gravitated towards physics and stuff on my own, though, in fact my parents tried to steer me towards engineering instead.
Mixed varieties of Wh*Toid
Same but Brazil for me.
More Europeans are mutts than people want to admit.
that's gay
sorry I just came back to this thread. High school diploma for me but usually some sort of AA degree. Then again I only do the lame jobs
>Le pure slav face
>Americans need to pay $100 for a DNA analysis to even know what they are
whats even the point of that anyway? is it life-changing to know that you are 5% african or 2% slavic ?
It's so we can say nigger in public then claim we are 0.00043% black.