Why are g*rmans such a cancer?

Why are g*rmans such a cancer?

Attached: germancancer.png (813x461, 550K)

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Because the French are cunts with a short memory

my grandfather's family were from one of those dots :D


They like to go east.

Attached: B-EhynfIcAQI2iO.jpg (497x517, 24K)

Why we went east? Because we had crucial skills for setting up modern societies, that's why we were invited by the local rulers.
>muh dstroyers of Civilization :^)
I know
Go fuck yourself

Is that armpit hair?

Lol this

Half of those eastern euro countries (including the former habsburg military frontier with the ottomans) would still be swampy wastelands today without the skilled german settlers COLONIZING them with their BWC's

t. descendant of pure-blooded black sea and Warthe germans

Attached: 1520269804603.jpg (466x411, 64K)

If it wasn't for French and Belgian colonists half of Germany would be nothing but a backwater.

lmao assblasted
you're referring to Franks yet franks were Germanic from the get go, colonizing France from Germany/Netherlands

It's blond hair, so perfectly aryan armpits.

My great-grandparents came to the US from the Volga German lands in 1912.

Franks themselves got civilized by the Romans, just like Germanics got civilized by Celts and Romans. Germans got pretty much spoonfed civilization and prosperity. Ruhr region had the biggest role here.

And those "German colonizers" were nothing more than peasants looking for a better place to live. We even had Dutch people here.

id rather go her south if you know what i mean

>Germans got pretty much spoonfed civilization and prosperity.
our ancestral tribes, maybe. Since at least 1000 we were on par with the most developed regions of Europe.
>Ruhr region had the biggest role here.
>And those "German colonizers" were nothing more than peasants looking for a better place to live.
yeah, no: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostsiedlung#Urban_development

>Volga Germansmentioned

You've made my day user

Well, you're a brainlet when it comes to your own history. Why do you think West Germany was always richer than rest of it? Let that sink in.

whiter than you, Luigi

Because, very often, they were invited to settle there to set up profitable trade towns to be taxed. they brought skill, Money and Knowledge. The Hussite conflict stemmed from (of one reasons) the fact that Czechs began to outnumber Germans in towns and felt misrepresented.

When we see the state of Nord Pas de Calais and Picardie (the Frankish regions), Franks don't look civilized.

im 1/8 russian german

because Eastern Germany got almost completely deindustrialized by the soviets you complete brainlet. It still became the most prosperous country in the eastern bloc

>Well, you're a brainlet when it comes to your own history. Why do you think West Germany was always richer than rest of it? Let that sink in.
it isn't, southern Germany is richer than the west. And East Germany was poorer due to decades of communist occupation...

Hey fuck you too

What the fugg

This desu, Bayern und Mnichova are rich, und sehr suesse Maedchen auch.

Attached: deutsche_maedchen2.jpg (1080x1080, 133K)

South Germany was a shithole for majority of its history. In some parts even worse than Eastern Germany.
Wrong. it's because Eastern Germany was always a backwater, meanwhile West Germany was first developed by Romans, later by Celts and Franks and then it was protected by Anglos, due to their presence in low countries.

Now let us stop this useless fighting and look at this photograph of a Katze.

Attached: gatto5.jpg (624x623, 46K)

>South Germany was a shithole for majority of its history. In some parts even worse than Eastern Germany.
yeah, no. Any source to prove that?
>Eastern Germany was always a backwater
bullshit en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margraviate_of_Brandenburg
>later by Celts
t. brainlet, Celtic period was pre-Roman

Italian peace intervention force of gattos has arrived.

Attached: gatto2.jpg (1024x576, 147K)

very good post

Attached: katz kapuht.jpg (2248x2851, 1.09M)

German women are unattractive. The better ones live in the east and have slavic ancestors.

he is right though
except the celt part
germanics destroyed the celts

>bullshit en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margraviate_of_Brandenburg
God, what a fucking intellectual. Berlin got significantly developed only during Age of Enlightenment.
>yeah, no. Any source to prove that?
I'm sure you can find German sources if you only drop your "pride".
>t. brainlet, Celtic period was pre-Roman
Gallo-Romans were still Celtic as they inherited their technology and advancement from their Celtic forefathers, which were more advanced than Germanics.

What do Romans have to do with the Ruhr?

Why the Proxy Lindy?

So Danish then?


They were present there for a while you know. And Romans like to build shit when they camp there.

Wasnt Silesia at one point the richest region in Germany/europe and that would mean that germans can turn shit into money

>Berlin got significantly developed only during Age of Enlightenment.
yes, and?
>I'm sure you can find German sources if you only drop your "pride".
that's not how making an argument works
>Gallo-Romans were still Celtic
after centuries of Roman occupation and citizenship the Romans certainly had more of an impact than Celts
>which were more advanced than Germanics
yes, and?


Attached: chat 03.jpg (550x412, 27K)

> Lieber Deutscher, hier in Boehmen ist es ganz schoen. Die erste Sonne von Fruehling kam letzte woche aus und ich habe sehr viel in die Stadt gewandelt. Ich hoffe das alles ist gut mit euch. Jetzt muss ich doch ein van diese Ostern-markten besuchen.

>kuessen und klauenmaerkierung,
>> herr Katz.

Attached: gatto_loveletter.jpg (600x450, 96K)

germans destroy everything

Dont hate my shithole i love Zabrze

I haven't pet a cat in 5 months

Attached: tfw04.jpg (480x476, 21K)

The Ruhr is almost entirely on the right bank of the Rhine, the Romans only built some camps there which were quickly abandoned after Varus' defeat.

The region is mostly known for industrialization which can't really be linked with the Romans that were there 1800 years before anyway.

I think, map like this, but with slavs instead of germans exist too.

Here is traffic light disco chat.

Attached: discokot.gif (300x200, 222K)

it can

pit whore

t. volga german



Dann wünsche ich dir viel Spaß auf dem Ostermarkt

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hedge fund baby

>Why are g*rmans such a cancer?
obviously we wanted this

Attached: file.png (882x920, 1.04M)

Attached: pit whore.jpg (963x1065, 212K)

Twf, I love german colonizers nao

Americans wearing Bavarin drindel (pretty ugly one, too)

That map is blown out of proportion anyway.

Pffff, no, clearly germans you can see in their smiles. American girls' smiles are never that great.

Attached: deutsche_maedchen4.jpg (500x334, 80K)

Many of those red spots were not actually majority German I think, they just mark areas of settlement in many cases. The three language islands in Bohemia on the map were majority German though.

>2 sudacas in the background
>girls don't look bavarian
>english language on the chalkboard

looks like an anglo meme restaurant serving """authentic""" german aka bavarian dishes

Sorry lost focus, it was a bit foamy, lol.

Attached: deutsche_maedchen1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.83M)

Oh wow. Why is it so important for you that the girls aren't german, user? Any particular reason?

Attached: deutsche_maedchen3.jpg (1186x1189, 295K)

g*rmans fail to realize that g*rman diaspora in eastern europe behaved exactly how germans portrayed jews in their propaganda.

This map is pre WW2, after 1945 a lot of those dots outside Germany were purged by the locals.

i will die before you get rid of germany
t. motorsports fan

Attached: 1200px-Porsche_956_Rothmans.jpg (1200x800, 132K)

because germans are evil and supported the german nazis

>were purged by the locals.
Citation needed.

he used the wrong word for the exclusion of evil germans who colonized other countries

It looks like a violent bloodstain pattern.

He means expelled

Like Holstein?

>be hitler
>create largest unified german nation EVER through diplomacy
>fuck it all up because "muh poland"
isnt it sad hans

Attached: so close yet so.jpg (500x540, 141K)

yes it is
should have killed himself after the Munich Agreement

Not as sad as the state of your country, considering you won

yeah, he should have stopped in august 1939.

Attached: germ-terriotried-lost.png (730x550, 74K)

>considering you won
the only winner of ww2 was USA cause it became one and only super power. everybody else got shat on.

They couldn't do it. Their country would've collapsed since they had retarded war-based economy.

t. spent too much time on /his/

No, got it from a book actually. It has more legitimacy than armchair historians or stormfags.

which then?
and would France and the USSR also collapse magically due to their large armies?

No, because they didn't spend more than they could afford. "Economic miracle" is a lie. Third Reich was drowning in debt.

Attached: nazi economy.jpg (260x400, 19K)

ok, seems like a good read and explains Hitler's strategic decision
what I don't understand is why you're saying
>They couldn't do it. Their country would've collapsed
since Germany annexed Sudetenland without war
how would an economic collapse revert this?

he probably means all the expensive projects like constructions of highways, hitlers villa and SS camp in alps, art musuem of hitler etc. not to mention all the welfare and support for "proper germans" and all that stuff. i am not sure about total collapse like that guy is but it sure as hell wasnt smooth ride.

Maybe not this, but the entire nation would've collapsed with strikes and revolts all over the place.

How the fuck would they pay their army if they didn't even have enough money to sustain it in 1939 prior to invasion of Poland. Nazi economy was based on looting during war.

>the entire nation would've collapsed with strikes and revolts all over the place
that would have been an interesting scenario

Nazis would've been lynched by German population.

Lynched in Belgium instead

Much more wholesome