>there are people on this board who don't own at least a couple of BCH in case there's a flippening.
thing looks ripe for a mooning any time now.
>there are people on this board who don't own at least a couple of BCH in case there's a flippening.
thing looks ripe for a mooning any time now.
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enjoy the bleeding you masochist you
no i do not enjoy it. but it will pump, you can count on it. jihan wu holds all the cards
I think it can go a lot lower. But I’m watching and will buy if it does. But it’s not betting on bitcoin cash it’s hoping that Wu and Ver have enough ammo left to pump it again
roger still has a lot of btc, and he still runs businesses and earns new fiat. and jihan literally makes money printing machines. they havent even begun dipping into their war chest. and dont forget CSW and calvin ayre, billionaires as well
Too bad normies already don't know enough about Bitcoin to even begin to understand Bitcoin Cash.
Shit is gonna go to 0 like most shitcoins. Just a matter of time. If you put money into this you're retarded.
The fundamentals are on bitcoin cash’s side. The question is how long Core can continue keeping its community happy with Lightning lies before the 1-MB cripple collapses.
I prefer to diversify a bit, so BCH is on my list.
jihan wu sold idiot
lol,sure thing corecuck
I just bought in case. You never know when these billionaires will crash Bitcoin and buy Bitcoin cash.
If you’re gonna follow the herd of normies you’re gonna end up poor like they are, most normies don’t even own crypto so just stick to fiat. I’d rather risk my investment going to 0 than not put my money into what I know is fundamentally right and miss out on the financial revolution.
I think that's exactly what's going to happen. At least there's going to be some drama between the two chains for a long time to come and for that reason BCH will be viable as long as btc itself is. Crypto is too predictable.
> cashies still believe in the flippening
> time to call the mental asylum
Bgone Btrash!
BCash retards can't even justify their own coin vs Litecoin. There's literally no reason why if BTC were to fail that BCash would be the next in line.
go to google trends
type bitcoin
then type bitcoin cash
>mfw bitcoin cash is literally horizontal
That depends on how many hats they have.
Litecoin is infected with segwit. Eww
Ironic for you to call them retards when you don't even realize LTC is just BTC with a more dangerous block time. It has no 0-conf, no hashrate, no adoption, and under pressure it will collapse. It's a slow and dangerous POS that even its creator dumped.
>waiting for 15 minute block times
lot of people dont realise roger is completely right about the babies, if you think its a cringey overstatement it means you dont understand how central banks financially repress people
All war, poverty and degeneration of society is caused by currency debasement. Besides gold Bitcoin before blockstream destroted it was the first invention that could make people immune to keynesian money printing
If you are a paid shill you are selling out your family and future generations for trivial short term gain. Whatever you receive to shill against decentralised peer to peer cash is nothing compared to the wealth you would have if we had worldwide adoption. Its subhuman to do anything to stop the adoption of crypto
Smaller block times make no difference to speed when you have 0-conf, they just create orphan nodes and make it harder for blocks to propagate and they make nodes use more bandwidth.
Got any reading about this?
if you weren't a complete retard, you'd know that's actually a good indicator to buy.
When does the selfish segwit mining kick in?
Any bets on Andrew Stone and Peter Rizun actively coding this up to distribute to BTC pools?
>Any time now
>Any time now
>Any time now
It's probably going to take some events to trigger the flippenning and not just meme lines.
The selfish mining strategy is already laid out and I don't see why BCH bagholders would not pull this off in secret or at least incentivize the miners to do it more so with actual selfish mining software.
>Lightning in the end won't collapse.
>biz officially justed
segwit will literally destroy bitcoin..
Most bizcucks don't know the concept of hedging
I know that chart! Thanks for posting the bean before it moons OP.