Indian government banning bitcoin

Attached: Koala.jpg (1024x768, 763K)

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First toilets now bitcoin, poor pajeets

Wtf has that got to do with koalas?

everything has to do with koalas, just shut up and comment the article

>first toilets

the new PM is forcing them to shit in toilets

uhhh yeah, that's basically saying what I'm saying

modi is forcing them to shit in toilets whether they like it or not

its not that i wasnt expecting the conversation to end up with poo in the loo jokes

but for fucks sake can we comment on the main article here?

are you indian?

no you retard, im just tired of endless FUD and this fuckin bear market

As an Indian, I think based modi is once again shutting down the chink scam


btw, did you know that the times of india is nicknamed the TOI-Let paper due to it's low quality news and constant fapbait

im gonna be honest here, i saw the link on reddit and got triggered

i had no idea about the quality of the source

what scam?

Good. Indians are literal scum of the earth. I fucking hate shitskin streetshitting pajeets.

Weak FUD
Please die


>India banning bitcoin
>muh FUD

why dont you just off yourself already

this is the real thing

Banning crypto worldwide is inevitable. The whole point is to take power away from those who have it right now. Resistance to change is to be expected.

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pajeets are not banning crypto

they are planning to make a pajeet-style ripoff of bitcoin called pajeetcoin. fucking pajeets just can't stop stealing from open source projects whether it is IT or finance

if there is somebody stealing stuff thats the chinks desu senpai

hence, I do see your points

also, let me tell you this now: the pajeet digital currency thing is gonna be a complete farce. the pajeet government fucking sucks and has always sucked donkey dick when it comes to technology

the last big technology project of this scale was the 1 billion user unique biometric ID card project which was a total shambles and led to millions of identity theft scams across the entire country. imagine hiring private contractors to do the biometric data collection for a government project for the entire country.

and those private contractors turning out so incompetent that they forget to encrypt data and just fucking let it be stolen by hackers.

the blockchain thing is gonna be yet another farce, and maybe this country's money will start disappearing into thin air. who knows

Oh no! Pajeets are out! What amma gonna do?

1. make a company that offers to help pajeets safely get rid of their bitcoins
2. take their btc
3. give em $2 or some other joke amount
4. "whatcha gonna do pajeet, sue me? wouldn't be nice to see you come to court in jail clothes now would it if someone were to.... tell... the goobermint now.... is it?"

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I thought they banned it already in January. Is this a new "India bans crypto" coordinated FUD?

it's not banned and still isn't

the banks are just banned from dealing with bitcoin exchanges

Pajeets were ruining the space.

pls sir accept us when we come to europe. we bring many technical supporters and many skilled telecommunications officers