Link larper said anything yesterday?
feeling a bit like shit, and needed some good news.
Link larper said anything yesterday?
guys, please answer me.
search link threads there is great news right now
the good news is that sirgay ate his 10,000 bigmac.
essentially all you need to know is that's twitter is following some new instantaneous payout insurance start-up
that was basically all the news
ugly bitch
>t. fat ugly autistic incel with diabetes
Basic gestalts:
>BIM construction using oracles - potential strong use case for LINK
> MAERSK on board with using IBM/Hyperledger - LINK connection confirmed
thanks man
where can i read about the MAERSK connection
legit cute
Wow she’s beautiful my dick is engorged with blood making it rigid and ready for penetration if you know what I mean.
she's an ugly whore
who is dis demon semen
>In a Q&A style dialogue, Rometty and White revealed new information about the venture, which is focusing initially on documentation and visibility and was originally announced in January. That included the number of partners it has signed up and has in the queue (“25 companies onboarding, another 30 in the queue, and another 40 after that,” White said); and included possibly inviting in additional ownership into the venture, and how it is transitioning from the proof of concept stage to actual product. Finally, they revealed the possibility that the venture could expand beyond its initial concept on visibility and documentation into areas such as finance and insurance, areas specifically not covered within the initial scope of the venture.
“We’ve been working on this for 18 months. This is not a new concept, this is going into production,” Rometty said.
Congrats sergey
you guys are going to give me a fucking heart attack
Nah it was just Sherlocklink
who is sherlocklink? that larper?
chainlink has the best gossip
sorry the link that was posted was the wrong one. apparently this is also confirmed. chainlink official twitter is following this company. look into oracle use for disaster insurance payout (i.e. earthquakes, hurricanes)
remember that one of the original Chainlink test runs had example use cases involving Macy's and Maersk (for supply chain data)
>sergey walks through a city causing earthquakes
>we all get rich off of the insurance payments
I'm getting so hard reading all of this.
Linkies will be >50$ EOY
checked and praised kek'd
Link $1k eoy
Good news everybody, crypto is over!
>ocean tier big eyes
leave immidiatly