..a green life preserver in the red sea of loss

..a green life preserver in the red sea of loss...

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 7K)

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holy shit checked + bless omisebros

$150 EOY
$500 Q2 2019
$1000 EOY 219

So should I buy some?

>has not bought omg already

its not late by no means though

3k omgbro here!

Comfy hold.

30 omg here
being a poorfag sucks

Attached: 1519752882223.png (846x592, 42K)

nice and conservative..
if the bull returns this year I wouldn't be surprised to see 1k by EOY 2018


buy some ELEC and flip it into OMG after it moons ;)

that's the same as holding 30 eth in this moment, dont let them go user

same lol

There's nothing to check you fucking neofaggot

Pompeeeeet man !

nice idea elecbro

kek remember how salty the NONEO’s were last year?

Attached: E6B05909-F905-48FD-A72C-705A2B2C4A58.jpg (634x381, 178K)

why does ETH get raped but OMG goes up?

Attached: 123123123ddddd.jpg (349x308, 28K)

A life preserver that lost half its value in the last month is a boat anchor

>what is swing trading

fuark. glad I picked up 1k recently. how many have you got?


230 OMG poorlet here
just give me $50K off these in 2020 and i'll be happy

as other user pointed out might swing some ELEC tho. got 42K of these little boys


Swing Trading is a short-term trading method that can be used when trading stocks and options. Whereas Day Trading positions last less than one day, Swing Trading positions typically last two to six days, but may last as long as two weeks.

blog.coinbase.com/introducing-coinbase-ventureAs Vitalik said so well in December last year, the digital currency ecosystem has the opportunity to transform the lives of billions of people, but we have only just scratched the surface of what’s possible.

That’s why today, we’re announcing the formation of Coinbase Ventures. We’ll be providing financing to promising early stage companies that have the teams and ideas that can move the space forward in a positive, meaningful way.s-c67865a1d2fe


Right now my favorite token model is OMG-style staking tokens. Reasons:

* Not a medium-of-exchange token
* Clear valuation model (expected discounted future tx fees minus node operation cost)
* Requires running node to get returns, not passive income (so more legally defensible)

7:55 PM - 11 Dec 2017

Closest thing to an announcement that can ever give. Theyre practically holding your hand to buy this. If you cant connect the dots, you may be suffering from lifetime autism and deserve to be poor

Any reason this is going up right now? Do people think it's going to get listed on Coinbase and sell if it's another token?

do you know what really gives no shits about btc? ont.

it's one of the few that has a future that's been bleeding out for over a month. and is currently cheap as fuck.
there has been lots of positive announcements the last few days.
coinbase or not, you should probably be accumulating
don't fomo, DYOR
here's some...

afaik Shinhan Bank 4th largest in Asia
so this is a fucking huge score,

best thing is, it's really just the beginning

so is the accumulation time over?

I wanted more

Attached: c71fIhk.jpg (400x343, 43K)

user... it's still sub $10. imagine asking if ETH was too pricey when it was under $20 or whatever

but its up in gwei

i bought at 0019

This is very big news. Shinhan is the only crypto friendly bank in the world's 3rd largest crypto market.

Koreans are really tech oriented and if OMG takes off as a payment network there we're in for a serious moon mission. I wish I'd gotten into this at $.50.

fucking nice...
but seriously if you bought that low you should have finished accumulating by now
i'm still stacking every month, anything under $20 will look fucking retarded cheap this time next year

Been waiting for weeks to get in on this coin. Couldn’t resist at this price. So glad to finally be an omisebro.