2018 won't recover
2019 will be huge though
Thank the based whales for giving you time to get in.
2018 won't recover
1980 is the best
I'm going to ignore your wishful thinking on the rally and ask Jow Forums their opinion on pubic hair. Me, I love the stuff.
Sauce on image? Is there data to support it?
Why are the whales waiting a year?
Whale wars vs joos
That is some hung dude.
How much Nano for one weekend ?
80 > 90 > 96 > 00 > 05 > 12 > 60 > 18
unironically 350
80s beeeeest
None of these are good, they're all disgusting. Give me 2012 without the whore tattoo and we're good to go.
(1996 + 2012) > *
Same user.
Gimme that good 1960s shit
tfw I'm a dude
tfw I have less hairy legs than wh*te women
tfw 800 ng/dL test
tfw hardly need shave ever
obligatory roast flaps
Are you Chink?
Men who have no hair on their arm or legs are hairless dogs. Disgusting.
no am from mememansk.
Whoever drew this missed a great opportunity to also comment on the growth of asses.