2018 won't recover

2018 won't recover
2019 will be huge though
Thank the based whales for giving you time to get in.

Attached: 1522978391068.jpg (723x389, 91K)

1980 is the best

I'm going to ignore your wishful thinking on the rally and ask Jow Forums their opinion on pubic hair. Me, I love the stuff.

Sauce on image? Is there data to support it?


Attached: 2026.png (192x195, 63K)

Why are the whales waiting a year?

Whale wars vs joos

That is some hung dude.
How much Nano for one weekend ?


Attached: timf.jpg (600x638, 24K)

80 > 90 > 96 > 00 > 05 > 12 > 60 > 18


Attached: 123124124.jpg (251x242, 15K)

unironically 350

80s beeeeest

None of these are good, they're all disgusting. Give me 2012 without the whore tattoo and we're good to go.

(1996 + 2012) > *

Same user.

Attached: SmartSelectImage_2018-04-07-02-12-00.png (1057x1556, 1.68M)

Gimme that good 1960s shit

tfw I'm a dude
tfw I have less hairy legs than wh*te women
tfw 800 ng/dL test
tfw hardly need shave ever

obligatory roast flaps

Attached: obligatory.png (723x389, 470K)


Are you Chink?

Men who have no hair on their arm or legs are hairless dogs. Disgusting.

no am from mememansk.

Whoever drew this missed a great opportunity to also comment on the growth of asses.