Reminder that the reason Sergey doesn't post anymore is because of this

reminder that the reason Sergey doesn't post anymore is because of this

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Yeah, that guy was a real faggot. Problem with Jow Forums is that it's too connected with the rest of Jow Forums, which is composed of 18-22 year olds. Those people still haven't felt the hunger for money and how they have to shut the fuck up if they want more of it.

>mfw the mental shill will ruin chainlink's credibility

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Holy shit the comments on all his twitter posts ahaha, the guys gonna commit sudoku soon

Jow Forums has been flooded with the absolute lowest IQ scum of the internet ever since December last year.

You don't deserve Sergey, biz

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damn sergey u fat af

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i can tell you came to Jow Forums in summer 2017 with the rest of the Jow Forumstards

lent calendar. kek

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Its seppuku you retard

yep, literally just Jow Forums

bunch of absolute fucking retards.

>being this new

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>weird, awkward 4channer harass someone on the internet with unfunny pictures and memes

not surprising. If LINK ever actually moons we'll truly be in a sad state of affairs

>getting butthurt over memes
sell signal

>he hasnt tweeted in over a month since

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I for one did my part and reported the SHIT out of Henry.

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if we're talking about people who unironically buy chainlink and cry about memes, i agree
can't believe you faggots stopped semendrinkinglolis from posting

last time this happened, i asked here on biz for people to report this accounts and tweets as spam. 20 minutes later they were all gone.
report that shit asap.

The funny thing aboutt it is that if LINK truly succeeds and captures the majority of the market share it could unironically be the most valuable digital asset in existence. Link will be bigger than Microsoft.

And fucking Jow Forums owns the majority of it. By 2025 700 of the 1000 richest people on Earth will be people who frequent this image board right now.

the absolute state of the herd mentality behavior

it must be nice to be so dumb

what are you gonna do with yourself once this takes off without you and you FOMO in at $80? serious question