Am I your God?

Why do you all have such an obsession over me?

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Other urls found in this thread:

who are you

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theyre retards with nothing better to do

Accurate, though his reactions can be funny.

As if you don't have a folder with 200+ images related to me, along with a shrine in your closet that you worship every night
Really though, and here I thought I was supposed to be the retarded one

kinda cute doe o3o

jewsriel is our aryan god and we must respect him

OP is an impersonator using one of my old aliases. Do not listen to him.

don't you ever do this to me again


You did this to yourself. Next time learn the value of not namefagging


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Not exactly fake. I've used the name before they used it too.
I didn't do anything to myself. I just wanted to be myself and that's exactly where I am now.

Yeah you wanted to namefag(burselfbro)on a site where you're not supposed to, should have done so on a dedicated namefagging site like Reddit, Twitter, etc

itt tech

whatever, goodbye. just don't do this shit again.

Prove it. If not your the fake one.

Reveal secured trip.

Yes you are

I've just proved it to you.
I used my aliases until at least the end of june. ;)

kill yourself, human

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Right here. OP is fake.

Reveal secured trip

whatever you and I know you read it.
why stop the aliases? I thought u wanted to be urself bro, like how ur doing now?
post moar aliases and diapers and selfies bro, be urself bro

Use one of them to prove that your not fake.

...I'm already continuing my presence though. just without a name.

no you're not. you're hiding now
it's okay, I didn't expect you to admit it

I am the real shitriel, don't listen to anyone else.

search the definition of a lolcow, freak

prove it

prove you're not a hamster first

okay, how about now?

Based, hi desu.


that's a fake trip, you're a mod fucking around

i've never been a mod, sorry~
and that is not even a fake trip. i used it around may 2019 until i just went anonymous.

i have a shrine to mittens
man it stinks

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I haven't shit up a Ralsei thread in a while, I think he stopped making them.
This will do!

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I wish this was the real yonko

I only make threads when I feel like it.
And now I'm not sure if I want to now.
that's not him. i'm right here, nya nyaaa~

That's understandable.

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i just realized who did this
it was elliot wasnt it
if anyone says obsessed or seething and is angry about the attention yonkers is getting its nearly always elliot
lol what a virgin scared of the chad yonkers

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