Holy shit. if this Soro's news confirms anything, we actually legitimately are the early adopters...

holy shit. if this Soro's news confirms anything, we actually legitimately are the early adopters. whatever he ends up doing, this is the institutional dinner bell ringing

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chang-a-lang teeka tori masala burgerchan

Wait...I thought we were the innovators?

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Bitcoin has been around since 2009. Do not try and argue that we are the early adopters.

Feels good, doesn't it?
>tfw Inb4 soros.

Sorors please short this shit to like 1k. I'll be waiting.

less than 20% actually hold. thats early.

Nigga who here is talking about your shitcoin

>BTC is easily tradable for ~6 years
>Stocks and gold is easily tradable for over 100 years
We are the early adopters.

>Time is the same as people in.
If you entered 2016 you are late early adopter, 2017 is early majority.

Most people don't own stocks either user.

And people who bought then are the innovators user.

such a narrow minded statement. are you trying to argue that crypto is ADOPTED in any form? Because it isn't adopted. This year you'll start to see that process unfolding, and big money will be FOMOing in every step of the way.

Jow Forums had significantly higher quality discussions even just a year ago. Now it's almost barren with half the posts being polfags complaining about shit. I have a hard time believing we're early adopters when this board is full of such retards now.

The internet was invented in 78 so people that invested in the internet in 88 were late adopters. Dont look know but your retard is showing user

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Internet has been around since 1980 and the xot com bubble didn't pop until the 00s.
So yeah we're the early adopters.

>Soro's news
Can someone fill me in please?

Look 16 year olds, all Soros is doing is realizing that last year's bull run can be recreated, and capitalized on, why else would he be getting in now when prices are the same as they were before the bull run. I'm not saying we're not gonna go below 6k, I have no clue, but just hold on cause the craze is coming, every year it will come the way it has before, money hungry poors will always start looking for extra cash as the year comes to a close.

Haha i posted same thing right above you.

Jew man using 'Family Fund' (26B) to start investing in crypto

I thought stocks were an ultra slowed down version of the buttcoin though.

bullshit. We are here

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U right, I remember those, they were still shit discussions but at least every once in a while we had a good thread, now I don't even come on here, stopped in Jan and starting again cause the Bulls are making a comeback

Easy bait, here's your you

If you didn't buy bitcoin between 2009 and 2010 you're not an early adopter, you can very well say that if you bought other alts a couple months after they released.

This is all cope from people who know they are late. Bitcoin has been out for nine years. It took a tiny fraction of your day to purchase some. There is no excuses. Do I predict that Bitcoin will continue to grow? Yes you bet I do. But the days from going a few dollars to $19,000.00 are over. For everything else, please take your delusional FOMO elsewhere.

In relation to the world, we are super innovators, less than 1% hold.

Retard spotted


Just buying cryptos isn't fucking adoption. Adoption is using them for whatever reason. As a currency, as a token, I don't know. If you just speculate on them you're not an adopter, even if you first bought bitcoin six years ago.

U absolute fucking mong, if you bought an alt a month or two after it came out, you're an early adopter, no one with more than 1 brain cell is saying we're all vitcoin early adopters

Not true, not even a little true, inherent to a currency is that once you buy it you're adopting it. You can buy Swiss Franks and have them sitting in a fucking bank all day and no one will say you're not using the currency

Like i said to the last retard. Ill even do a new scenerio for you. So when AOL was king of the net in 2001 it was over to make it in .com. Oh shit I only forgot about fucking facebook 2009, Amazon, paypal, ebay. You get it user you suck at future predicting and pattern detection which means your dumb

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If you buy your fucking CHF and just let them sit in your vault while you go around throwing USD around because the CHF is fucking useless because you're in fucking america, then you are definitely not adopting it you fucking nigger. The adoption curve is not a valuation curve. Adoption literally means usage.

btc is not everything u cuck

If he's announcing it, he's already done it

I'll remember this when we're at 30 trillion market cap in 5-10 years
The difference is you can actually cash out your franc and buy some Toblerone or something. The adoption comes from people accepting bitcoin as tender you cretin. Right now it's all a speculation market.

It's another episode of 2x, 3x, 5x, or 10x isn't good enough, I want 10000000% waaah waah waahh

No matter what people tell you, 90% of the projects out there dont have a working project yet, so yes... we are early adopters, dont let ANYONE tell you otherwise.

yes you're right. ten years is the entire fucking lifespan of a technology

Anyone who disagrees reveals themselves a dullard.

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it depends on where you predict crypto's final marketcap to settle at in he long term (say, 100 years)

if it's somewhere 100b-300b, this is indeed majority. if it's somewhere 10-30trillion or above, this is innovator-tier. we're barely touching the 1% now.

>implying it won’t reach into the quadrillion range via chainlink

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Good to know literal strippers on Twitter who've been shilling crypto for months are innovators.

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Who would have though! People on the fringes of society would be more willing to accept/adapt new things before normies that are worried about what other people think of them.

It used to be much easier to put money into BTC.

They're literally out of the market by now. Do you think their decrepit normie attention span is going to last until the next bull market?

Bagholder cope. You guys be holding your bags to your grave.

damn, just sold my link, thanks for this

3rd worlders and boomer brainlets don't count

People don't realize that time is going to keep going and crypto is going to not just stop existing. Considering bitcoin is less than 10 years old, and comparing that to the rest of human civilization. We would be there on this chart.
>I'm not fucking selling

No, we are the innovators. Institutional money are early adopters.

the first personal computer was build in the 40s, don't you think people in the 50s were early adopters?

The last new bitcoin will be mined in 2140. That means new bitcoins are added to circulation over the span of 131 years. 9 years is almost 7% of the time needed for all bitcoin to be in circulation. Despite the earlier weighted distribution iI'd say that still puts us in early adopter phase.

truth and it's nuts how many people don't see it

Bitcoin (or successor) will unironically be in the $10/100M in our lifetimes



bump bump bump

The last bullrun made us the early adopters.

> everything goes through these stages at the same pace

> knows for a fact that crypto is over

We've shifted from early adopter to early majority phase in mid/late 2017. If you think otherwise, you're just a retard, plain and simple.

Yup, the shift was pretty clear in mid 2017. The huge December bubble was fomo getting out of hand, but we are in the late period early adopter now.

Late period Early majority now***

Will the market cap of crypto be rising or falling when the late majority and the laggards finally hop on?

Satan speaks the truth.
If you bought BTC in 17/18 then you are late.

How do you even formulate things like this in you're head? Omisego given a Conservative estimate worth 700$ minimum.

Unless you're just talking about bitcoin?

OMG going 100x this year you heard it here first HAHAHAHA

Nah in all seriousness probably 2019

This. The only people saying that they are "early adopters" are the ones who bought in 2017/2018.
Your not a fucking early adopter when CNBC is talking about crypto every single day.

Can't believe you wasted Satan trips on such shit FUD.

What if soros is just buying in now to pump it higher and dump it to zero from 40k?

Think about that. This guy made his money from black wednesday. He is literally the bond villain from casino royale "Le Chiffre"

Exactly this

uh, around 52% of americans own stock.
here, let me show you this cool site: google.com

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Who cares, I would sell at 40k anyway.

>only America matters!
Absolute brainlet. Probably think American population is the majority.

we are at late majority stage

The crypto PSYOP from Coca-Cola, who could be behind this ?

As someone who has been here since 2014 I definitely see 100k at some point. Remember fiat inflates over time and BTC is not going anywhere. As mining becomes difficult the price will increase faster. 100k is only another 10x in fiat which is not that much in the grand scheme of things and counting inflation.

these news for the past few days actually make me believe teeka wasn't going full pajeet baka

Yeah then you'll kys when it runs to 100k

>>tfw Inb4 soros.
like, do you think he will get in after AFTER showing public interest in crypto? LMAO, chances are he's in crypto since 2017