Hate trump


>hate trump
>invest in crypto
>start a trade war
>scare everyone else into crypto too

Attached: Capture.jpg (1305x902, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gurufocus.com/StockBuy.php?GuruName=George Soros


he's doing it for blockchain stuff. he got memed

>right wingers and libertarians already deep into crypto
>Soros says scare everyone into crypto
>creates new millionaire/billionnaire class of right wingers and libertarians due to normie influx
Either right wingers now become bourgeois target for useful idiot proletariat or Soros just dies and makes normies buy all our bags desu

I think its more like he found a brand new place to hide, and is now orchestrating his magnum opus against the united states

To understand Soros' way of trading one must understand that he is a memer at his core. More than the rationale of the market, he is interested in the memes and dreams of the market players and tries to find discrepancies in reality and perception.

Hence his 'theroy of reflexivity'

He even wrote a book called 'the alchemy of fincance'

Him publicly entering the cryptosphere is a sing that he identified limitless meme potential and a bubble verse in itself. Crypto will be bubble after recovery after bubble after recovery after bubble and so on. Or maybe not and I'm just memeing.

hope drumpf doesn't ban it like fdr did with gold

yeah, after being in this for years you can see how it is still exploitable. Lots of newbies think their first alt is the future

At least we have a new meme target!

>fell for the Soros is a leftist meme
Its simple, he knows rightwing would be less likely to take direct handouts from him so he's going a roundabout way of giving them money. Meanwhile he'll continue funding leftist groups. This will lead to increasingly large clashes between the two groups which will make for great entertainment for him and stroke his god complex.

This "theory of reflexivity" is apparently nothing more than basic positive feedback mechanisms...

>Collaborated with nazis hunting down jews
>Polish, french, norwegians etc who collaborated with nazis hunting down white resistance members
>God bless these proud warriors of justice!
Does not compute. Is Jow Forums getting played yet again?

What? Soros is /ourkike/

So it seems, so it seems

Soros' portfolio: gurufocus.com/StockBuy.php?GuruName=George Soros

As you can see he buys as well as sells, so it's not guaranteed that he will crash BTC with no survivors atm

Pretty low on muh real estate....I thought real estate is the best investment evar?

Attached: BigJewHoldings.jpg (1043x381, 78K)

>Down 60% on the worst red stock (which he added over 3000% increase to), 45% on the second worse
>Up 80% on his best green and sold out, 75% on the second best still holding
This is why he's a winner.

very interesting.

soros is too rich for real estate

I think people are jumping to conclusions based on almost nothing. Cryptocurrencies may very well be in line with his ideological beliefs and goals (open society). It's impossible to say what he will actually do.

>jan 2017

It will be possible to say when we finally know his coin portfolio at some point. Judging from his stock portfolio, it will be a broad ass mix up of top 30 coins, I'd wager.....he won't go scamcoins that's for sure

Attached: gg.jpg (410x279, 22K)

Sounds reasonable. There's definitely not enough info to make any sort of decision on. Best to just be aware of the issue and wait + watch.

He's probably just entering crypto because he sees potential to short it.

Short something that is already 70% down? Seems like a death wish desu. I'd wager he is doing hft.

>let's flee an unstable asset to an even less stable asset, for safety obvi

Every time I see someone wondering if the US's self-inflicted economic wounds will scare people INTO crypto instead of OUT, I realize no one on this board understands fucking anything.

>megakike throws low level jews under the bus
>lmao based kike!
Gas yourself

the dollar is a global reserve currency.

do you honestly think people won't be scared into crypto?

you're insane.

Short something worthless that is still over 100000000% up? That sounds quite stupid.

>Broke kike in nazi germany
You must be one of those kids who think cartoon villains is real.
Clearly confused too since you support one betrayal but hate others for doing the same.

Soros is the third largest holder of OSTK. It would be a strange move to naked short btc while holding that.

Jow Forumsacks can't think for themselves they need to blame all their problems on a scapegoat

there's a big difference between "all you have to do is not be a jew" and "all you have to do is not be a resistance member"


Does overstock still accept crypto payment, I didn't even know them before just now (am europoor)? Judging from Soros being heavy into consumer cyclicals and all that shit, maybe he knows something about crypto being introduced into consumer payments overall? Should kill paypal in the future if adopted? Maybe Soros is shorting paypal and visa for the long term future?

With megakike I was implying he is a fucking double jew that would even rat out his own kin to further himself and actually got himself BANNED from his country of birth. Doesn't get more jewy than Soros desu


Overstock is balls deep in crypto. I'm not sure what Soros' game is but I just highly doubt its to short the crypto market into oblivion given his position so far.

Jow Forums blaming their personal failures on jews is a meme. I have a good life, but when I'm walking outside I'm confronted all the time with the fact that the west is in decline and fuckers like Soros are responsible for it. I saw literally 0 white children today out maybe the 30 I saw while walking through the city. Also, Soros funds leftists grassroots movements in my country. Can you guess which (European) country I live in?

My hate for this textbook comic villain is 100% justified and he can't die soon enough. I hope he burns in hell

>Jow Forums blaming their personal failures on jews is a meme.
> but when I'm walking outside I'm confronted all the time with the fact that the west is in decline and fuckers like Soros are responsible for it.
I'm sure it's lost on you.
Incidentally, why were you looking for white children while out for a "walk"? Something you want to confess?

Stop putting up a straw man, either pol or pedo. The west is in decline, even Soros himself says it (watch my linked interview above, he said 'collapse of the system') people see this and will put up resistence. Majority of jews in the west seem to fall on the political left or liberal side, so of course they will face resistence from right wing and nationalist populations. You trying to make the right seem 'crazy' for it is a sleek and sneaky tactic. Do you happen to be a jew yourself?

Stop being so paranoid, i just thought the contradiction in his post was funny, moreso since he kinda led up to the pedo joke by saying he's out looking at kids.

There is no contradiction in my post you absolute brainlet. Read it again. But sure, hide behind your >muh irony and snarky pedo replies. Literally grade school tier humor.

What's his endgame. He's almost dead. Why crypto right now?

Uh oh, seems you forgot to put back the wifi for your multi reply larping in some other thread. How embarrassing.

>tfw bedroom is out of range for wifi
It's the fucking jews user

I wonder who could be behind this post.


>Jews are so disgusting they don’t even think twice about genociding their own to make a profit
Really spins the dreidel.

Not bad, two posts and we hit 5 out of 25 classic strats.

Attached: The disinformationist handbook for alt right victory 3 - Copy.jpg (653x718, 216K)

How will I ever recover

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Oh nice you should of showed this to Hillary maybe could have saw it coming and won like she 100% without s doubt deserved..

>implying i'm a burger
>implying i give a shit about your meme elections
Damn, you're really going for all 25, aren't you?

Attached: The disinformationist handbook for alt right victory 6 - Copy.jpg (644x267, 78K)

Long term, he wants a world without borders. Short to medium term, any place that gets flooded with shitskin immigrants will see property values plunge.

You're also coming along well. 4 so far I think?

4 is generous I think, but I'm certainly at 3