/smg/ - Stock Market General

Friday edition
markets closed now edition

/smg/ official hedge fund:

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

previous: eh

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Other urls found in this thread:



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haven't been here in a while.

is xavier's still active? lost my discord login a long time ago

I see you removed your Trump is impeached prediction ... nice1

end your life

>tfw someone actually screenshotted it

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Fuck it, I bought 15 shares of SPY. HODL mode engaged.



That Comes Latter.

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no bully pls
i just haven't been on /rgt/ for at least 6 months now because of other stuff

It's still active but shunned from these threads because it's noobs teaching noobs


So how did everybody do today?

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It isn't an ominous sign to close like this? r-right?

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Xaviers is now admin'd by a whore who has banned 3 people this month because they annoyed her. Charles is nowhere to be found. Avoid it.

Also we are not Robinhood general anymore. Most people here use actual brokers now...it's got a lot better these past 6 months

pretty typical

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LFIN is getting sec'd and I'm over here grooming and waiting for it to be unlocked so I can sell these puts

which is good because my other two option plays are getting shit on. But I'm still gonna be ahead

i see, thanks

oh shit you're right, i just searched "robinhood" in the catalog and clicked the first thread, didn't even see the thread title.
that's good news though.

I'm not worried, I'm poised for next week

Things worked out today.

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not so bad my TSM stock is holding okay in this meltdown. also they have nothing but good news everyday so I am still confident about it.

Not the best day. Pretty much fully invested, most of it is old FB.

I hope you bros bought the Sunrun dip

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neither am I mate. I've got the portfolio spread I want. if the stocks go down, I have cash to buy more when I next rebalance.

Donald J Trump is my friend


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-3%. Meh. Previous day was +10%.

>jim cramer parroting the market FUD

oh yeah we bullish as fuck

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Based after hours pump coming through

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I knew I should have bought below 2600


it all depends on if china pulls some shit this weekend really

Oh what a surprise. Another day of getting JUSTed

Not too great. Could be worse I guess but I haven't seen green since I started investing

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Creamer Pumped Snap Chat and left half the country with heavy bags kek. This guy is a total crack pot.

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All in all today was a good day. I think I messed up at the end there, but we shall see what happens next week.

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Weed will be bright green and somewhat sticky on Monday. The sector isn't reacting as hard to US index drops like it used to. When the DOW first started droppong, weed sector would shed 20% per day, sometimes consecutive days. Today dow drops over 700 bucks at one point and weed hangs around -4% give or take all day. Bull run is coming. Soon.

My SVXY calls have officially expired. When do I see the money leave my account? It's after close but I still see I have equity in it

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Same here. Bought SPY puts because I get the feeling some shit is going down this weekend.

discord elitism is pure faggotry.

Phillipenes MSCI still holding strong through all the dips

Hang on. There was a swing in the final minutes. I have finished -1% for the day. Pretty happy with that considering i didn't do any short plays.

ah shit I should have saved this image for next friday wheres its actually friday 13th

I'm expecting a gap up, but it's not going to gap and go if you know what I mean. I just think I should have closed the long VIX position, and then waited till Monday morning to open a new one.

Next week on /smg/, SLV makes a couple of us happy goys

well ya know what they say? in times of economic depression, invest in the 5'2" commie killing fascist overlord of the phillipines.

Aren't option contracts settle on saturday by the CBOE ?

I am a huge fan of Duterte

I think he is a pretry cool guy because eh kills indiscriminately drug dealers and doesnt afreid of anything

Long Philippines

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yeah hes hella based

Yeah, I never hold anything VIX-related over the weekend anymore. I've been burned too many times

So who should I use instead? My "real" broker charges $7 a trade.

If it can hold 2600 in the Futures we might be safe for monday money.


Stay with your real broker get used to paying commissions. Once you trade large enough commissions don't mean shit

Or if you have enough capital I recommend IB

it better not be at 15.45 when i look again on monday. if it is, im gonna have to triple down, and i dont want to have to do that. i dont know about you, but im still pretty goddamn sure this is a gimme. the only thing that would really suck is if it pops over the weekend, and dumps before monday

cant say i would enjoy living under him as i smoke enormous amounts of pot, but hes been effective for the flips. its funny how the world media tries to depict him as some massively unpopular dictator, when in fact, hes the most well liked politician in years. flipland really did have an enormous methamphetamine problem only a couple years ago. not so much anymore. just waiting for some NGO to try and step in and "save the brave revolutionaries" (ie the commie rebels and muslim extremists that are trying to violently overthrow the elected official).

Might be good to straddle FB monday, cuckerberg has to cry at the senate

>Yuan-dominated Crude Oil futures contract
Do literally nothing about it, or liquify 80% of all non-crypto, buy gold and/or silver, and go live innawoods?
Bonus question: How will this change the current economic landscape?
Would a threat to the Petrodollar, if this were to be one, explain the current political tension with China and/or North Korea?

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While I'm asking things, what are some good stocks to hodl for a few months? (besides BGFV while we wait for MID TEENS)

when TVIX goes down again should I buy QQQ for the inverse?

>for a few months
i'm all-in on SPY until i get my shit together and have more time for trading

was thinking about this, but itll probably be too volatile going into the hearing to get a good contract.

Well I am not a degenerate lol


No matter my view on drugs, the fact is it is a problem for the government (threat to their authority) and ordinary people (who still have choice to live without drug cartels and desire a solution ; not like in some states in Mexico where people are resigned into living under cartel rules).

Terminator Duterte sees a problem, he solves the problem in the most efficient and cheapest way.
If people criticize his methods, he calls them son of a bitch and doesn't give a fuck. This guy has surely killed more people than me jerking off porn. Most lives surely seem worthless to him (even his son's life ffs !!!)

It would be interesting to see his role in the USA/China confrontation.

while i may be a degenerte, we can both clearly agree on one very simple point: hard drug dealers deserve absolutely no mercy, and should be shot on sight.

>It would be interesting to see his role in the USA/China confrontation.
if it wasnt for the fact that the media would bitch endlessly about drumphf aligning with a literal fascist, roddy wouldve already teamed up with us. he clearly values military strength above all else in his allies, and flips love the US and its culture anyways. not so much with the chinese (from my limited understanding of their history).

in a full on trade war/sanctions (whatever, worst case scenario) im afraid he would have no choice but to align with china. although i think it would be begrudgingly

>earnings week
>fundamentals still solid
>tech/manufacturers at their highest revenue ever

The bear or the bull? Who do I side with?

I don't like drugs in general because in the hands of the pleb, it leads to the path of general degeneracy
But nonetheless, I can appreciate individuals whatever their addiction or bad habits.

The Philippines are a country with a huge Christian population. It is strategic to counter-balance countries such as Indonesia. And it is an island, with is more prone to align with martime power (such as the USA). China knows its disadvantage on sea and is trying to develop its continental influence (One Road One Belt initiative).I can't see actual benefice for the Philippines to be genuinely close to China.

And let's not forget about the Spratley Island dispute, which the closest thing in modern day of a good old invasion. I don't believe that such a thing would be forgiven so easily anytime soon. And that shit happened under Obongo the low-IQ, useless Magic Negro.

Earnings will not be meeting expectations this year, they wont be bad but the reality is going to set in this month.

Look at OLED as the canary in the coalmine.

Jokes on you : I mostly have companies with no earnings so it won't affect me

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I mostly own weed stocks but I need a normie stock to add also

Should I buy NVIDIA, AMD, a military company stock, or a simple S&P500 ETF?

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Don't buy AMD you paste eating retard. By WY, BIDU, or SKX


Before these corrections, everybody and their mothers said the stock market was overvalued as fuck, that the crash is gonna be epic etc etc

Now here comes some corrections, which in perspective are not that dramatic. If you were not a brainlet and like to pretend being a high spec trader, you would buy the dips and sell the rallies, until the market is deleveraged.

>tldr : stop being retarded and emotional it is only money

There's no end in sight, and people don't know where the bottom is.

Tesla just issued loads so its cheap now

That is why things are so interesting don't you think ?
Learn to buy the dips and sell the rallies. And hedge with options.

My guess is that we will be seing a somehow sideway market while companies keep reporting good earnings. Actual earnings may be able to catch up with the sky high valuation again.

me big money now

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>waaaahhh le orange meanie BLUMPF is killing muh meme gains
How many times must I repeat this: those who mock our gallant, illustrious POTUS do not deserve to see gains.

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B a s e d

or short term short BA, its doubled in almost a year

Haven’t seen anything about this on Jow Forums

fuck off commie Im not buying gold/silver

Where my LFIN 4/20 put niggas at

For those thinking of investing in developing countries, Iraq is committing to a huge increase in infrastructure spending (particularly Electricity) post-ISIS:



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How do we play this?

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Now is a pretty good time if you want to hop on board the good ship Amazon. It's been hit pretty hard by the US market drops recently.

IQD is defacto pegged to the USD.

That may change soon.

The stock market will crash on Friday the 13th, one week from today. The bottom will be 15-17k. You've been warned. Screen cap this.

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Serious question how fucked are we? Like realistically there is what seems like a full blown economic meltdown and CNN is talking about some porn star whore. This is really concerning.

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we just need a nice weekend to remember how much we love amazon and netflix

this is what is known as a dip friend
this is the golden bull run

Thinking of starting an account on Degrio. What's a good minimum buy in for wage cucks?

everyone forgot the entire economy was dependent on startups lowering costs by burning venture capital money.

interest rates go up, venture capital money dries out, everything falls apart. any company that does not have a path to profitability within 2 years goes bye-bye.

So you don't know. Basically bailing out the banks is coming back to bite us in the dick. Got it.

If gold Breaks out, All out Panic will ensue.

That means Dollar isn't worth holding.
Markets Will Move into Commodities.
People will go back to bartering and trading with nuts and sea shells.
Bear Market for the Next 100 years.