Reminder, if you didn't cash out in December 2017, you fucked up and you will never make it

Reminder, if you didn't cash out in December 2017, you fucked up and you will never make it.

Attached: yung10x.png (596x590, 877K)

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I've kind of figured out how to make money trading litecoin every day. I make more than a 100 bucks every day and im increasing my stack of coins each day when the value drops. My total portfolio value has collapsed but I'm getting consistent income every day and the amount of litecoins i own keeps increasing.

>I make more than a 100 bucks every day

How cute. How does it feel to know that his guy is 21 and a multimillionaire from selling bitcoin at the right time?

Attached: yung10x.png (593x595, 832K)

Attached: dosh.jpg (859x255, 72K)

hahahahahaha GG

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>implying it's fake

Watch my boy roll up in your dream car filled with bitches while your broke ass is taking the bus

Attached: yung10x.png (596x584, 573K)

this why i not own gun
not of be able to resist shooting at car from window

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source? is there an article about this

I'd rather be poor than an attention seeking Justin Bieber look-alike.

Holy fuck that is shoop't as shit

>rented car
>fake money
why do retards fall for this shit?

>no back up mbus

Not gona make it

He wants to look like some hotshot celebrity while not having a single show off skill. LOL. I bet hes actually single because women despise such cucks. Women want strong, funny and reliable genes to pass on their children. Being lucky one time lottery winner greedy selfish friendless below average looking neet is just not gonna get you good and happy life.

He's the one renting out the cars and making real money, you nerd. Stay poor.

cope harder

Attached: yung10x.png (598x592, 840K)

>caring about women

Look at this man. He doesn't give a fuck about what women think.That's why he is rich and you are broke. Faggots like you ask him for a hand out while you wonder why you're not getting laid.

Attached: yung10x.png (372x597, 476K)

The guy looks like a homo

Why do people dress like this? I don't care if its "high fashion", its shit even for high fasion. Look terrible.

Also, if this is that monopoly guy """"artist"""" then its all a laundering front anyway. No one is buying that trash.

Haters like you are what keep him relevant

Attached: yung10x.png (457x583, 455K)

Nigger is a state of mind, not a color. And these faggots are niggers regardless of race.

XLM mooned in january

>doesn't care what women think
>dressed in some overpriced trendy fashion bullshit
okay user

but I bought the dip........ r-right?

Lol relevant to who? Whores and fried nig brained idiots?

You mean cash out in January when the real party started lol and every kucoin shitcoin was mooning.

Relevant to those who matter

Attached: yung10x.png (603x437, 621K)

>He's the one renting out the cars and making real money, you nerd. Stay poor.
dude, you're falling for some instagram facade of a guy who leases out cars to look rich, this is just pathetic.

>if you didn't cash out in December 2017, you fucked up and you will never make it.
I remember when people were saying the same thing about December 2013.

Bitcoin can recover from damn near anything.

i'm not mad, I'm happy for him. I'm happy that I keep accumulating and I'm able to support myself through this income.

No he isnt

Guys a rich kid of some kike who "paints" monopoly men as a laundering front

And then posts pictures like a nigger rapper on instagram

But theres just one thing: He's not a nigger rapper, is he?

Good on him if he made money. I couldnt do a google reverse search but then figured out the image name is his instagram name I guess. Hes like the anons that crave fame but arent celebrity/unique enough to get it. He honestly needs to hire like an actual PR company or something as his instagram is cluttered hot mess. If he got someone to sort of carve out some kind of image he could become maybe a little famous but I just cant tell who he is or what he does from his instagram.

This is like annoying me I cant figure out what he does. Is he a rapper? He has worldstar tags on some of his images.

He is a young entrepreneur and a visionary. He is paving the way for the future. In 20 years, we will all bow down to Yung10x.

Attached: yung10x.png (598x445, 464K)

Yeah you're baiting but its sad you saved all those pics to make this thread
Fix your life man

You're pathetic, weak mind cannot comprehend the sheer volume of his work and influence.

Attached: yung10x.png (600x593, 678K)

I want you to take a moment and consider the steps of your life that led you to suck the dick of a trust fund wigger on a cantonese recipe trading forum.

The only way this could possibly get any sadder would be if you were this guy, pretending to be a fan.

Even stinky linkies aren't as bad as you. Even wagecucks. Even nocoiners. That's how low you sit.

>20k followers on instagram

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I want you to take a moment and suck my dick

Attached: yung10x.png (471x589, 533K)

>He is paving the way for the future. In 20 years, we will all bow down to Yung10x.
>You're pathetic, weak mind cannot comprehend the sheer volume of his work and influence.
If this is the case then why aren't you posting links to his work instead of pictures of him looking like a vapid faggot?

crypto total marketcap will pass 5T by 2020, just play your card right and you're good.

Because he's just a vapid faggot who probably started a pajeet tier token ponzi, and is renting out all the shit he takes pictures of, hence him taking pictures of it, to immortalize it.

Which one of those is he?

>Doesn't even own SpaceX stock

Reminder even this guy is not gonna make it .

Nevermind, it's Wyatt Pasek.

Attached: HAHAHAHAHFUCKINGREKT.png (786x534, 695K)

So this faggit bought/sold fake oxy/fent on the darkwebz, flipped it possibly killing dozens of people due to fent OD's, and used the BTC he earned to live a lavish life?

Hope he dies in prison

kids pretty industrious to be selling drugs on the darknet in his teens. im impressed to be honest

> Implying my 10k linkies won't make me richer than his gold chain wearing ass.

>antifa behind the scenes
fucking kikes reeeeee

you are a massive homosexual for even having this many pictures of another man

lol, clearly not

>druggies killing themselves and you're blaming the middle man
if he didn't do it, someone else would have
the issue is not the guy filling the gap but the system/customer

>They were gonna kill themselves anyway
>He shouldn't feel bad about some druggies he killed to increase his margins
Yeah let's not go down that road

women want masculine and physically attractive genes. everything else is irrelevant.

>he killed the druggies
>by selling them a substance they chose to misuse
fucking cut your nose off to spite your face faggot

this single picture proves that he will lose everything in 3-5 years

How do you do it?

Use kneepads and then buy LTC