Who else living the dream?

who else living the dream?

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this is a lie, neets don't get up until 4-5pm.

This is me right now and it's honestly a miserable existence. Someone end my life.

Pretty close

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Slept in, drank coffee, made steak and eggs, played basketball, walked my dogs...
all while my girlfriend was at work being my sugar momma.
now I'm drinking beer waiting for her to get home.
yeah i'm living the life

Lmao go read Jordan Peterson you mong

Faggot manlet, your mom doesn't count as your sugar momma.

If this is true, you're relying on a woman so much that if she decides to switch you out for another penis you'll be left fiending for quarters on the street, good job, I'm sure all the self made men are extremely jealous

lmao I have my own money
be jealous some more you fucking neet

does 6 foot 210 pounds sound like a manlet? no because I look like a fucking model.
ahhhhhhhhahahahahahaha you fucking nerds on 4chins
the normies have invaded

Wow so you're pathetic by choice lmao

hate my life. no confidence, im boring but i have a lot of money.

please biz, how do i get self confidence and meet people while feeling fulfilled? Im very fit but also a manlet. You helped me out a lot this year biz, and if you give me advice on this i will be forever grateful

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That's not a life... That's you converting O2 to CO2. That's all your purpose in life is right now. You need to accept the idea that all your good for or will ever be good for is providing fuel to plants in one way or another. Take solace that at least in death you'll continue to do that.

btw not a virgin but i havent had good sex since june 2016. most of my fucks have been with chicks that i didnt directly want.

>Asking biz for help
Did I just take the bait? Oh well, here's your (you)

Are you fucking high rn? How does that even relate to what I said

when classic wow is released and i can quit my job, live off crypto and play wow all day then i'll be living the dream

Alright I'm gonna assume this is real, you're either so young that you haven't figured it out yet or (if you're past 30) too old and officially lost, which is it user.

Im 27 senpai. Please teach me

Alright first clean your room, then stand up straight, aim high, aim for the highest good, right now in my life the highest good is helping my family succeed, once you change your highest priority your actions will start to change for the better. (Although it will take some serious self policing depending on how far along you are) don't seek expedience or short term pleasure, replace present term thinking with long term thinking (that doesn't mean only think about the future, just plan ahead) seek out responsibilities that will give your life meaning before it's too late, the more responsibility you take on the more meaning your life will have, don't just 'do whatever you want' cause what the fuck do you know, I mean seriously your 19 year old self probably wanted to do whatever he wanted and look where it got him, seek meaning and your life will fall into place.

This is difficult, don't forget it, have sympathy for yourself sometimes, life is suffering and any moment you're not being beheaded by a cartel or killed by Brazilians is a blessing.

Also when you have kids just play with them. As the dad that's your role, teach them about the inexplicable human dominance game by playing all the games with them (not video games, real games outside, sprinkle in video games as a reward), as they get better at soccer with Dad they'll get better at homework and they'll actually want to succeed because they'll know the potential within themselves.

it’s terrible to know that you have no social or economic value, that the cycle reinforces itself, and that every minute you jerk off or play video-games is another step towards your decline and future lack of sex, money or friends. self-pity is your opiate. you know you lack value but you’re too selfish and cowardly fix yourself or to finally end it all

Don't do things with numbered goals in mind, i.e. "I want to make $X.X million by Y age" instead have goals that create positive habits, instead of "I want to lose 60 pounds" say "I want to go to the gym 4 times a week" and just do it, see where it gets you in the future. Just the gym thing will make you more attractive to women and decrease any depression you have.

Yeah don't listen to this guy, self pity is definitely an opiate but unless you're an aspie you have social skills as good as anyone else if you just develop them. And who determines social value lmao?? You can literally move to a new group and have your social value be completely readjusted. If you want economic value, combine meaningful things with useful things, I'm learning Chinese, I already speak English, Spanish and Japanese. It's challenging and meaningful, and I'll be able to charge a company more for my labor because I can speak to communist rice farmers and kawaii females.

lmao. I’m dicking around. I was a NEET until recently. I dropped out of high-school. I don’t have any friends. I’m a virgin. being physically attractive certainly helped me get my job. I put all of my money into Chainlink