HPB is China's EOS

HPB is China's EOS.

You all know what happened when everyone figured out NEO was China's Ethereum. Well his will happen with HPB.

It's 40X cheaper than EOS also!

Id recommend you to take a look at it.

Youtubers are buzzing about it. It will blow up soon

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Hmmm close to buying, but I need to be shilled still

this. i’m on the fence please shill me in the right direction.

They will release before EOS! They have been in development for years before surfacing.

China always make the tech then tell people

I can’t lost links but YouTube HPB- there’s loads of pros telling you it’s a steel at these prices.

In 6 months you will be kicking yourself if u don’t get any

sorry but nobody who knows anything about chinese coins gives two fucks about hpb

its been around since last june so the fact that you're takling now in april 2018 that 'youtubers are buzzing about it' only strengthens that point

just sell your bags and get something better. hell, bitmain themselves recently cosigned matrix heavily, and matrix, so hpb don't even have a chance at their own game in their own country (hardware), and their software is garbage

You're pretty fucking ignorant if you're still calling Neo "China's Eth"

It’s been out since 24th December 2017

Antshares was around almost a year before everyone started buying it.
Also your last paragraph isn’t English just a bunch of random words you’ve put together

I was putting my point across. I own $870k of Neo so know all about it :-)

that's just not true man i was distinctly aware of hpb when i got into antshares

and antshares is different because 1. most people weren't in alts when ants was around 2. people only bought it when they completely changed their product scope

China's EOS is Elastos though.

Damn nigga shiieeeet u trynna drop some NEO for a homie in the streets rn?????

It listed on its first exchange on 24th December 2017.
Look on coinmarketcap and the Ann thread

Owning a bunch of vaporware you bought when it was dirt cheap doesn't necessarily mean you know anything about it. IMO Neo is doomed to fail because 500 gas is way too expensive for a smart contract. Using that as a method of filtering out scams is not worth losing all the legit devs you also filter out.

>make ICO
>upfront $10k to deploy smart contract
>get $20 million if your idea doesn't totally suck
Gee. In any case, they'll probably relax the requirements down the line, once the ecosystem is more mature.

Another centralized chink coin. Thanks China.

There's way more to smart contracts than ICOs. It's like having a version of the internet where it costs 10k-20k to launch a website. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll never buy Neo.

It Tou don’t want to look at it fair enough!
Don’t cry next year when it’s X20+

China's EOS is EOS.

Like I give a fuck about these copycat scams lol

China don’t play by he western rules. They do there own thing! Like neo

Do they use ethereum? Do they use Uber or Facebook or google?

China will use HPB! Simples! Plus it’s released before EOS so how can it copy them when it’s ahead of them? You doughnut

>China always make the tech then tell people


Attached: qQxbZ8TN_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Let's see what came out of China lately
centralized scam ran by the company posing as a cryptocurrency. Code base is garbage
Fake partnerships, closed source code, pnd shitcoin
Stupid westerners keep buying into these scams.

looks like he's got nothing bad to say about WTC boys. all in

Attached: wtc.jpg (576x1024, 72K)

Thank you faggot

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