Can someone please defend Donald Trump's actions to throw $100bn more tariffs on the Chinese?

Can someone please defend Donald Trump's actions to throw $100bn more tariffs on the Chinese?

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Its called turnabouts Fairplay. Fuck the chinks.

Why not?

yea fuckem

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>Expecting the Chinese to play fair.

No amount of tariffs will stop them.

in tit-for-tat trade war, china runs out of tats pretty quick.

Make the chinks pay Americas' debt. Pretty simple.

Make them pay the loans america owe them back to themselves, genius.

Totally genius.

kill all the chinks, genius

>we give ourselves a loan
>we make china give us a loan
>we start a trade war with china to help pay back the loan we took out to ourselves
>and theirs
I don't see the problem

When all is said and done China is going to end up paying for the border wall. Trump is a true genius.

i hope we don't run out of tits

any time someone tells trump not to do something, he does it.

If you tell him that you want a trade war, he will cancel it.

by increasing the cost of goods for every American.

>are you the guy that failed his economics test?

He was born rich so he's never learned adversity, empathy, or rational thought. End of story.

Chickenhawks want a new war for profits. It's not they whose gonna be on the frontline after all. And there's lots of oil in coastal China.

you need to pay back your $1.17 trillion debt to China somehow

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What will I do without all my cheap chink shit, oh noooooo


he learned multiple times how to run an enterprise into the ground, so he's applying those skills again

China's government gives the country's businesses unfair advantages over foreign firms. This is Trump's way of taking a stand over the issue.

1 upvote

Didnt you notice what happened when Obama dindu nuffin for 8 years?
The ouctome is vague but Trump is at least fighting for you goys.

take it to the WTO then. oh that's right, the WTO is a impartial panel of experts, doesn't fit into the 'america is always right' narrative.


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give me evidence of 'corruption' involving the dispute settlement process within the WTO.

Implying we need to ask permission to make pro-American trade policies. Implying the WTO has the authority to stop China from manipulating their currency. etc

like i said 'america is always right' narrative. the reason you guys don't like the WTO is because it makes you realize that america has the most complaints against it and also loses the vast majority of cases brought against them.

the WTO legitimatizes tariffs in these disputes by providing a fair arbitration process that includes all the agreed upon rules that each member abides by when they join the WTO.

but fuck that right? merica.

You seem to be unfamiliar with Jow Forums posting culture. Jow Forums is a Trump free zone, user. We'll give you a pass this one time, but now that you know please refrain from it in the future. Thank you, and enjoy yourself.


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>Forcing obsolete nationalism in a globalist economy.

I want everyone who defends trump on this board to ask themselves when is the last time they bought anything made in America. If they can legitimately point to everything in their house and say that it was made in America, then maybe we can have a conversation.

Trump is literally all in on bitcoin right now, doing his best to crash the world economy so BTC pumps like fucking crazy. Greatest businessman who ever lived.

give us evidence it isnt

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foreign Jew detected

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I have some t-shirts made in America. I have some guitars made in America. My dogs were made in America. Trump is a god. Trump gave me my dogs. Thanks to him and Ivanka having sex I have 2 beautiful dogs I adopted.

It seems like a stupid idea, but if it helps the economy in the long-term, then whatever.

Problem is, it won't, and it's not helping us in the short-term either. It's flat out fucking stupid. The economy was all this guy had going for him and he's losing it. If the economy is tanking next year he can kiss his second term goodbye.

the default assumption is that the dispute settlement process is fair because it rationalizes it's rulings and provides a venue for each member to present their case. insofar no member has provided any evidence that the panels have ever been corrupted. the WTO consists of 164 different members. the dispute settlement process is fair and transparent using existing rules that all members have agreed upon.

eat a dick.

so we stop buying chink metal for cheaper then american steel is sold for. You want to make america great again? keep american money in america

>importing chinese knockoffs

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get fucking btfo trumptard

Tariffs on China mean that more shit will be made in North America and that means more jobs and prosperity here at home. People without college degrees will be able to get real manufacturing jobs instead of flipping burgers.

can someone please defend being such a vagina you keep a bad deal that screws us?

We need to bring industry back to U.S.

Just to impress blue collar workers for the midterm elections. The US dollar is the world's most important reserve currency. A privilege that is defended with the biggest defense budget in the world. Americans can print money and it will automatically have a value since goods like oil are traded with it. So why not use this privilege to buy goods from all over the world?

just to impress? this is our lives dude, you can either buy shit tier goods from korea or buy american made and employ your fellow american. god forbid if the corporate world takes a hit on profits.... this is how we keep jobs in america and keep our trades paid

what about printing 1.17 trillion dollars?

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100 bill ? That's it? There's so much money in the world. One guy even has 27 Trillion. Go look up shit


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>thinking that everything being made in China is an argument against tariffs

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China holds at least two trillion dollars if not more. They are the country that buys our bonds that finance our out of control spending more than we take in w/ tax's. So, go China stop buying our debt bonds, that will fuck the Americans.

didn't address my statement in the least!
>i win

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The yuan is basically just a worthless shitcoin that the chinks can print at will, and we allow them to exchange it for our assets


That’s the point dipshit.

China sells a fuck load more stuff to us then the US sells to them. China gets fucked in a trade war.

Perfect example that they don't even know what they are doing is tariffs on US soybeans. Only a complete moron would tariff food on a 1.3 billion population country.

400 billion dollar trade deficit, currency manipulation, complete theft of intellectual property. We’ve been in a trade war with China that we haven’t even been fighting.

There isn't a country on this planet that comes close to US consumption. The closest is the EU, but they are still behind the states. Everytime I hear someone say this is going to hurt the US worse than China, I know they are either an idiot, or a shill for keeping the gravy train going for china. The chinese could end this by making concessions, instead they want to bluff and "pay any cost" which will help the US and hurt China in the long term. China has competition when it comes to cheap labor, there is no competition for the US consumption of goods.

No shit. This should have happened 20 years ago.

This. The chinese are great at mass starvation, theft, and fraud. They have never won a single fucking war in their history.

>replace a 1.17 trillion debt to the Chinese with a 1.17 trillion debt to Goldman and JPMorgan
good goy

There is nothing that China provides that we can't provide for ourselves, or get from somewhere else.

>overtly optimistic burger

Yes, they can give up their best bargaining chip by selling off US treasuries, and impose tariffs that dwarf the amounts we can impose on them. And then where are they going to go? There is no other country that can fill the void left by the US. Explain to me how the US loses in the long run, and China wins? Because I have to pay more for some shit I don't need?

This should have been dealt with in the 90's or early 2000's, and here we are now. Completely out of control, and the longer you wait, the harder it will get.

Cause he's a dumb fucking cuck and biz is in denial.

We could have played nice with China and let them break our arbitrary IP laws under the capitalist framwork but now the man baby is gonna throw a fit and blow the whole damn sysyem up and China has no qualms about this either.

Capitalism has many contradictions Ed boy.

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>brainlet detected
most of americas debt is to china

I don't give a fuck what happens as a consequence of not getting cheap Chinese shit imported here. It's going to take a decade or two to dig us out of this fucking cheap shit heroin-like products that the US has become addicted to.

Trump will win since they'll run out of products to tariff before we do.

Buy US products, or at the very least, products from Western countries and Japanese/Korean/Slavosphere products. The world will be a better place for your children because of it.

>ed boy

Taking financial advices from a cartoon network fag Millen

The Federal Reserve, you mean.

That's essentially what China has been doing for years now, except that they just print money to buy gold and now people holding their money assume that it has value.

There's no shame in factory work, candyass.

Better start selling while your stocks are worth something, fag.

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Fuck your unelected one world government orgs, chang goldberg

Because you can now buy oil with the yuan via a futures gold exchange, it's the first big attack on the petro-dollar and thus the US currency reserve status. America are just going to lie down and take the biggest threat to the party their monetary policy like a little bitch? The BRIC countries are making their fist move against the reserve status of the dollar, they want SDR to be the new 'reserve' money.

America doesn't want that to happen, and trade wars are the pre-empt of real wars (Germany didn't do shit until they got squeezed economically), China's whole economy is built around trade and exports, their environment is fucked, they import all their food and baby formula (look at a2m share price for the past year).

When push comes to shove, do you really want to fuck with the country with the defense forces that has so much force projection they can murder people with RV planes? Sure there have been empires in the past, but America would have zero issue fucking with china, they have no food security, they have no force projection, America could easily blockade & wreck their export game, block their import game (good luck feeding over a billion people when you've fucked your land through decades of pollution), America know this which is why you're getting the trade war, they are negotiating better terms (read: killing the yuan oil future).

As for the 'china will fuck with the US', look at what happened when OPEC tried to jack up the price of oil a decade ago, they thought we'll constrict supply and make america pay us more money, what happened? Amerifucks took shale oil from a crazy idea to something that is cheaply produced, effectively giving America decades of resource secuirty from their own supply, not to mention effectively capping the price. The US are, by their nature, radical problem solvers, when they are up against a wall, they come up with shit better than anyone else.

Literally came out days ago & now this trade war shit heats up, it's not rocket science.

>yeah, fuck the chinks!
>usa number 1!
>has a portfolio full of erc20 chink shitcoins
never change biz, never change.

What will happen is NATO and the SCO (Chinese nato) will bump heads economically.
Only a fucking moron would think America won't be effected by this in any way by massive tariffs and sanctions from SCO allies like Russia and India and Chinese tariffs, ofc.

China is basically the largest consumer of our products.

Oh an your notion that Americans are "go getters" is sophomoric idealism.

Americans are proven retards who lack critical or even fundamental thinking with a short sense of history.
When they recently refused to sell tech/goods to China,
China buys the same exact/better tech from South Korea/Japan/Germany/Europe/Taiwan/Singapore.
or even worse, produce a better domestic alternative to be less dependent on American components (i.e Taihu/domestic semiconductors/processors/The Chinese space program)

In the end, Americans will not only lose their customers in China but China itself will grow stronger in the process.
The same exact process happened in 60s/70s Japan/Germany and 00s Korea.
Locals will simply buy more local products in spite of American protectionism and just like that, America definitively loses another market.
Only this time, the American govt is in no position to bail them out.

The main reason why Americans had such a massive deficit is that their products are simply not competitive on the global stage.
At current time, there is no American import that can decisively outcompete the Japanese/Koreans/Germans/Chinese in most if not all market segments.

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You're probably some alt right tard that thinks we only get trinkets from them. You have no idea what you are talking about.

The funny thing was the Chinese were planning to enter the American market
and they were prepared to open up factories & set up shops IN the American hinterland just to get market access.
Literally, every Chinese brand from cars/drones/smartphones/consumer appliances/motorcycles to Financial services/construction
Just imagine how many jobs would be created from that alone. And yes like the Japanese before, they are willing to hire AMERICAN and revitalise communities.

Even Chinese car companies like Wey/GAC/Geely were even negotiating hard with American dealerships towards getting mkt access.
But it all had to be put on hold because the US in their pettiness/arrogance couldn't see the bigger picture.

I laughed my ass off when I read that headline. The chinks don't trust their own food supply. Especially, their growing middle class.

Yet their food is fresher than yours.
Explain, Burger

Foreign debt nigger. Doesn't include domestic which is bigger by a huge margin.

>hurrr lets lets a communist state that just elected someone for life to push us around.

Fuck the chinks. They are agressive until you stand up to them.

I agree to some extent, tho, many of those jobs were set to be automated, imo. Though it still would have orivudes marginal increase in jobs and an increase in productivity which means a better general standard of living and higher real wages.

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Soy is a big part of their diet. Their fresh food isn't going to fill their stomachs. Look what happened to oakies during the great depression when people could only eat greens.

>with out soy China will implode.

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The thing is China had already secured its food supply from their investments/partners in Africa/South America/Southeast Asia/Australia/Russia/Europe, as well as their own farmland.
They will simply replace the US as China's agricultural importer, become richer and America will become poorer for it.

Some reading material:

The Chinese are the ones who created the entire base for agriculture/fisheries for the entire Pacific coast.
To say they can't farm is stupidity at best

100b is nothing lol

bill gates has that much

God damn Jow Forums is dumb.
Imagine what would happen if Bills assets just vanished.
Millions of people would be out of work the economy would take a massive hit.

God damn, go back to b.

well all that shit was likely to happen anyway wasn't it, at least this we broke up with them

image for ants

you retarded sack of crap

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Coke vs Pepsi, all politics are the same they just have slightly different flavours.
grow up

'Fresh', as in, sat in an outside market surrounded by flies all day before you buy it.

Also, in terms of non-fresh goods, Chinese don't trust some common products like Baby milk powder, because one of their domestic producers added some shit to it which killed a bunch of babies.

America salaries are only sustained by a differentiating factor on added value, if you want to produce the same as China then you're going to get Chinese salaries sooner or later.

>Baby milk powder, because one of their domestic producers
Last time, I checked
Half if not most of the blame lie solely on Fonterra, a NZ milk producer, despite Sanlu being the convenient scrapegoat.

The QC law regarding Milk powder formula has been implemented ever since that scandal and is successfully enforced.
And it is safe.

Anyways, the Chinese domestic milk producers are growing ever stronger, despite that crisis and in spite of your opinion.

The media can paint a picture that confidence is growing, but the thousands of people crossing the Honk Kong border every day with suitcases full of it tells a different story. Hong Kong sales of baby powder are massive.

China has placed a cap on the amount you can carry over the border because it's damaging domestic sales. Another example of their protectionist policies in play.

I doubt confidence will be recovered completely for more than another generation. When you consider that Chinese babies are usually raised by both their mother and maternal grandmother, the current generation of mothers will not have their grandchildren consuming the domestic produced stuff either.

Also, a Jow Forums idea for anyone there. If you can figure a way to smuggle truckloads of baby powder into China, you'll will make a fucking killing.