Why is German so difficult

Why is German so difficult

Attached: kaleczony ostrzem słów.png (320x467, 65K)

It's not, just study Latin and then append -en at the end of every word, there is surely a German word built like that, synonim of the actual germanic word you are trying to remember.

whats even the point it takes 50% longer to say something than in English anyway

Git gut polack

i literally get a headache when i try to read it

warum willst du deutsch lernen?

its not you retardo

Du bist das auto.

Deutsch lernen ist in, Jung.

Geil Post.

I want to have a better life

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to learn german

Ich möchte gern im Bremen leben und Becks trinken jeder Tag

German is a meme language

it's worthless


No, Germany is not so different from English in many ways. At least, understandable for English learner.
But the sex in noun is pretty bad. That sucks.

German is much much more difficult than English

German is easy as fuck.
Russian is hard.

for example?

>German is easy as fuck.
those articles
it's a meme language

no examples
it's just harder

it really depends on the level you want to achieve.
obviously one could learn german for maybe 1-2 years and have everyday conversations.
but its very likely that you need up to double digit years living in germany for speaking like a local and it is probably impossible for foreigners to level up to goethe/schiller.

also it depends on the root family of the language you want to learn in combination with your mothertongue.

Thanks for good example of your IQ.

fucking med student detected hier

begriff, dass du dafur nicht geeignet bist, diese ubersprache zu lernen

what fucking examples do you expect? what kind of full of stupidity question even is that?

german has conjugated adjectives, articles and corresponding to them pronoun, which english lacks

hdf huso

Hey, at least you arent a german who would like to know a westslavic language. Your cases are nightmares manifested into grammar.

Attached: modern arch in poland.jpg (1024x652, 115K)

i actually feel sorry for everyone, who is trying learn polish

we even have different forms of nouns depending on case for example:
Nominativ (mianownik): Dech (Atmenzug)
Dativ (celownik): Tchu (???)

Yeah, a czech told me that instead of random articles you prefer random endings of words to indicate one of the 4 (!) genders. I think it were like 14 possible endings in total?
Another reason we preffered to stay niem(c)y.

yea endings are totally random when i'm thinking about it, can't literally find any rule but the good part (or maybe not) that we don't have pronouns at all

Do you want to study in germany? Or do you want to apply for a job? My first gf was polish and came as an Aupair girl to learn the language and study afterwards. Nice thing is, many German universities offer 'studien kolleg' where you get taught the language till you pass the entry level exam at uni. You need to apply for a place, but it was quite easy for my gf, even with her average high school degree. Maybe that helps you?

not him, but I learn German to land a better job in Poland
also I really like the language, like the sound of it

Why in deutsch the s is z ?? Sie is zi and the z is s sie sind say us zi zind

And why is the p as faul

halp your barbarian bruder

>learning french
>have to learn what genders are

Attached: just euthanise my shit up.jpg (720x540, 115K)

you may not like it here. the invasion of mudslime and niggers is no meme unfortunately. its real.
also eastern european employees will not earn the same amount of money as somebody fluent in german with german degrees.
especially in medicine the degree stuff is pretty complicated.
on top of that germany is pretty expensive if you live in the wrong town.

>learning german

Learn the superior language i.e, French.

I said in Poland you dingus

French is gay lol

Lithuania has the best Girls in the world by far.

Fuck off Polish is easy us he'll for (((((East))))) ((((slavs))))

Я jestem jestescie
Tы jesteś jestesmy
Oн on
Oнa ona
Oни oni
Mы my
Bы wy
Их ich
Eгo jego
Moй mój
Tвoй twój
Haш nasz
Baш wasz

idzi nachuj brudny polak jebałem twóju staru matku kurwa mac blyat

But i dont wanna fight you only russins can win against russins i come to this thread for niemiecki jezyk

DDR german bro plz halp

I think the Aupair option is available (at least in germany) till you're 27 old. I don't know whether you're into that, but it would be at least a cheap option to live for some time in D. My chef hosted already two aupairs, one from France, the other from Ecuador I think. There are online platforms where you can search for it, also to avoid creeps. hmmm... if you live close to the border, you could also go for some couch surfing in Berlin. Berlin has the advantage that most people are quite open, but the disadvantage that their muslims causing trouble as well. Leipzig abd Dresden are options too, but I heard that there happen more frequently 'polophobic' things due to skinheads etc...but still safe I think if you stay clear from some areas at night. hope this is helpful for you :)

Thanks for the advice but once again, read my post I said IN POLAND ;_;
Living in such a dynamic and loud country like Germany is not for me

I don't know how much do you spend for your german lessons or whether you learn it by yourself. However, there are also online lessons available, check out e.g. italki.com,a Spanish colleague of mine was learning English with this platform and said it's quite ok. never tried it myself, so don't have first hand xp. Especially speaking/listening comprehension is good to learn via online lessons. I gave once a Vietnamese qt German lessons and she sent me a cute postcard :3 that was really nice

I wish you good luck polebro with your further German learning endeavors :)

Hello i am russian barbarian bodybuilder the life made my grendmother to immigrant to jewland

But I am not Jew I am orthodox pagan
can u halp me german master race bro

Soon Germany in Russia will be toghter against the Americans Polacks and baltics

I hate fucking sabhuman polacks baltics and Americans Englos

So I wanna be ready and I want to speak and write in Germanic but I need halp since I steady my salf and no one halp me with my German

So mabe some German will halp us the pepole who love the old German cultur and against the new American coco cola trash niger cultur so I ask you can u halp me with pronunciation

If yes let's start from this first post

How do you pronunciation this "e" and "ei" and blyat "ie" ???

How do you pronunciation "ä" "ö" and "ü"

How do you pronunciation "k" "z" and "c"

German pronunciation of the fucked up "ch"

And German pronunciation of the "s" and blyat "ß" "st" and the most hard of all who I realy can anderstend is the pronunciation of the fucking "sch"

German pronunciation of "au" "äu" and "eu"

Pronunciation of "f" and "w" and "v"

Pronunciation of "h"

And how do you pronunciation of the
short and long vowels ??

German pronunciation of the "ng" and "nk"

German pronunciation of "sp"

Pronunciation of "t" and "d"

Pronunciation of "p" and "b"

Pronunciation of "k" and "g"
The polish sabhuman can learn with us the master race Russians and germans

Sieg heill o/

From Putin with love

Attached: 4L_W8MxaNv7.jpg (480x480, 45K)

Bump /b/rothers

very aggressive post

Hello doktor akagi don't worry I will not beat you to death the hard life made me to be like this wild and barbarian anti the modern world strong full of musculs cave man

Arminius is my real model btw

ich habe eine reichlich bratwüst im meine lederhosen

Sverige sa att Du är en finsk ündermansch :)

Är Sverige son säger sanningen ??