OMG will be 1,000 dollars EOY HURRRR

>OMG will be 1,000 dollars EOY HURRRR

OMG is already post-moon.

Are you people retarded or just very new?

You're about 8 months late to OMG. Everything they promised, even distant visions of revenue in the next 5 years, are PRICED IN at the current valuation.

Attached: omise_orig.png (646x223, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Daily reminder that bag holders are basically buying tokens that smart money bough for pennies in July.

The price of the token is the same it is now than it was in August.

You could have done better investing in shitty ass index funds.


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From what I understand, this is akin to claiming a blue chip, dividend paying company's stock potential is priced in, while the company is still in its infancy. Unless you're a tiny black man or I'm falling for obvious bait, that is

You could say the same about almost any newer token or coin. If you rode the waves, you would have made many times the gains of an idex fund.

lolz this
its just following the BTC trend, almost a year and no working product, chinky team, high marketcap. this shit is post moon

I truly hope you are not this stupid...

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I might just be, then. The reason folks get excited about OmiseGo has little to do with token price in the interim

If Im wrong, Id love some education user. I have some OMG holding, still in the green, but if you can offer a stranger some reliable FUD, Id be more than willing to change my opinion

what are you doing jamesy? havent you fudded enough to raise awareness for your thailand leg lengthening surgery?

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Smart money rode that shit to $4-8.00 and bailed the fuck out, moved their money to ANS -> NEO and become millionaires.

I can't even fathom why anyone would look at this shit, Ethereum at current price levels has much more upside potential.

Crypto has always been about explosive growth.

OMG is already valued at a billion US dollars, there's no chance in hell a Jungle Gook venture capital with ICO crowdfunding is ever going to attain 2 billion, especially considering they have no working software.

And if you're looking for fixed income, why in the name of sweet fuck would you be looking at mickey mouse crypto garbage when you can invest in REAL securities with REAL assets that have billions in r revenue and are legally mandated you pay you a monthly dividend, like REITs?

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>Being so insecure that you think everyone that points out what a shitty coin your holding is James Edwards.

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Your post comes across as unsubstantiated FUD, exactly because you provide no backing for your claims

Dude look at the fucking chart.

This garbage is worth exactly as much as it was back in August. In one year, you'll have made ZERO Percent in profit.

Why would you pay a billion dollars for a White Paper with Vitalik's name on it?

If I got you some of Vitalik's used ass-wipe, would you pay $10,000 for a 1-foot 2-ply strip with a skid mark?

Ok so then this like buying ETH at $10 instead of $0.30

What is your height and skin color

how much does it cost to get it done in Thailand? Probably cheaper.

Hell maybe you can pay for the height increase surgery with OmiseGO once they integrate with hospitals

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speaking of no backing for their still have no working product

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6'2" and yellow

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nah, wallet SDK has been used by big fish. obvious FUD thread is obvious.

>wallet SDK
>A working product

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Thats a pretty fair point, user. IMO for the space, theyre meeting deadlines nicely though. Im curious, what are your picks in the market?

More like buying ETH at $1100 if we adjust the market caps.

Nah man, OMG is totally going to have a 100 billion dollar market cap.
1000 dollars EOY

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>Big Fish

>Literally downloaded 12 times by basement dwellers to tinker with.

Shitting on STINKIES is at least amusing, they take it with stride.

You jungle Gook skateboardfags are just sad.

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choose one, famalam

The proposed product that is not currently working has been priced in.

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>5 posts by this ID
i remember the other night you almost had 50! tonight's your night though. i can feel it.

At the current valuation, not only is a working Plasma based network priced in, but so are 5 years of revenue, simulated at the most delusional, optimistic levels of adoption.

Of course a mobile app used for micro-payments in south east Asia by jungle Gooks who wear leaves on their feet won't have a chance in hell of being adopted outside of Indonesia and the Failpenis.

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Wait, I thought the other guy is your oppressive FUD nigger?

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>priced in
This reverse shill post gave me quite a chuckle user

Not telling because I'm still accumulating but think about this, why would you advertise before the product is out? The only money that will come in pre-release is from speculators so they can dump on you. Real projects don't give a fuck how many people are on board or not until the product releases. Why would anyone care unless the money they make is coming from the investors themselves? OMG has done nothing in months but spew hot air.

Manlet nigger james edwards pretends to shill and fud with a vpn..hes losing his mind

it's an impressive level of determination you have there. for being a faggot, i mean. much better than "THEIR CUSTOMERS DON'T EXIST"

anywho, here's your last (You) from me:

was BTC "priced in" when it went from $0-100? or was it $100-1000? $20,000? and ETH, is it priced in now? what about ANS? when was that priced in? how about AAPL in 2002?

do you really think OMG is priced in as a global network validator capable of a million transactions per second? do you think that maybe adoption will play a role in the price of an OMG token? do you know who has adopted OMG and Plasma yet?


screencapped and will be reposting this thread constantly when an OMG is unironically $500 apiece


They also have no real customers and no revenue. But that's a separate matter.

The ICO and the non-existent token were just a way to crowdfund their failing business.

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Niggerbrain cum stain. Cryptomedicated bought high and now hes larping like he makes money. That lil nigga prolly is worth 2 grand tops and doesnt pay rent at his mommas house

This kills the miglet.

This coin is a scam. I bought it at $18 and now its $9 lmao, what a fucking joke, I got jun'd. worst performing coin out there next to trx and verge

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>was BTC "priced in" when it went from $0-100? or was it $100-1000? $20,000?
That was based on speculation. Everyone already knows what this shit will do.
Sure thing, schizo.

>Comparisons to BTC and ETH

Said literally every delusional bagholder of every other dying or already dead Shitcoin in existence since Shitcoins came to life in 2016.

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The absolute state of biz psychics

This might of actually been possible before the news hit. RIP crypto.

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The absolute STATE of OMGoys.

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Miglet. Im glad im not a short fag lel

Thanks for warning me about omg. I know biz always has peoples best interests at heart.


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we all know its just you posting with a VPN midget faggot. Do you cry every time OMG gets another partnership? Sorry you got Rekt with Req you fucking retarded faggot.

We know its u miglet. How's it feel when i can go on tinder and find some pussy in 20 mins.

Being black and short makes it impossible for u hehehe

I'm never felt so comfy holding a crypto before. This amount of FUD in one thread. OMGizes are going to make it.

This nigger midget LARP really makes you OMGook bagholders look weak and unconvincing.

The sad reality is, that even this niglet has more going for him in his life, than you.

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always posting an image and complimenting the midget faggot. Sup james? Hows your friday night going?

He does? He larps on biz all day and hes black.

Gee sounds like a real success. Hehe

>I'm never felt so comfy holding a crypto before. This amount of FUD in one thread. OMGizes are going to make it.

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Damn james how many ids do u have.
I bet ur biggest fear is talking to a chick online and she tall are you.

Game over hehehe

There are what, eight separate nigger manlets in this thread?

U should focus more on dating when ur young and solidifying a girl thats loyal before its too late. Being short black and old is a death sentence so if u act now an obese roastie may settle.

Or u can waste your youth fudding omg heheh

Sure, sure. Me and the other 8 or so James Edwards should be worried about that. God, you OMGoons are stupid.

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Times tickin and u aint getting any less black or taller

so stupid we're into a coin that signed an MOU with the biggest credit card company in south korea guess I'll go kms.

Will i make it with 2k omg ?

Half is nothing, req went down 90%, ether went down 75%, Bitcoin 66%.
Quit being a faggot because I'd mommy didn't feed u enough milk when growing up migger

Wow! It's fucking NOTHING!

it definitely means Omise doesn't exist right little faggot?

U keep coming back for more abuse. An adult being bullied on the internet for being a migger. And here u thought ur bullying days were over in high school lol


Migger got fired because his writing is shit and he was embarrasing. It took a week

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Read his twitter shit is hillarious. This migger is fucking mental and his boss fired his ass because hes a retarded arrogant idiot

>FUD about skateboards and McDonald's with slurs about Asians
>'mugger' shitposting about how everyone in the thread is some dude, with slurs about blacks

I hold OMG and threads about it on this board are a complete waste of time

When staking? When retire from staking gains with 500 OMG?

500 dollars a year is enough for retirement?

Go niglet

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Migger is fudding again. Third pump coming soon.

true, everytime he fuds it goes up. literally no one listens to him and he got fired from his shitty blogging job lmao.

No need for proper discussion about OMG. Anyone with half a brain already knows.
We've had months of little to no talk about OMG and then this migger came along and started a heap of FUD single handed. So we gotta have fun with him.

LMFAO. Fired from his job and tried to make himself look like a victim. Has a meltdown and uses fake twitter accounts to back himself up.

This migger needs to see a psychiatrist

>Migger migger migger migger
OMGoons are too predictable!

hows it feel to get fired from writing about magical internet beans.



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btw Im reporting your twitter for defamation and harrassment/conspiracy to commit harm.

Have fun losing all your work

Look at these fucking losers.

Anons, don't become bagholders emotionally married to a failed investment.

Don't end up like these people. Let them stew in their filth and poverty.

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reported your twitter migger. haha you wasted 2 months fudding and abusing people online and then you got a big steamy crap taken on your midget face. Serves your right

what information is this image attempting to transmit?

Thats James Edwards, he got doxxed on biz after creating all of these omisego fud threads. His twitter account is cryptomedicated and hes having a public meltdown right now.

But as for the image, its hillarious because hes a tough guy on the internet and actually a 5 foot tall black adult

Wonder how much pamp we'll get when they release the hard spoon date.

The fomo will be beautiful.

HAHHAHAHAHA That fucking idiot got robbed of $1,000 because he wouldnt delete tweets.

Fucking nigger logic right there - writes shitty articles, tries to play the race card, gets arrogant, and then gets shut the fuck down.

I love seeing black crypto guru experts. They are as dumb with money as 97% of blacks

Migger the early years.

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LMAO. dude read his twitter its comedy gold. He went on a psychosis breakdown because his boss said his articles were shitty and then he thought he was playing the system by not deleting them.

Migga played himself out of $1,000. I woulda just deleted the tweets and threw that $1k into a discounted ICO right now.

Damn reading his mentally unstable Twitter posts makes me believe he probably still is on Jow Forums with his imaginery vendetta against omg


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Omise nigger had a mental breakdown

Bumping to warn others never to buy tokens well past their moon phase and become bitter bagholds.

fuck off migger. you're a fraud and have no talent. get a real job

Press S to spit on your face

its that same victimizing do no work mindset that all of you niggers on welfare have. complete leeches to society and you find your calling through shit like crypto.

literal scum of society and should be put down in an alleyway for trying to defame honest hard working people