Who here bagholding a plush pepe?

who here bagholding a plush pepe?

since they are sold out everywhere, how much do you guys think it will be worth EoY?

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knowing the demographic of people who would buy a bunch of these id be really hesitant to buy a preowned one.

They're currently worth between $100-$200 if they're in new condition.

If/When there is another bull market, I can see them picking up towards $400 as there will be no more produced.

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jesus christ this board is done

ive still got mine inside the plastic sealed bag it came in, im guessing a few other people here have done the same thing

wew, im getting better returns on a plush frog over my shitcoins

>bagholding something you can physically hold
Get out of here boomerfag... plush pepe 0 eoy

grow up

starting to think this is a butthurt samefag that missed out

i own one and I rigged it up with wires where it can be posed in different positions for different photos

also made an ss uniform for him

wonder if this is worth anything

>also made an ss uniform for him
dress him in it and post a pic, would be willing to pay $500 if uniform looked good and fit it well

I got mine in the last batch

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>all of those dog hairs

wew laddy

Of all the time in this board, this is probably the only time i felt missing out. :'(

ok, will do, give me a minute

>fomo-ing into pepe plushies at ATH

the absolute state of salty non-plushies

gotta finish up sewing the collar and adding a few details but gladly will find the motivation to do for 500 bucks

all of his face, arms, and legs and I think toes are wired with copper wire so you can pose him in pretty much any direction

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Shave ur legs


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Nice, only real question is what site would let it be listed.

i'm up for any ideas you have!

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Dude needs a Nazi hat for sure.

Could just use ebay or amazon and not use a pic of it in an SS uniform now that I think about it, doubt they'd catch on and shut it down. do you have a seller account on either one already?

Hat would be cool but probably hard to do.

no but I can gladly try and make an ebay account
that or an etsy

do you have discord? might be easier to coordinate it through there

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Maybe chrochet one. I learned in prison. Can take time to get it looking tight but cheap otherwise.

I could give it a shot
I can knit but not the best at crocheting

Knitting needles were forbidden unless you were staff (this was juvenile). So, did you go to prison or are you some femanon?

the latter

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I setup a temp discord, pepefan#4715

Our secret.


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tru. I'm getting better returns on counter strike skins. wish I bought more