I'm seriously tired about all of the FUD surrounded by this project. Verge is the best privacy coin period...

I'm seriously tired about all of the FUD surrounded by this project. Verge is the best privacy coin period. We're about to get smart contract integration and ring singnatures, and we're already faster than XMR.

Laugh all you want when the announcement comes out I'm going to be rich as fuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You'll be able to buy at least 3 shitting streets!

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only redditor SJW cucks hate it and ar just pissy because they are gay for Monero

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You're mad that XVG is #3 in terms of gains today on coinmarketcap in the top 100. LMAO Stay poor faggot $15 EOY

No worries senpai-a-lam. I learned on The Wolf of Wall Street movie that there is no such thing as bad press. XVG is the coin on everyone's lips, it is becoming more well known. Even with FUD there is much to praise this coin about relative to many other coins. All is well.

>lol u mad

I honestly don't give a fuck. It's just fun to see xvagene fags get so worked up over this shitcoin.

Keep bitching faggot that's why this "shitcoin" is outperforming you're entire portfolio

Anonymity, fast transactions, and store of value. XVG IS Satoshi's vision. I'm screenshoting this thread so I can laugh at you in 2 weeks.

and you can buy hot sauce with it

>you're entire portfolio

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not an argument

English is a new thing in pajeetistan

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Fucjk you bitch. Just because I am from India dosen't mean my name is Pajeet.

I'm not sure which would be more reasonable to do. To keep schooling you delusional retards how vague Verge is or ignore it. It's weird to think about how much time I have put into researching how shit it really is, explaining it to you guys plain and simple, and get responses like 'FUD and HODL'
Fuck this coin and the normie shillers, you DO NOT deserve my attention. You guys might make more money out of hype alone, but be careful - these might become the deepest bags ever.

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You keep saying shitcoin but that dosen't explain why XVG is literally on the MOON. The best coins (XVG, TRX, and ChainLink) have hype because they are good tech.

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Trx has a future. Link is lol but might make it, unlikely though. Verge is just trash run by a scammer.

If verge is so good why can't they fix it? When are they going to fix the coin?

fix coming soon

Monero fags are so lulzy

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The thief is getting away with millions of verge by mining a block every second. Why is this allowed to go on for days without a fix? What happens when it all gets dumped on the market? Why can't they fix the coin?

Nobody knows how, its too high tech

>and we're already faster than XMR
Yeah every second 1560 fresh coins into the hacker's wallet, so fucking fast.

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hahaha fucking rekt

Haawhaa , yes indeed newfriend, that was a neato phun our compadre just wrote wasn't it!

That avatar of neckless wojak attached surely makes for the icing on the cake!

Glad us no-vergers can stick together in times like this when all is in a sea of red apart from verge.

tty soon friendster !

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Dumbasses: The Thread

Gotta give you shills some credit. You guys have been working overtime to try to unload your bags. But you're still fuckin retards.

Should I buy now or wait for another bump?
It looks like a slow rising befor some multiple pump and bump but it shouldnt lower 900Stats

Whahaha, nice larp. Nothing about this shitcoin is real, not even their shills on biz.

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It’s not FUD when the blockchain is exploitable. Those bags are heavy aren’t they, fag?

Unironically reminds me of pic related.

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This, unironically

Notice how the Jew strikes out when he is called out

Verge just became a top 20 coin by market cap. How is it possible for a compromised coin like Verge to surpass solid coins like OMG and Nano? This is unreal.

Nah, just a fellow larping bizraeli. Would be boring without them.

The magic of buy the rumor, sell before the news on the 17th hit.

Biz will never, EVER understand what makes a coin popular and profitable.

Buy the rumor shouldn't apply to a coin with a compromised blockchain. With all the orphan blocks that occurred how are people even getting their coins to the exchange if they want to sell? Who the fuck is even mining the coin besides the person controlling the exploit? I know zpool and suprnova dropped verge and those are major mining pools that usually provide a lot of hashrate to the coin.

They literally can't transfer and sell. Attacker mines empty blocks and deposits on all major exchanges are disabled. Pumping on borrowed time.

its litterally like so much betterer than you're porfolios innit.

Yea, people are buying up xvg now because the coin is doomed (which EVERYONE HAS HEARD ABOUT BY NOW) and they want bags.

Remember how nano tanked with the bitgrail news? The market is not slow to react. It has reacted and it seems that it doesn't care.

Insiders know how massive the 17th April partnership is going to be and even terrible news of an exploit can't bring the price down. Verge may enter the top 5.

The JUSTing will be epic. Can't wait for the inevitable implosion.

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reddit will be hilarious to read, just like the last time it sunk hard.

Yeah massive indeed, but prior to the 17th.

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Verge is not even a top 5 privacy coin.

Verge isn't even a privacy coin at all.

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