I just wanna make a lot of money
I just wanna make a lot of money
me just want buy expensive snuff / guro
Ez, get to know ppl. Rich ppl.
most rich people only associate with other rich people
I just want to make 20k a year without wageslaving
Just enough to pay rent and go to my favorite cheap Asian buffet regularly
Is that too much to ask for?
i just want to be able to fuck one 3 star whore just once a week
How much are you willing to pay?
I just want to be a burden to society.
i just don't want to have to wageslave anymore.
i just want to 50x my money to travel and get a wife to stuff every night
Is not true. You just haven't looked hard enough. The rich people who try to be better than you are the ones you want to stay away from, the closet rich people are the ones you want to be close to, along with the kinder rich people (who still buy expensive things, but are kinda liberal).
I just want to buy a nice property on the coast and spend my days eating cooked crabs and not having to worry about the future.
i just want enough to buy alcor for myself and my parents
I just want enough money to buy a nice penthouse and a lobotomized sex slave.
Ambition is under rated... Don't let your dreams fade away fren.
You are welcome OP.
make enough money for your interest to reach 20k a year
I want to make money without ingratiating myself to a society that hates me.
>learn a good skill that is worth a lot
>teach yourself how to trade in a real market like forex or stocks
>invent something that people will buy
>buy retarded meme money and squeal "WHEN MOON?" On a forum for neets every day
Which path do you think op picked?
nice id
I just wanna be able to neet without being a burden on anyone else. ROI on GPU's is junk now, so I guess that idea's out the window.
People who actually make a lot of money don't say this. Give it up. You're a retard.
>a real market is easier
if you can't even make money in crypto I doubt you'll make much money anywhere else
If I can't make it playing with internet money I just want a nuclear missle to land on me right now