Fuck alcohol Im never drinking again
Fuck alcohol Im never drinking again
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You're going to make it
You'll be back
nofap, no alcohol, no weed, never smoked tobacco, no video games, less sugar
quitting alcohol is just one step to recovering your dopamine sensitivity, good luck on your journey
good for you user. i'll drink to that
just vape some weed. I used to drink more when I was younger and didn't have as easy access to cannabis as I do now. whenever I do grab a 6 pack when I'm stressed, I tend to finish half the beer then I stop when I get faded, even moreso since it potentiates the weed.
Tldr read it you stupid fag
I quit caffeine, nicotine, ketones, alcohol, red meats and cumming all at once
I was severely anxious and depressed and i think i almost had a stroke/heart attack the first 2 weeks but i think my body is back to normal now.
You should had foreskin restoration to that. Not joking brah.
this, fucking nigger
you'll be back you faggot pussy
you can't even get of Jow Forums you pathetic shit
Screenshotted. I am going away for 7 days Jow Forums. I'll let you know if this worked after 2 weeks
Good choice it kills
500 ml of vodka is like 1000 calories, nigga. i was downing a liter a day, no wonder i'm fucking bloated. You made the right choice, OP.
Was never chopped in the first place. Not American.
Thanks I read this. I wont do the 7 day thing but its good to know in general
Thread theme: youtube.com
Thank you so much for posting this. I'm going to do it.
i personally know a video game addict that somehow managed to not only quit it, but make himself "addicted" to studying. Told me that the first couple weeks were hellish but it slowly became pleasurable and exciting.
Wait, how did he do this?
I must interview this man
Alcohol is brainlet fuel
so he is still addicted. Addiction is an escape mechanism, whatever people escape to doesn't make any difference. For some people its gaming, gambling, drugs or even travelling or sports. The last two aren't viewed as self destructive so they never get addressed. They are all harmful though.
Props to that guy to spin it around though, breaking such a habit is no small feat.
Sounds feasible using Charles Duhigg basic methods. If anyone here is interested in a very well written book about how habits work, how to quit bad habits and how to make powerful new ones, read The Power Of Habit, it's one of those weird gems in self-help lit i think.
If you're a brainlet who can't finish a whole book, the Tamed Course by Improvement Pill on youtube is a great step by step guide based on that book. I feel the book is still essential, tho
Best decision I ever made, user. Drank like a fish from 17-31, have been dry for 3 months with zero intention of going back. I feel reborn, a complete new lease on life.
lol way to go! Go to a meeting.
Alcohol has never really been my thing, at least not since I stopped being a normie and getting wasted and going clubbing most weekends. I remember when I was 17/18 I used to drink half a litre of vodka before even going out. Now at 29, two pints/two glasses of wine is my limit. After that I just get queezy, the buzz/high goes, and I start to feel sick. Fuck, the other week I had 3 pints in the space of 2 hours and I was fucking sick afterwards. My body just rejects it now. It's a disgusting fucking drug that destroys your body.
Well done user.
I recently quit weed and porn.
Now I'm going to quit coffee as well, or at least keep it restricted to one cup once in a while
Holy shit
Do you do this? We are polar opposites
The amount of dopamine stimulation I need to feel somewhat enjoyable is only brought on by hard drugs. When iv e gone sober I'm not entertained by normal faggotry . Teach me your ways , actually don't. A life with no pleasure is lame
t. Meth user
To be honest making 6 figures on crypto silenced some of the "What the fuck am I doing with my life?" demons that were keeping me back.
someone make this shit shorter, aint nobody reading that much in 2018
Circumcision is one of the most insidious memes humanity has ever ever come up with. It's kept in place by powerful cognitive dissonance.
your fucking vermin brain is scared by any more text than is contained in an average tweet
fuck you, idiot
Same here man. I’ve been an alcoholic for like two years now. Time to quit. I’m fucking 34 this shit is gonna kill me. I never even used to drink that much even in college.
Still going to smoke weed and drink coffee though.
Never gonna make it
Drugfag here. If you are a real addict weed will lead you back to your drug of choice which is alcohol. It is only a matter of tiime. The ppl who can quit and go back to just weed were normies after all. A real addict will have that thirst for his chemical of choice. It's either quit all dopamine acting drugs , or continue. With the exception of nicotine
Fucking literally neck yourself NEET scum
Weed is my drug of choice. Been a stoner for 15 years been an alchy for only 2 years.
Congrats user. I am 3 weeks into no alcohol. After seeing a close relative have DTs and coming close to death from withdrawls I never want to touch that poision again.
fuck off retard.
Stopping alchohol is easy
Drugs is harder, it depends on which one
Fap is impossible
And vidya help me stop fap and drugs.
I can stop alcohol and weed for a week. Then something happens, i get sad, or feel depressed. And think to myself fuck it.
Been doing this cycle for 2 years. Atleast it's better then all day everyday i guess
The 5 stages of grief:
Getting past number 4 (depression phase) is the hardest part of getting over any addiction
Like elastic, if you cant break through the depression barrier, you will get snapped back through the first 3 stages and then end up denying that this last time you tried to quit was even for real.
Alcohol is a drug and it's staring at you every time you buy food. Cutting ties to other drugs is easier. Nofap just seems stupid to me unless you're a compulsive masturbator and need the conrol to function.
You are weak. Purely weak. People like you need an early grave. That's what overdosing is for. Sit the fuck down and get back to your vices.
thanks user, i'll try my best to hold on
>weed is my drug of choice
Proud non-smoker of weed or tobacco coming through. Feels nice being sober. I did it when I was younger.
Invest in wine.
Thanks just drank another 100k liters
Truth. I lost my shitty job and for 3 months I didn't have anything to do except job hunting and idle time. Right then I found the discipline to start working out and taper alcohol. Now I'm once again in a shitty job working 10 to 12 hours a day and drinking whiskey from the bottle I left at my bed when I went to sleep last night.
wageslaving kills
I deleted all my CP last week and i am feeling better since then
This thread is coincidentally relevant to me.
I've been dating 2 girls for the past three weeks, they live in the same apartment complex and last night i had lots of drinks and met up with one of them in town, went back to hers but as we were going home i turn a corner and like 7 of the other girls friends were all walking towards us, they didn't say anything but i got careless and now the other girl won't talk to me.
The one i was with actually knew about the other girl but is okay with it she says she just enjoys being with me so that's okay but I kind of like the other girl more so a little annoyed.
sorry to blog but this seems a chill thread and im really hungover
I guess that's the risk you where taking.
its basically saying to take seven days and do ABSOLUTELY nothing. it literally tells you to mediate lmao. that way your brain's pleasure center will reset and you can reprogram it to take pleasure from doing more productive things.
Guys this really works. Tried this and I can’t play vidya as much anymore :( I workout a lot more though.
good man. it is liquid ambition control, pushed on the masses by the tax jew. 3 weeks, and you'll start to get sick of the smell and have zero interest in it. The only time I ever drink anything anymore is on occasion when there is something really good on tap that I wanna try. And it is 1 drink and done.
Dont forget no sex, no food, no clean air, only muddy water and no vegetation in sight. Guaranteed ascention
God these muslim retards make me laugh
you redpilled yourself, my most sincere congrats
Business & Finance, though
slide thread created at same time as coke thread. sage goes in all fields.
>tfw don't have money to have an addiction because college student, but live in an ecologically rich enough country that it's actually really cheap to eat properly
Just woke up and downed two beers for breakfast. This is the life.
How is this Muslim, stupid nigger kys
>tfw all your addictions arise from your desktop computer
I'm going to try this.
I already did this + dry fasting for 3 days and a water fast for 20 days.
Lost 60 pounds, no vidya, food and porn addiction any more.