Be russia

>be russia
>have fifa world cup take place here
>have to choose mascot
>pick furry character


Attached: zabivaka.jpg (193x262, 10K)

would fuck russias furry cheeks

Still think it is a response to the us dog in the 90's


Attached: yiff.jpg (1000x875, 96K)

it's a cute mascot 2bh

....dios mio

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Oh boy here we go

Attached: 1522268289664.jpg (400x270, 32K)

>The mascot could LITERALLY BE A SPACE T-I-G-E-R
Why the fuck didn't int go and vote for it???

Attached: 2018-FIFA-World-Cup-Official-Mascot.jpg (696x392, 70K)

I bet you would be all over it if it was tiger

But lucky for you Russia settled for mutt, just like you/