Would America be able to fight the rest of the world in a (somewhat) fictional scenario where all other countries declare war on it?
Would America be able to fight the rest of the world in a (somewhat) fictional scenario where all other countries...
we can beat them alone
their ground forces are trash just destroy their carriers and they're doomed
What no of course not
You know how fucking expensive it is to replace any military gear now
>just destroy their carriers
You say that as if its as easy as going to the grocery store.
No. What are you, fucking stupid?
it is
just spam missiles from strategic bombers their ciws have like 0% succsess rates
I hope we end up enslaving qt russian twinks
We aren't in the 80s anymore ivan, your "military" is African tier now. The only thing that's keeping the Kremlin from flying the American flag is your nukes.
In that scenario the rest of the world must have means of getting to the mainland us
If not it would be USA vs Mexico and Canada with support from others