How much do you like Justin Trudeau?

How much do you like Justin Trudeau?

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I like Trudeau a lot

An embarrasment to Canada, and a symptom of the stupid idea that canadians are liberal progressives. The spirit of Canada is a Midwestern, reserved Tory. This is just a fad stemming from insecurity of being considered too "boring" or "american". Canada needs to keep their traditions alive and reject this man and everything he stands for.

what the fuck nicaragua

I think my sister unironically masturbates to him

I don't like anything about this guy, but for the most part he is a status quo PM and very little is going to change while he is in office. I'll take that over the Scheer Conservatives, I don't trust them at all and will not vote for them. I say this as a card-carrying Conservative (I joined the party to vote for Maxime Bernier).

He seems like the funniest fucke to have around

He's such a joke, just see what he did when he went to India during an official journey

>The spirit of Canada is a Midwestern, reserved Tory. This is just a fad stemming from insecurity of being considered too "boring" or "american". Canada needs to keep their traditions alive and reject this man and everything he stands for.
>That flag

You seem pretty knowledgeable about this. Are you a Leaf on vacation?

He is a Q*ebecshit who pretends to be retarded to tarnish the reputation of Canada.

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Seems like he hasn't done anything bad as PM


To be fair he has very little French blood in him and was born and raised in Ontario. I don't like him but he doesn't deserve to be called a Q*ebecois.

>people can only talk about Canada in terms of its similarities to the U.S.

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Every federal party is shit.

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Even though he went back on changing FPTP, he's done a lot of decent things. Hopefully conservacucks don't try to ruin things again.

he's too handsome to have *nglish blood, his ancestors were definitely french

His looks make me feel things I'd rather not feel.

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I like him because he makes Jow Forums butthurt

He hasn't done any lasting damage but his first term has been pretty bad, to the point where there is a serious chance he could get voted out next year unless there are major improvements. It's very rare for Canadians to vote out a government after one term, but they are really that bad. They have alienated all of their hardcore supporters, swing voters took a chance on them and have been very unimpressed so far, and then there are the right-wingers who will never, ever vote for a party led by Justin Trudeau.

He outright lied to the electorate on FPTP. I'm pretty sure this issue was the main reason why so many NDPers voted for him, they will likely turn on him come next election and rightly so imo.

Liberals won because of the tactical voting meme and Justin Trudeau is well-liked in his electoral district. All he needs is for NDP to continue looking unelectable and for Conservatives to keep looking unwantable.

His paternal grandfather was French, that's it. That is where the name comes from, but that's the only French thing about him.

He should let Macron speak on that balcony.

His "English" ancestors were actually French before they crossed the channel. You can tell by his face.

I think Trudeau is a perfect example of what a good 21st century leader should be like

plus he's like super hot

0/10 but I like having him in office so that I have a boogeyman to blame everything on and generally despise. Hopefully he loses the next election tho.

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Seems like a cool dude. Wish we had someone like him instead of our meme overlords.

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This sounds really smart but it isn't really that true tbqh

He struggles to speak french and mostly thinks in english.

Record employment levels and no sycophantic behaviour torwards Trump means I'll vote him in the next election. Tories literally can't be trusted to not bend over to and put republican burger interests ahead of Canada's as seen by h*rper.

If he'd shut the fuck up he'd be alright. He hasn't done anything particularly offensive politically, only said stupid shit.


Imagine if virtue signalling and ethnic pandering were a person, that would be Justin Trudeau

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little piece of cuban shit, fun fact, his mom's a whore.

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He makes other politcians look good in comparicion


I like him for the sheer fact that he reminds albertans their place.

Good post because I agree with it

he's alright. given the option of scheer or jagmeet. i'll vote for him again.

emma watson pls fuck me

Hes fucked up enough stuff to make me vote for Scheer

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When's Canada's next election?

Good image.

October 2019

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"Rich kid"

I don't know well how to express it in English.

The Uprising event this year looks great!

Mama's boy?

Army vets are welfare leeches. So I'm ok with this.

He makes himself look like an idiot with his constant failed attempts at pandering to minorities and accuses army vets of "asking for too much" when they try to improve their living situations. He's a prick.
Nice hair, though.


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I don't. I hate all the lefties, and most of the righties too.

fukin epic my centrist bro!!!

jbp doesn't like him
neither do i

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I see this phrase a lot, what does it mean?

Intense cringe.

>Clickbait videos


A registered Conservatve for a long time, maybe?

It's one guy shilling the utterly uncharismatic conservative candidate and his limited vocabulary betraying him.

trudeau likes trump though, they see eye to eye on trade between US-Canada.

>''He is pathetic''
Wow, Jordan Peterson truly destroyed him did he?
>pls buy my book hurr

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In this case it means something like "official member", but it can also just mean anybody who's consistently loyal to one group.

Are you retarded? Not even Duerte likes Trump.

I would sodomize him but wouldnt vote for him

Subtle expression is difficult.

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i think he's a psychopath who playing liberal but in reality he does not know thus look weird.

I neither like nor dislike Justin Trudeau, as I pay no attention to him, have never met him, and care to do neither.
How much do you like my Aunt Martha?

canadian fagot saying youre intimidated by trudeau in 3, 2, 1...

I saw him in parliament.

He acts like a fucking kid with attitude. Its hilarious the way he just dismisses the conservatives when he was getting roasted for making up conspiracy theories about India and his sikh seperatist friends.

Scheer looks like a retard IRL imo. he has the stupidest face pic related. chris hadfield that cool youtubbe astronaut should be PM imo.

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She's a fine lady, give her my regards.

desu Trudeau is the best thing that happened to Canada in a really long time

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This. I didnt vote for him in 2015 but after realizing that this man makes pol angry, i'll be voting for him 2019. he'll probably win by a landslide regardless.

I want to feel his cock slide out of my asshole and lie next to him as the cum drips down my cheeks

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youre intimidated by trudeau