Tfw irrelevant country surrounded by relevant countries

>tfw irrelevant country surrounded by relevant countries

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I know that feel

You had your chance in 1410, pagan.

Have you tried being less terrible as a person?

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>tfw country that could be relevant surrounded by countries that could also be relevant but ultimately aren't

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we were not pagan at that time anymore though
I like being terrible

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That's okay. I still love you.

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>tfw irrelevant country surrounded by relevant countries

latvia is the most relevant country in human history

Not a good feel

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I bet you like feeling surrounded and powerless

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it's a good thing cause those high profile countries will get nuked and you'll remain unnoticed.

The only country that's more relevant than yours is south of you.

1410 best year of my life

You don't.

I know that feel

France is relevant.

Brazil had all the resources to be a developed country. It's sad how it stagnated

>country was the most relevant at one point in history
>get invaded by your neighbour
>other neighbour steals colonies
>get given land in europe
>neighbour that invaded you helps them rebel
>other neighbour supports them
>rebel king makes plan to invade you
>neighbours go to war and fuck up the region
>neighbours go to war again and third neighbour invades you

Fuck this place

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I know that feel

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like one huge gangbang

Brazil, Chile and Argentina are the most relevant south american countries tho

>likes being a terrible person
>why are we irrelevant wahhh
you reap what you sow

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>country was the most relevant at one point in history


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>tfw irrelevant country surrounded by even more irrelevant countries
we're all going to make it, l-lads...

I love being British.

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This, but unironically.

what if baltic countries unite to form baltic empire?

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It would be a pretty lame empire. No offense intended.

>france is more relevant
>has the brass fucking balls to speak up
I never should have come here