If the the market wouldn´t be bearish, btc at 15-20k, what would link be trading atm? 2 or 3$ ?
Link Price Speculation
It's going to be $1000 EOY so no need to speculate.
most analysts agree on $1000k eoy as a conservative prediction
that wasn´t the question...
I want a speculation about the price right now in an none bearish market. I mean there is mainnet maybe just around the corner
Not sure if that is the conservative prediction.
Conservative I would say $188 (3% op API market).
If we have a bullish year, $1000 eoy is a realistic price point.
>If the the market wouldn´t be bearish
India? Or just another failure of American schooling? Did you sleep during 5th grade math too?
To answer your stupid as fuck question though, If BTC were around $18-20k and Link held the same sat value, link would be worth a little under a dollar.
Its performance even when BTC was booming was fair to middling at best.
$2-3? Not likely, Maybe $1.50.
That was without a mainnet and partnerships...
also without any promotion whatsoever
$10 link 1st quarter 2019
1000eoy check em stinky.
Bout tree fiddy
conservatives estimates lie at around $1000 EOY
close enough
bought 100k
Between $0.90 and $1.50 probably. I don't see much of a reason to be worth $3 given the lack of news and that bitcoin would be stagnant around 15k.
Even million dollar LINK is fairly low-ball.
if this were a bull market I would estimate somewhere around $300 based on the link use case + github updates
This but unironically. LINK's use cases blow everything else out of the water. We're like a bnuch of faggots in 1985 trying to imagine how big the internet is going to be. Those guys couldn't fathom something like youtube existing, in the same way that we can't fathom nanosailing or mechinal photosynthesis, but our investment in chainlink ensures that we'll profit from it.
To even try to assign a value to chainlink is futile.
I fucking love this insanely optimistic shit. I'm happy with literally anything $1+, but with you all VISUALIZING this interstellar price movement, I'm sure we're gonna make it
imagine a penny per email since 1993 and youre still not even close
That's a lie. The price will be my last four numericals. Your welcome.
>nanosailing or mechinal photosynthesis
what is this stuff
ive never thought of it like that before...that seems outrageous
>Your welcome.
about 0,34$ even after sergey exited the project because biztards refuse to let go of their bags
Some would argue this is too conservative.
Fucking deluded people. You will see that when the mainnet will be up the only contract there will be fucking ZEPPELIN or whatever the fuck they name is. Screen cap this
ok bro. stay poor