Why do so many Europeans hate free speech?

Why do so many Europeans hate free speech?

What is it about some European cultures that makes them see it as something frivolous or even wrong?

Attached: extreme free speech.png (639x871, 472K)

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All the red-blooded, alpha Europeans moved to America centuries ago. Only the soyboys and nu-male socialists remained behind.

I don't know, but it's a shit state of affairs. We used to be a bastion of liberalism and now we're fucking 1984 Island.

Can it be reversed? How?

Whereas in the US, distrust of government in a fairly mainstream opinion, in Europe, the mainstream opinion is that you might grumble about government, but that it's still an irreproachable necessity.

People simply believe the government is right most of the time. Hating the government is seen as a fringe opinion, unlike in the US where it's the mainstream in many areas.

>Why do so many Europeans hate free speech?

Look at your home grown nazi problem building up and realize their ability to freely expose their ideals is the cause of their growth.

Who would have thought the continent that dealt with multiple fascist regimes is tired of allowing them to freely preach hate and build a following.

I don't see it getting better any time soon. We're pretty much a 2 party state now; One in which neither major party gives a shit about individual freedom.

I don't think that's true here. Contempt and scepticism of the government is pretty mainstream, I would say. How else could Brexit have succeeded when the establishment threw all its weight against it?

>Look at your home grown nazi problem building up
These new 21st century nazis are a pretty funny bunch. They cry endlessly about free speech but would abolish it in an instant if they ever got hold of power.

Ireland and the UK are less like this than continentals, but people still fall mostly into party tribalism, I think. Everything would be fine if their party got in.

We don't have the same culture of hating government itself that the Yanks do.

Hmm, true enough I guess.

and Europe doesn't have issues with the far right? Their representation system even allows them to gain a few number of seats in government. Plus they actually have right wing terrorist groups that have killed civilians unlike the retards in north america. They have nothing to do with free speech laws.

But government is evil.

I agree. I'm just trying to represent the opinion of normies.

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Government has its place, but there need to be checks in place to ensure it doesn't overstep its bounds. Unfortunately, these do not exist in Europe.

Canada's government is going apeshit too friend, it's time for the US to annex us.

I heard that normies in Sweden trust the gov't more than their parents, is this true?

I've never made the mistake of going Sweden and I never will. I wouldn't be surprised, though.

Sweden is fucked.


>a united statesmsoldier was touring cambodia during the pol pot years


Things are not looking so good in the US either.

Jow Forumstards are ok with this because it was done to protect Trump from criticism

>american fried speech
>demand recent game to be stopped because their people are parodied instead muslims.

They are idiots. They refuse to see the forest for the trees.

They're basically women.

>fried speech
Nice, I like it.

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>if we just suppress them they'll go away :D

-t. retard

You can't kill an idea any more than you can kill a mathematical equation.

This. For the good of peoplekind.

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If censoring speech prevents fascism, how did Europeans get so many fascist regimes?
If free speech causes fascism, how come the US hasn't had any fascist regime?


But user, Geert Wilders was there. That's what was so extreme about it.

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This doesn't apply to Italy and I ak sure it doesn't for the rest of Europe too.

It's not that we hate free speech, it's that we understand that it has its limits.

Reasonably, speech with no other intent but to cause actual harm is not allowed


I believe your speech exists for no other reason but to cause me harm.
Please report yourself to your local police.

>nazi problem
The fascist party didn't even get 1% of votes in the last elections (which were held the 4th of March, a party needed at least 3% to enter in the Parliament), this problem is simply non existent and media over exaggerated it

t. free speech extremist

>I should be allowed to call someone a nigger on the street without repercussions

You would need to justify that and that would need to be agreed upon by the community. That is what democracy is.

How can one man be this cucked.

Oh my god, did you just use the N-word?

Social repercussions, not the government.

This. Don't give him a fine. Fire him! He used the N-word.

Or we could all not be retarded niggers and not do shit because you're offended?

Some old shits in a building half a world away shouldn't be allowed to determine what I can say.

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>I-I-I don't find it offensive!
>it's your job to tell me why it's offensive!
Literally what every fascist says every time they get caught red handed in being criminal.
Why aren't you in jail yet?

I hate how americans just don't say nigger when they're talking, even when they're telling about a black friend of theirs that was called a nigger they would say n-word when they mean no offense whatsoever, they just seem retarded in doing that

In the Netherlands insulting someone is only illegal if the person being insulted files charges. Which literally never happens, unless you start a harassment campaign.

It's different when it's an individual person, though. That's why it's legal to say "kill all cops" but not "kill Officer XYZ".

>That's why it's legal to say "kill all cops" but not "kill Officer XYZ".
umm, you better not do that here. Police, ambulance, firefighters, judges and the King and so on got extra protection. And your punishment will go up.

>nazi problem

No such thing.

We have a zero tolerance policy against harassing first responders.

Kill all cops

first responders
*emergency services

Their puritanism prevented them from developing a culture of casual swearing like in most of the civilized world. They also fail to understand ethnic slurs can be neutral or even friendly depending on the context, they're just nicknames.

>right wing """"free speech""""""

Let me guess, you heard this from some other random user on the internet? I swear there isn't a single country on earth that has as much bullshit and misinformation about them being spread around as sweden does.

It is forbidden to attack individual first responders, or first responders as a whole?
If I have an accident, the ambulance arrives late, and a day later I say first responders are fucking untrained hacks led by a cabal of corrupt cocksuckers, will I go to jail?

They get harassed a lot more than regular people. Especially by Islamic brainlets. So the government wanted to create a safe work environment for them. So all punishments also go 100% up.

(((geert wilders)))

Attached: geertwilders2.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

>Why do so many Europeans hate free speech?
>What is it about some European cultures that makes them see it as something frivolous or even wrong?
because Americans like it

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The offender needs to have the intention to insult the cop. And the cop needs to be actually insulted.

So a generic phrase like all cops are bastards is legal. Unless you try to insult a cop with it. It doesn't really matter what you say. It's just how its intended and how its received.

>can't even insult a cop in the netherlands

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So all I need to say is that I didn't mean it and I was joking?

Well, the judge decides what you intended. Not you. And a statement of a police officer counts as 2 witnesses. But you can give it a try.

It's absolutely true. This country and its people are largely subjugated by the socialist ideologues that have been allowed to eat at its soul like a cancer for far too long. We who are able must break free and eradicate the sickness that remains. We have a rising far-right here like the world has not seen in decades. Meme all you want, but our enemy is complacent, fat and lazy. They'll get what is coming to them. There are heroes among us, as we have seen before.


So in other words, the state decides if it's offended and if it's offensive.
So what you said:
>It's just how its intended and how its received.
isn't really true at all.

Ontario is destroying the country, it's like california on steroids.

Judges are independent. They get selected by other judges, and then appointed by the King. Elected for life. It takes a 10 year education to become one. They should be fairly neutral and factual.

>t. newfags seeing their first /leftypol/ poster
Just get cripplechan and krautchan running properly again so the refugees can leave Jow Forums

>They should be fairly neutral and factual.
Yes, user, the state is innocent and can do no wrong.

Tell me, user. Which group is more likely to insult the state:
1) The powerful who are already privileged by the state
2) The powerless who are screwed by the state
Who do you think your system is biased towards?

You swedenazis hijacking finnish far right has been a travesty. Why can't you keep your retardation within your own borders?

Well, if you have a problem with the government you can go into parliament. It only takes 0,67% of the votes to become a parliament member. And they have absolute free speech (within the parliament building).

canadianas are disgusting monkeys..

fuck canada!


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And which of those two groups who do you think is more likely to have resources to enter the parliament?

Yeah, but if I say
>Muslims flood in, rape sky-rockets
You know well that will be called hate speech, when my intention isn't to cause harm.

Not to mention that determining someone's intent is basically impossible.

We literally have right wing bloggers that hang out with nazi's, animal activists that want to ban fish bowls, radical christians that want to ban women from politics and turkish spies in our parliament.

Literally any retard can get 0,67% of the votes.

The more I hear from Dutchanons, the more it seems like a dystopia.

no matter what canadians lost in hockey to german team.. hahahaha..

fuck canada!

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americunts are showing again fake proofs in UN. the same americunt who before told that USA know everyone one of UN representative and will always come after them should they not follow US lead.

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>German flag
>abhorrent non-German poster
Seen this episode many times

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And how much power do those fringe groups have to change policy?

I'm trying to figure how a movement like the US black desegregation would have worked in the Netherlands. MLK would have gone to jail in day one for criticizing white cops.

canadians are disgusting shit.

fuck canada!


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unless you mean that you're probably more likely to get some degree of help from the government than you are from your parents, given that some parents do not help their children

>I'm writing nonsense all over the place
>I'll just tell the people who called me out they're newfags, this will definitely win me the debate
It doesn't work like this retard
We told you the nazi problem is non existent and exaggerated by media, just look at hiw many votes nazi/fascist parties get during the elections

It depends. They can be very critical when trying to find a majority for a ruling coalition or when you propose laws. So sometimes they are irrelevant, while at other times they get decisive influence.

But if you get into parliament you also get government funding for your party. So a new party Forum for Democracy for example came into parliament this year with 2 / 150 seats. They started campaigning now. And in the polls they are now 16 / 150 seats, which would make them the second party in the country. So if you get a foothold in parliament, then the fun just begins.

I mean last year. And if you get into parliament you also get free airtime on the public television channels.

For this reason, it's tradition for a ruling coalition to leave some of their budget and issues open before making the final draft of their plans. So they can "bribe" smaller parties by offering them to realize some of their plans.

This, if Trump start trying to ban free speech tomorrow EU would love free speech more than anyone

>only knowing one chan

So if I get this correctly, random nazis on the street get censored.
But powerful nazis in parliament are given a megaphone and immunity?

How does this make sense? If censorship is a necessary sacrifice to prevent fascism, then the powerful nazis at the parliament should be censored the most, not least.

>incapable of understanding my post
>not realizing I ain't the leaf who posted about the nazis
>calls me retarded

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again shitfucker.

Canadians are disgusting shit..

fuck canada!

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>MLK would have gone to jail in day one for criticizing white cops.
Nah, MLK would be beaten up for being against black pete.


Just of the plane from turkey?

Well, this was showing on our state tv a few weeks ago lol.

youtube.com/watch?v=BPCwOEDkbwg (English version)

Funnily enough, parliamentary privilege doesn't protect you from criminal legislation in the UK, so an MP could actually go to jail for hate speech.

Americans were a mistake.

don't reply to it

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>But powerful nazis in parliament are given a megaphone and immunity?

not only that. they also get honored in canadian parliament, canadian citizenship, became professors for for political and forgoten language studies in canadian online universities. their brain dead bullshit is published in canada for free..and if they sell themselves good, then they also will be honor medals from Soros, US state dep medals with millions of dollars.

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Please vote pro EU. No fear mongering propaganda on our tv lol.
