Mfw Westerners say Slavs and Meds aren't White

>mfw Westerners say Slavs and Meds aren't White

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Italians are niggers, Polacks and Czechs are white, but Russians are niggers.

Balkan slavs aren’t white obviously

>Czechs are white, but Russians are niggers
Behaving like niggers, but actually whiter than Czechs.

yeah niggers that won space race singlehandly

>When Zhu mum ge

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we are whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite!!!!!!!!!

whiter than you muhammad

>space race
Thanks to stolen Nazi technologies.
Also, USSR was a multinational union, you can't say everything Soviet is Russian achievement.

>calls jap muhammed
There isn't one single picture on the whole world-wide web that can express what I'm feeling at the moment

maybe he just learned a new meme thing and wanted to test it out

>mfw westerners say we are wh*Te

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weird, huh? :^)

My head still hurts though.
Do you know that your whole male population age 15-30 look EXACTLY the same?

Only colonials can be white.

yeah kinda like all svens look like pewdiepie

La creatura is at it again with his deep analysis based on youtube videos and what american education taught him


For your information he learned this in-depth knowledge from Jow Forums memes!

But we don't have the same haircut, the same jackets that looks like winter trenchcoats, the same black-rimmed glasses and the same lame fucking turtleneck
When I was in Japan with my friends we played "spot the kolean". Then we stopped because it was too fucking easy.

eh who cares
i dont

Classic Korea. You guys are alright

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cheers sven

>pic of Udmurt
Finns aren't white.

Looks like udmurt invented the most famous atomatic rifle in the world. R*ssians are so pathetic.


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Russians are the whitest
Perhaps maybe not whiter than Finland, Sweden (kek) and Denmark.
I'm from a reasonably white country, but in my stay in Moskva and Yaroloslavl; I had seen a clear distinction between Holland's white, and Russia's white.
TL;DR Slavs are whiter than Muricucks

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>Thanks to stolen Nazi technologies.
>Also, USSR was a multinational union, you can't say everything Soviet is Russian achievement.
Other nationalities contributed jack shit.

>Thanks to stolen Nazi technologies.
Americans stole everything including scientists before Russians came. With regard to space USSR got nothing but the USA got everything.