He is still investing into american index's

>he is still investing into american index's
>he is not realizing this "country" is getting fatter and dumber/darker every day, thus driving intellect levels and innovations to the ground. No civilization is immortal.
hard to believe, but as a Jow Forumstard it but i'm going to invest into izraelian/Iranian/russian index's. Any other conservative country recommendation ?
this is not a Jow Forumsthread, business folks stay polite.

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what the actual fuck is the point unless you have opinions and strategies on all of the currency situations and bond markets in all of those places as well

Why mention that you’re degenerate scum if you don’t want your thread to turn to shit?

She's cute, where can I book her?

>degenerate scum.
why though ?
i'm asking for recommendation.

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It saddens me to know that there's a 90% chance this qt will be corrupted into a degenerate skank in a couple of years

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>you will never marry a 18yo church cute after university and having her as your wife while you work on wall street.

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Dumbest thing I read all day. Do you actually believe (((they))) would ever let something like that happen? Let's not forget why the Irak war started: because the slight possibility of the dollar going to shit, and with it the confidence in the US economy scared the living fuck out of every high government official and businessman. Even with a dollar collapse/retarded population the US will still continue to grow, albeit not as fast as before, with he help of migrants or just wealthy businessmen who decide to pick up the crumbles after they fall in order to make more money than they've ever dreamed of. However, a bit of diversification in other STABLE countries isn't such a bad idea, given how many other regions on the Globe show much larger possible returns, precisely because they're economies are smaller.


Dude, the west is turning into a shithole because of stalinist russia.

Just google György Lukács and after reading about him and the Frankfurt School read about Alexandr Dugin and the his 4th political theory and you will understand what is behind Putin`s false conservatism.

News flash - he is nothing but a stinking commie.

What true conservatism? Read Hans Herman-Hoppe, Scruton, Olavo de Carvalho...

This. If you think Russia is not 1000000x more instable and cronier than the US, you've got some serious issues.