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>he hasn't been to the museum of surgical history

for shame

poo n*gger


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>London’s violent crimewave continues as two more young men are knifed at busy shopping centre


>3 hours cleaning

how did you let it get that bad tho?

need a bf

what are you lads at this weekend?

oh my goooooood i just shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit myself

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need a gf that I can punch in the face

Any genuinely mental lads in

hope the cheshire proto bf has a nice weekend

that picture is HOT!

tokyo hot?

>Radio 4 on about minimum wage for over 26yr old

Who is on minimum wage post-18? wew

mad how sexless chinks are
cannot for the life of me decide if this is a woman

l've been responsible for a quarter of the posts itt so far

business law: make students pay council tax

you can say nigger on Jow Forums
You're Israel, you can do whatever you choose to be fair Shem.

Any of you absolute ladies ever eat that sushi shite?

I always want to try it but I'm too scared to waste my precious shekels so end up getting a bloody Chinese instead.

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>need a gf that I can punch in the face

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on a train haha quite mental

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unreal haha

median household income in everton is about 17k haha
think thats near minimum wage

In the end the satisfaction of saying 'I told you so' was severely diminished.

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mad ting

we used to have an Estonian anime poster who was a good lad

>tastes fantastic
>nutrition fantastic

Only downside is the price tbqh

shut the fuck up

Sushi is pretty good if it's prepared fresh. Most sushi places are pretty bad for this reason. Rice is also the most important ingredient and most sushi/western jap places don't have quality rice.

Westernized Chinese food is disgusting, just meats covered in sugar sauce and fried noodles.

All these new cunts not demanding fucking machines

>The Best Sex Position Based on Your Zodiac Sign
>Tag Your BFF — These Are the Signs That Make the Best Friends, Ranked
>Dear Wife: A Letter From the Woman That Was Sleeping With Your Husband
ah yes, women




looking forward to ending my life with a speedball

post number 8 and no (You)s

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It's alri but people exaggerate it to the dumbest degree.

I'd never pay more for a plate of sushi than I would for a plate of any other food at a decent restaurant.

FOOTY nearly on laddsss

Eating a salad lads

old slags?

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It's like they're somewhere between children and adults in terms of mental capacity.

Find it horribly overpriced. Once got a massive box of surplus stock to take home though. Pretty tasty when you're not paying.

>Sushi is good if it's prepared fres-


IMAGINE putting that shit ANYWHERE near your body raw, grim

not up yet weh
might have to browse /sp/

its not, its already fairly clean, my housemate is just hormonal about it so i have to clean it up really carefully and its quite a big flat.

>vacuuming kitchen and living room
>vacuuming stairs (lots of stairs for some reason)
>cleaning kitchen surfaces and tiles
>cleaning sink
>cleaning bathroom sink and bath
>cleaning toilet with chemicals
>mopping the floor

takes a fucking age, but the housemate will go ballistic if i skip any of these steps

last time i didn't put a handtowel in the wash (and replace it with the other one which was in a cupboard) and she had a go.



As a Chinaman is the food back home superior?


>I always want to try it but I'm too scared to waste my precious shekels so end up getting a bloody Chinese instead.
Lots of sushi places are run by the Chinese anyway

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i tried to warn you pal

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out for a walk at 10am and I see two old men who look like pic related carring tinnies and a tesco bag for life full of more tinnies
ah yes Barnsley
sushi is shit, sashimi on the other hand...

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yes please

I still have faith and am still holding them, the thing is is that I don't have a job, so I have no other source of income, pretty grim desu

sometimes go to itsu for half-price food.

one got sushi paid for me and it was fresh and pretty gud :DD

11 posts and 2 (You)s


Not a Chinaman but the food varies greatly from province to province. Sichuan cuisine is my fave because I really enjoy spicy foods.



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why the fuck would you put up with that?

why was that advert so memorable lol

Good lad

>cleaning a rented house
oh nonnonononooo

It's like there's this sweet spot of age where just after the woman becomes old and unattractive but just before they are really special like an aged wine.

Interesting, isn't it?


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You can differentiate between cuisines within the country itself?
I'm envious tbqh senpai.

I just see it as "China" "India" and don't bother giving a shit.

My best friend back in school was Gujarati and I had this Gujarati food when we went back to his house and fuck me it was glorious.

Wish I was less of a food pleb.

>council tax

honestly why is this a thing, no other countries have it, a £500/month apartment becomes a £620/month apartment

And even with everyone paying £120 JUST to pay for services, the roads are STILL full of potholes and the binmen STILL come late

which jav?

flat is peng (big room, big kitchen, big livingroom), close to work, cheaper than everything around it and generally i don't see the 2 other flatmates because the work shit hours so its basically my own flat most of the time.

that said the one flatmate is a hormonal woman who only interracts to whinge about the most trivial shit.

which is shit and causes me stress, but is getting off relatively lightly considering how fucked flatsharing can be.

Just tell her if you're cleaning it gets cleaned your way. She doesn't get to supervise. If she wants it done her way she should do it herself.


have a very oily face all the time

reckon there is a few billion barrels worth of crude within the surface area of my nose pores

haha I'm also on a train what are the chances

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One in eight Britons - some 8 million people - have black or brown skin. They are not going anywhere, and they are going to have more children. Britain is what it is, and Brexit is not going to change that in any way whatsoever.


All the Chinese food here is virtually Cantonese (Hong Kong) style but adjusted for British tastes.

Why have you let her cuck you so completely? Jesus christ lad

Baby's first bull market?
You didn't take profits and watch BTC bottom so you can do it all over again and get rich?
Fuck, why are you mad? Having "a few" Bitcoin equals being a millionaire in a few years.

Is that Antoine Vaillant? lmao

literally do not care

convince me otherwise

quite bad if everton lose to this lineup

libraries, recreational spaces, adult social care, children social care, roads.

all shit the average brit user barely uses.

oink oink nigger


>local property taxes don't exist in other countries

lmao okay pal


> Wish I was less of a food pleb

You can always work on that. My passion is travel and history. So naturally I love to read about places I am going to/plan my travels around my interests in the context of what I learned prior to going there.

I know a decent amount about Sino cuisine at a provincial level, but I know fuck all about Indian food because India is one of the last places in the world I would want to travel to.

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i agree with holding your own in some spheres. I've argued with bosses and ex's and so on.

but in terms of living with neurotic women, the two options are put up with it or move out.

i don't want to move out, so i put up with it. There is no way i can convince her standards of cleanliness are unnecessary. There is no way i can convince her to stop being a neurotic bitch.

Wish I had the ex back, I didn't even do anything wrong

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we've got salah do do do do do doo
ahh mane mane

Yeah my local is literally from Hong Kong.
My local Indian is literally from Bangladesh.

My Chinese and Indian takeaways aren't even fucking Chinese and Indian smdh

bitcoin is never going back up to the heights of last winter

the all time high redpilled normoids on crypto but it also exposed BTC for being dangerously unable to handle the load of being adopted by more than a few nerds and Redditors

fees were like £30 a transaction

the underlying technology of bitcoin (specifically bitcoin, not all coins) is not suited to mass adoption. Cryptocurrencies are obviously the end point but bitcoin is the first implementation, a proof of concept but not the finished product

I say all this as someone who holds BTC but it’s never going all the way back up my dudes

imagine being the person who made this, tragic