I dont get it, was it rape?
I dont get it, was it rape?
yea sure it was bong
post op tranny when he realized he destryed his peepee
You made this thread yesterday
No one gives a shit about that dead meme
Bumping cause I dont get it either
It's obviously diarrhea problems
Honestly, “loss” is the perfect meme. It is obscure, yet complex in nature, making it un-normifiable. The lack of normie memes for loss is a huge contributor to its niche success, and, quite frankly, (as I have previously implied) is what makes it prepossessing in nature. The creativeness of the memes only further exemplifies their attractiveness and hysteria levels attained while observing them. However, due to their slight obscurity, only those whomst are at a substantially large intellectual level can really emote in ways such as “Haha xd” and “lmao nice”. Truly, “loss” has proven itself as a worthy meme to be placed as the highest prestige; a meme to be worshiped. Thank you for your time.
People says it’s funny but I don’t see the humour in it
Because it's not funny
it wasnt meant to be funny
You know whats funny? Albania
>literally pointing to an object and saying 'ha!'
is this the famed british humour
Haha :/
Because it tries to be so serious but end up failing hard.
I think it's loss, user.
What about this
Loss of what??
What's that?
human parasite that was infesting her nether regions, this was back when abortion was a couple's decision and not every Sunday
I have no idea what are the lines for. I’m guessing it was kinda imitating the image but what’s the purpose? Are the lines meant to be funny wat
Are you fucking retarded? Loss memes got super normiefied ever since pewdiepie mad a vedio on them. The only sanctuary left for us is baneposting
Idk maybe a one dimensional representation of the webcomic
Her rotten womb dissapointed Buckley in so many ways
Yeah that's the joke,it's a comic known for lowbrow videogame comedy all of a sudden it tries to be dramatic
It's like one of those movies you watch because theyre so bad at being dramas that they become comedies you can watch and make fun of with your friends
They tried so hard to be taken seriously but failed because of how goofy and outlandish they usually are
Just like Albania
It was TAPE