What would your ideal Europe look like?
What would your ideal Europe look like?
how predictable
It's not even Grobgermaniums tho, just WW1 Germany and Greater Austria
If it was GROBGERMANIUMZZZZZZZZZZZZZ it would be like all of Europe etc etc
why complain here? that's just the regular German confederation
why not complain about the fuckhuge French, Swedish, or Ottoman Empires?
oh, and this is my perfect Europe :^)
Based chinlet fedora soyboy poster
Dios mío...
I'll have you know that I have a beautiful chin and a very prominent jaw
where did you get this picture of me?
also which one do you prefer
why do these chinlets also tend to have hook noses
The right, of course.
Vive la France
pic related, my chin
Actual picture of your chin
>87954770 (You)
Go project somewhere else
Fucking southron shill stop posting these hurtfull images.
>The right, of course.
>Vive la France
are you retarded?
t. chinlet, bullied by Jamaicans, has no friends, is a virgin, and LARPs on Jow Forums
What do your parents think about you having those pictures?
I'm a level 100 Alpha Male Volga German btw
Don't care what my parents think since, unlike you, I don't live with them
>Nazi tards
>losing their virginity, EVER
Now THAT'S fake news
Your job is being a professional projector, isn't it?
>Everything is projection!
Nice insecurity
I take it you are utterly incapable of anything but ad hominem and strawman. From what way do you differ from a 5 year old bully throwing mud at his classmates?
pic related
I can throw shit too. Trust me, I can do it better than (You)
who is even the rightmost dude in that pic?
A member of the once proud white race before the SJW keks
so you don't even know wtf you post?
I know the first two are Willy II and Charlemagne, but the third looks kinda like an apostle, desu, and I don't see how that has anything to do with ebin GroBgermaniums
It's childhood mouth breathing, it leads to poor facial development, teeth, cheeks, nose, mouth ,and of course chins are affected.
Nearly all chinlets are also mouth breathers.
>so you don't even know wtf you post?
That's Plato from Raphael's "School of Athens" painting you uncultured subhuman
>and I don't see how that has anything to do with ebin GroBgermaniums
It's about the once proud white race before the SJW keks not specifically Gr0bbb3girmoomeiums you illiterate swine
I feel personally targeted by this image
don't really care about germany. grossaustrohungariums and no br*t*sh isles are the important parts. eat shit fag
1914 Europe with a few changes
>United Kingdom of Sweden / Scandinavian Federation (pic related)
>Iberian Federation (Portugal and Spain, maybe Andorra too)
In regards to non fantasy and reality, I can see Portuguese provinces being semi autonomous provinces of Spain, andorra should remain independant for diplomatic reasons, I can see working to have union with new world provinces but thats largely fantasy, that's all that I can foresee without excessive work.
Holy shit, this is the same reddit fag that posts "cringe" on every thread he doesn't like, isn't it?
It is
pluto really smart dude they named mickeys dog after
and wtf does that guy have to do with Germany?
Sooo, how many of these pictures do you have you sad little cunt?
This is autism like we've never seen it before lads
why are posting french and anglos?
He is an influential figure in western civilization as a whole. So is Charlemagne.
Charlemagne is as influential to Europe as is Abd ar rahman umayyad invader of france, both were jihadi murderers murdering Europe who wouldnt believe in a jew god.
how many of these do you have?
I'm genuinely impressed. I bet you're the nigger right?
Good Europe desu.
Go post something a Großgermanium either here or on /gsg/. It will then spam these for an hour.
WORSHIP אלוהים and his prophet יֵשׁוּעַ or DIE!!! אלוהים IS THE GREATEST!
לסגוד לאל או לכופר
גויים להפסיק לעבוד גויים אלוהים אלוהים פולחן אלוהים אלוהים שלך הוא שקר, כי אנחנו נהרוג
This is Christianity same as Islam.
crusader kings II and hearts of iron III are the truly patrician options
Jesus christ mate you truly have a large folder of chinlets
>jesus christ
Call him by how he called himself and not a Greekization of Jesus to make it palatable to Europeans, study christisnities origin.
Jesus is actually ישוע or Yeshua.
You worship אלוהים or Yahwah deity God of the Jews, and you believe יהושע is his prophet and God and then you believe books written by a couple of men were written by this God of the Jews cult which were indistinct from other cult writings until some random cultists decided on a set of cult fan fictions as legitimate solely by their whim which were indistinct before.
Goid goyim, European religions and Gods are false only the God the Jews and a Jewish prophet are true praise Yeshuah and Yahwah God.
טוב גויים לעבוד את אלוהים של היהודים להיות עבד של ישראל dont לשכוח לתמוך בישראל ולמות למען ישראל כל הדתות האירופיות שלך הם שקר רק סמיטים יש סמכות קדושה האמת
This is El the God of the Hebrew d
Why don't you have any friends?
Why are you a virgin?
um, cool it with the toxic masculinity please
why do you hate Germany?
They are a blight upon the world
but they saved you against russia
They made a non-aggression pact with the Soviets and handed us to them on a silver platter in the first war
nobody's perfect
Is this a bot or an autist really buttblasted about map painters?