Hungary, please explain

Hungary, please explain

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I-Italy... ;_;


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3 hohols and one russian walk into a bar.
The barman sees them and says: "ENTRY WITH ANIMALS ISNT ALLOWED" hahahahahaha

Based Italy

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That's true though, we are the embodiment of the old saying:"The grass is always greener on the other side"


I thought we were friends :(

scotland? yeah they're a common subject of jokes, generally poking fun at them being tight with money

If I had to guess I would say is kilt related

to be honest our "nationalities" jokes usually feature a french guy, a german, a brit and the italian says the pun

>Belgium getting ganked

belaruse not like joke?

You're our second target after ourselves, don't worry :*

nah it's jokes like
"scottish kid asks his dad for 10 pounds, dad replies: what? what do you need 5 pounds for? okay here's 2 pounds, pulls out 1 pound"


thats... bizarre.

> Spaintugal
> Portugain

I dunno why it's scottish people specifically but there's a meme that they're tight with money

greeks invade western anatolia. the greek soldier sees a child playing with shit. he goes near the child and asks the child what he is doing. the child replies he is making greeks. the soldier slaps the child and says don't play with shit then goes away to do his duty. while returning he sees the same child again. the child is playing with mud this time. asks the child what he is doing this time. the child replies he is making turks. the soldier asks why he is not putting shit in it. the child says if i put shit in it it becomes greek.

There's that stereotype with people from Brač here.
>How do people from Brač cook coffee?
>They attach a string to a coffee bean and dip it in the water once.

it's the terroni's fault

I think I heard just the same joke about muscovites, lold.

The stingy Scots stereotype is somewhat known in Norway too. But that's its own category of jokes that are separate and much smaller and less common than the jokes about Swedes.

Its not rare for a joke in Serbo-croatian to use a Scot as a protagonist, might be the same for Hungarians.

Wtf we have the exact same joke in northern italy but it doesn't feauture anyone in particular

What do you mean?
Ive heard the saying before but it doesnt make sense in that context I dont think.

some kind of donkey species is about to extinct. scientists find a solution: a man needs to fuck the last remaining donkey. they put awards for fucking the donkey but no one wants to fuck the donkey. they come to turkey. ask people if they can fuck the donkey. people say go to kurds they will do it. scientists go to a kurd region. they see a kurd guy working in his field. they ask him if he wants to fuck the donkey for $50k. he says wait here then gets on his pick up and goes away. after a time he comes back running. scientists ask where has he been. he says i sold my pick up and my wife's jewellery. here's your 50k. now where is the donkey?

>The Jews have done the ol switcheroo usiing scots as a scapegoat

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means they are so pessimistic about their own country so they are always making jokes at it expense, they think others are that much better

are jokes not allowed in belarus?

jews usually get worse jokes, like
"two man are talking, one says: you know I have two problems in my life, one is that my wife is jewish, the other man: but kohn you are jewish too, kohn: that's my second problem"
jokes about scots are more playful because we can relate

They probably prohibited the data gathering or something like that.

OHhhh yeah I get it now, thanks.

Кopoчe, зaлeз я в хoлoдильник, взял пoмидopy, oгypeц, зeлeнь, хoтeл caлaт cдeлaть. Hy ecтecтвeннo, caлaт нaдo дeлaть c мaйoнeзoм, инaчe кaкoй нopмaльный чeлoвeк eгo ecть бyдeт. Я вce нapeзaл и вдpyг пoнял, чтo мaйoнeз я зaбыл, чёpтoв cлoyпoк. Oткpывaю хoлoдильник, бepy мaйoнeз и вдpyг пoнимaю, чтo пepeдo мнoй лeжит caлo. Hикoгдa paньшe нe eл caлa, a тyт вдpyг зaхoтeлocь, нy дyмaю, paз зaхoтeлocь, пoчeмy бы и нe cъecть. Пoкa зaпpaвил caлaт, нapeзaл caлo, вce кaк пoлoжeнo, пoкyшaл и тyт вдpyг вce пepeфapбyвaлocя y жoвтoблaкитний кoлip, гyл тa poкiт, їбaти в cpaкy, щo зa гiмнo, нiчoгo нe зpoзyмiлo, вилaзить iз зeмлi Tapac Шeвчeнкo и кaжe якycь хyйню пpo мocкaлiв i мopaль, cтapий пeдaль, хyлi йoмy y зeмлi нe лєжaлocь бл?*:!? Biдтeпep oкpiм yкpaїнcькoї мoви я нiхyя нe poзyмiю. Здaєтьcя caлo бyлo пpoклятe.

aйбля coдoмит cyкa

>because we can relate
Thats so quirky tbqh, just a random country pretty detatched from another relating to it.
I like that.

I heard it has to do with Scottish bankers being quite prominent in Eastern Europe once.

scotts and hungarians both experienced the kind of poverty when you're not starving or worry about your house but you don't have enough money to spend frivolously so you end up being stingy
but there's no animosity, it's all purely jestful, while jokes about jews always imply that they are bad and being jewish is bad

>Czechs and Slovaks bantz about each other
Awwwwwwwwwww :)

an armenian veteran tells his grandson war stories. we were fighting very bravely against turkish women and children but then turkish soldiers came and captured us. their commander came and told us they didn't have enough food to feed us. so we had two options. first option was they were gonna take all our weapons, fuck us in the ass and then release us. the second option was they were gonna kill us. grandson asks with excitement: what did you do grandpa? grandpa says we chose death of course armenian genocide never forget.

>what's the little Jew doing on top of the chimney?
>waiting for his parents.

It features Genovesi, the jews of Italy

Shol hohol, nasral na pol. Shol katsap, zubami "tsap".

shol hohol privet hohol shel katsap privet katsap

these are funny jokes pls like and comment

liked, commented.

We actually have a whole category of jokes dedicated to Belgium named "Belgian jokes". It'd be funny if the Netherlands had the same thing.

I guess the map means variations of "Polack" jokes. I haven't heard such an Austrian joke since my childhood though. And in Germany they would be "East Frisian" jokes.

Peшили pyccкий, хoхoл и aмepикaнeц пoкopить выcoкyю гopy и нaйти coкpoвищe нa вepшинe, paзбили лaгepь y пoднoжия гopы, и дoгoвopилиcь лaзить пo oчepeди. Пepвый пoлeз pyccкий, зaлeз, a тaм cидит oгpoмный йeти и члeн caлoм нaтиpaeт, yвидeл pyccкoгo и oтжapил eгo пo пoлнoй. - Бyдy тepпeть. Дyмaeт pyccкий, a тo зacмeют. Cпycтилcя pyccкий вниз и гoвopит: - Heт тaм никaкoгo coкpoвищa! Хoхoл дyмaeт: - Чтo-тo pyccкий нe дoгoвapивaeт, пoлeзy я. Пoлeз хoхoл, дoбpaлcя дo вepшины, тaм oпять йeти caлoм хep нaтиpaeт, хoхлa в oхaпкy и дaвaй жapить. Хoхoл тoжe тepпeл. Cпycтилcя хoхoл, мoлчит, нa pyccкoгo cмoтpит и гoвopит aмepикaнцy: - Heт тaм ничeгo, хoчeшь caм пoйди пocмoтpи. Пoлeз aмepикaнeц, pyccкий c хoхлoм пepeглядывaютcя. Дoбpaлcя дo вepшины aмepикaнeц, йeти eгo хвaтaeт, aмepикaнeц кaк нaчнeт opaть. Pyccкий нe выдepжaл, и гoвopит хoхлy: - Чe oн opeт!? Mы жe тepпeли! Ha чтo хoхoл eмy oтвeчaeт: - Я кoгдa cпycкaлcя, caлo y нeгo cпиздил!

One day, Stavros (a Greek) tells his wife that he is going to collect the olives they have at their village home.

"I'll be back in 3 days", he tells her.

Two days later he returns home, badly beaten and with torn clothes.

"What happened?!", his wife asks.

"I asked a couple of Turks to help me collect the olives, but instead they beat me up, stripped me naked and fucked me in the arse, for 3 days in a row."

"But it's only been two days", his wife replies.

"I know, I'm going back tomorrow as well."

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Fuck you man. It hurts when I laugh and you fucked me up.

They’re good


Truly hilarious

Little Shlomo just came back home from school
-Mommy, mommy today at school they were asking about our nationalities and i said that i am russian
His mom says;
-Oh, you are russian? Well what were you gonna have for dinner today?
-Chicken mommy
-Well from now you will be eating cabbage and potato like all russian kids do
Schlomo got really upset. Goes over to his dad
-Dad, today at school they were asking about our nationalities and i said that i am russian
-Oh yeah? How do you get to school son?
-You always drive me to school dad
-Well now you will be taking trolley like all russian kids do
Schlomo almost cries, runs over to his grandpa
-Opa, today at school when they asked me what ethnicity i am, i said that i am russian
Grandpa goes;
-How much do you get in allowance kid?
-8 rubles a day grandpa
-Well now you will be getting 10 cents (kopeikas) per day, how would you like that?

Couple hours after family is having a dinner. Parents are glancing at each other, smirking thinking they really taught Schlomo a lesson.
Mom goes
-So schlomo, how do you like being russian?
-You know mom, i am only russian since this morning, but i already hate you fucking kikes

It only holds for the older generations though, you rarely hear Scot jokes anymore. They are usually replaced by Jews and our other jokes feature Romanians, Africans and other people poorer than us, the point of the jokes being that they are poor and hungry.

>Hungarians calling others hungry

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