What's your credit score, Jow Forums?

What's your credit score, Jow Forums?

Attached: creditkarma.jpg (610x281, 27K)

you fell for it, the jewish trick
stay poor user

770 or something, I never use it for anything so i dont really care

I don't fucking know, I don't care about goybucks.

~800. I am a very good goy :^)

Anyone under 700 shud kill themselves imo.

>doesn't like jews
>doesn't understand usefulness of credit
>not taking advantage of cash back systems
you will never make it

811 but i dont own a credit card so idk how they got that number

Kinda stagnating here because my average credit history is still pretty low. Also ive never taken a loan or mortgage, all my credit accounts are credit cards

Attached: Screenshot_20180407-123252_Credit Karma.jpg (1080x2220, 501K)

Interesting. I don't have a mortgage either but my score jumped like 60 points after I paid off my student loans. I have a ton of credit cards I don't use though.