Why do westerners worship our shithole? Or is it just emmigrant LARPers?

Why do westerners worship our shithole? Or is it just emmigrant LARPers?

Attached: anime girl with question marks over head.jpg (374x347, 39K)

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never EVER take tradthots seriously

Only alt-rights faggots worship Poland, because of "le based, white, Christian saviour of Yurop" meme. It's especially prevelant amongst Amerifats who get all their news from kikebart. The rest of us know you're a degenerate shithole and that Poles are all subhumans who should be gassed.

I'm just happy poland isn't completely collapsed as a >muh heritage 1/4 pole

Kinda rude.

>you're a degenerate shithole and that Poles are all subhumans who should be gassed
not nice user

Attached: 3IF6IBX[1].gif (512x512, 639K)

you can't be 1/4 anything negromancer I had Germans in my family but that doesn't make me German

Pic related is both of us.

Attached: 1493540567806.jpg (800x800, 66K)

>Why do westerners worship our shithole?
no one cares about Poland.
Stop this pathetic attempt to convince others that Poland is relevant.

None of these people ever go to live in Poland.

A very impolite post. Apologise to our Polish friends RIGHT NOW.

Why don't westerner europeans listen to Poland though?

Attached: poland tries to save europe again but europe refuses.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

>no one cares about Poland.
>Stop this pathetic attempt to convince others that Poland is relevant.
Clearly some of you think otherwise, that's why I'm asking.
How does one fuck up subtitles this badly?

Many of us from the south are emigrating in Polony for job opportunity

Poland is Somalia compared to Italy but I hope you like it :3

You're right about it being mostly deluded alt-right idiots who live in their little world who idolise Poland so much, but you were kinda rude desu.

Poland and Bulgaria have the fastest growing economy
Too bad you are in England now

Why don't you go live in BULLgaria then?

I will get enought money and then i go in east europe

Doesn't mean shit, China also has a "growing economy" and I debut you want to live there

China has retarded politics

And Poland doesn't?
I assume you mean policies but either way it does.

I always find cute that Poland don't call us Italian like everyone else

>then i go in east europe
yeah you'll be so happy surrounded by gopniks and bydlo in your Khrushchev era flat

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i like GROM

Attached: naszywki.jpg (1569x2261, 313K)

Why not make mad bucks working in Switzerland?

I want to colonize poland with my sperm


Attached: meanwhile in Poland.webm (300x400, 1.22M)