1. Country

1. Country
2. What do you think is the country closest to yours, culturally?

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1. Flag
2. It's either spain or France


Without question Canada

Ireland or Australia

1. Flag
2. Canada



It's probably us because of mutual influence. I'd have said Italy if Wallonia wasn't just a French province in another country.

Canada, probably. Still doesn't change how much I hate Canada.

obviously spa- morocco

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t. Alberto


Southern Argentina maybe

1. Flag
2. Australia or New Zealand. The USA is not a country it is simply a union of self-governing states that share a constitution.


>Cuba and PR

indonesia, brunei, singapore and southern thailand.

2.Cyprus :^)

Australia (I'm from southern California)


J/k it's Russia

Iranian diaspora, probably Turkey or One of the -Stan countries because they used to be part of Persia 200-300 years ago

I have never associated Russia with Britain. In what capacity do you see a relation besides having fucked up Afghanistan?

In what way is Australia similar?

Guatemala probably

chavs and gopniks. "we're not so different you and I"

why belgium flag superimposed like this looks like a french flag soaked in piss?

New Zealand, UK, South Africa. In that order.


Of course Canada. They are our brothers above all else.

chav culture as mentioned above, also both countries have nearby shithole which wants do be independent from big boy country
but honestly I just wanted anglo (you)'s

>Stan countries

Venant de la Californie je dirais un autre pays socialiste tel que le Cuba

ton français devient meilleur chaque jour, c'est assez impressionnant

Canada and Australia are progressive and good for the world. They don't have religious conservatives or worship a military that brings quality of life down across the globe. They're the good ex colonies and have nothing in common with this shithole.

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Il fault l'améliorer, je vient de recevoir ma lettre d'acceptation pour enseigner l'anglais en France au sein du TAPIF (Teaching Assistant Program in France)


Super, l'assistante de ma prof d'anglais en terminale(dernière année de lycée) participait justement à ce programme et venait de Californie, comme toi. Au passage:
>Il *faut l'améliorer, je *viens(première personne du singulier)

The weather is the same, and there's lots of palm and eucalyptus trees. Plus, car culture is really big here too.

Here (You) are fren
More realistically the Ukraine and Belarussia?




California might as well be a country so that. Either that or Guatemala - Honduras.

maybe Taiwan by national character and culture.

Why don't you just come out and say Spain? Stop being so tsundere.

But I like you.
Or so I thought...

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none new zealand is special :DDD

Finland. Maybe Finns and others will disagree but our countries have many common things like harsh weather, saunas-banyas, alco, national folklore and costumes etc


Probably Guatemala but I've never been there so can´t say. I'll go for the south of USA

Even split between Britain and America, but slightly more towards America, since of the border and what not.

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Portugal or some latin american shithole

Because everyone knows it's Spain already. Do we still need to say it?

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You do. Spen might get the wrong idea.

1. Ireland
2. New Zealand
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. America

If we're excluding Anglophone countries, then I'd say the Netherlands maybe.

Spen would never get upset at us, everyone knows that.

I always thought the Irish had a very separate identity.

They did, a few centuries ago.

Nah, they're identical to be honest. The hostility has more to do with the historical British government than it does the British people.

Why New Zealand over Australia?

Also I'd put Canada at number 2. They're far more attached to the monarchy than Australia or NZ.

is it a sort of Portugal/Spain deal?

Not him but aus/nz are seen as sort of bizarro-britains, where as canada is more "america-lite".

Eg we play against you in several sports, you eat similar food, similar slang.

Whereas canadian stuff seems a lot more foreign

No because they were part of the uk for centuries and maintained exceedingly close relations after their independence

Whereas portugal abd spain were always separate

Monarchy's not really relevant in the rankings. I know loads of people who live in or have family in Australia. The drinking and culture is more similar too. I only put New Zealand ahead because the climate seems more familiar.

Probably closer to be honest. Irish people aren't foreign whatsoever.

Agreed. Netherlands, Denmark or Norway for non-Anglo countries.

Not him either but the Irish are hardly fans of the monarchy either and you didn't dispute that.

1. New Zealand
2. UK
3. Ireland
4. USA
5. South Africa