>more jobs are becoming automated every day
>population is growing every day
>wealth inequality is growing every day
>living expenses are growing every day
>eventually almost every unskilled job will be automated with a more efficient robot and hundreds of millions of people will become part of a "useless" class with exactly zero opportunities
>the idea of earning a living is so ingrained in western culture that several countries (or at least the USA) will refuse to implement basic income because ruling class billionaires would rather spend billions on security than give a single cent to the poor
Does anyone else see where this is going? What happens then? Am I just being pessimistic?
More jobs are becoming automated every day
Universal income until the replicators come in
UBI is the way user, trust me
but mr noseberg told me UBI is islamic socialist democrat nazi atheist communism
>the only way forward is to be given the bare minimum amount of rations required to survive!
what the fuck is wrong with you useless cunts
don't worry the capitalists will just turn us into food paste or mindlessly sex slaves so we won't be conscious of it
Why does "basic" have to mean "bare minimum to survive?"
our population is falling fast
I suspect white population in western countries is also falling
they promote race mixing so that they can create a new underclass - the mutt, and at some point they will turn full apartheid