ITT: we drink mate

Nos tomamos unos mates

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Tereré > Mate

Sabe pa

No se hacer mate

es fácil con la práctica

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Sabe a mierda esa putada



>he drinks grass with boiling water

can I have some m8 too

You can have some of this dick you raging homo

Whats big deal around this? I hear anons talk about it here. Does it get you high or something?

It gives you sexual powers

it's good shit senpai
feels stronger than tea or coffee first few times


is that marijuana

It enhances your extrasensory perception, every kid has to drink mate before their 8th birthday or else they'll never be able to read minds

esta mina

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hello amerindian breathen

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Don Satur o 9 de Oro?

No te acerques ni a mi, ni a mi familia, ni al campo de mi familia, y si vives en el sur de chile debería darte vergüenza.

Para suerte tuya, soy del centro

Asi no se hace boludo, se te lava enseguida la yerba