Literally all my gringo friends say they are impressed with the ammount of "white' (white-passing) people they see here.
They think we are some sort of nigeria or something.
Literally all my gringo friends say they are impressed with the ammount of "white' (white-passing) people they see here...
Other urls found in this thread:
>They think we are some sort of nigeria or something.
People think that of south america in general, I went to Canada last year and everyone looked surprised when I mentioned I was argentinian
Blame Mexico
>Mutts are so impressed by how white we are
Absolute state of (You)
This video is made to show the world that Brazil is white:
Spread it.
not just americans.
i know some euros
and even an arab from lebanon.
they think we are an african shithole, and are impressed when they come here.
i went to Joinville in Santa Catarina a couple of years ago and it was full of blonde people with blue eyes unironically, will go to Curitiba in a month
>they think we are an african shithole, and are impressed when they come here.
Wow you're better than an African shithole?!
Your gonna make me post Belize south is white again
We are monkeys for the eyes of gringos
Why are they impressed?
South Brazil will be the hub of the White Ethnostate in a generation.
because they think we are some somalia level shit. were everyone lives on a tent and there are no roads and shit.
and jungles
when actually, brazil is pretty urbanized
come to brazil
I thought people in Switzerland were better than this. Fucking douche.
You aren't Black
sorry i saved the thumb
When the Germans came here during the World Cup, they were very impressed at how white and developed Brazil is, they even said Brazil is not different from Germany.
not really.
they are just impressed to see we are not africa
Better than what?
Why would anyone make this thread?
Im only trying to save you from this embarassment you've created for yourself.
Stop posting here and tell OP to delete the thread
>When the Germans came here during the World Cup, they were very impressed at how white and developed Brazil is, they even said Brazil is not different from Germany.
I went to sao paulo and downtown is a dangerous mess filled with hobos, some parts near paulista avenue and higienopolis where effectively first world but the inequality is just as bad as in any other latam cunt
What's so impressive about having many white people in your country?
>implying he is swiss
His name is probably muhammad or rajeet
Italo-brazilian mutt
because you fags are 50% descendants of renegade nazis and because your colonizers successfully marginalized the shit out of the native populations, eradicating their languages and cultural patterns while overseeing one of the largest regional population plummets in the history
rich coming from an american
that's how i could identify it successfully
This is either a ripple in the fabric of space-time which is making bounce back and forth in a limbo of already experienced finite time-lapses and a continuous and ingeminate yet deceiving series of déjà vus which is slowly but steadily driving me insane...or I'm actually seeing dozens of brazil white threads exactly like this every day.
>implying he is american
His name is probably muhammad or rajeet