Wtf is theirs problem

wtf is theirs problem

Attached: 04-Ukraine.png (1036x733, 119K)

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Tatar genes

They haven't submitted to mother Russia yet.

they have too many horny girls, which is not problem at all is it ?

Attached: 1523175158663.png (1036x733, 124K)

Send one here and I will give you my citizenship

Why didn't you paint Eastern Ukraine as Russian territory?

Are you a fucking liberal jew? GTFO of Russia.

i wish it worked that way lol

Too sexy

Attached: v-seti-izbrali-samuyu-krasivuyu-voennosluzhaschuyu-vsu-foto-i-vpechatlyayuschaya-istoriya-o-pobedite (640x960, 94K)

how could he done such a thing.

Attached: Снимок экрана 2018-04-08 в 11.21.25.png (1040x740, 154K)