That 30 year old that trades crypto

>that 30 year old that trades crypto
heh, step aside pops

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So you mean yourself? We're mostly 25-35 here, user.

keep coping, gramps

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>30 year old unironically thinking they'd be able to beat boomers at stock game vs boomers beating them at crypto game

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lol ur delusional because your basing Jow Forums off of yourself. Jow Forums is mostly like 16-28 year old white and asian men

>go to Jow Forums because Jow Forums becomes unbearable
>Jow Forums is even worse so go back to Jow Forums
>retards are now posting Jow Forums memes on Jow Forums
I'm done. I'm fucking done. This is the last straw. I'm finally done with Jow Forums.

>already have a ton of gray hair

People always unironically tell me that it looks good on me though

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I am 32 and no gray hairs. Mainly because i am a mutt.

32 here. have a seat with your pathetic little portfolio, boy

Jow Forums is the ultimate beta board. Bodybuilders are softer than asian squash players.

>GOD one day im going to be rich!
>Im going to get so many girls!
>I can finally quit my day job making $15 an hour!
>all my highschool friends will finally see me as competent!

enjoy your old man gains and erectile dysfunction while I rail your bored whore of a wife, grandpa

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>on Jow Forums
There are probably more mentally ill people on Jow Forums than any other board.

I've secretly been posting Jow Forums memes on Jow Forums as well. You can't escape user. /bizfit/ best combo.


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I went grey at 18. Been coloring it since 19.

That's literally me, I'm 28.

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30 year old asian kissless virgin grandpa checking in

>28 is literally 30
Uh huh.

No not Jow Forums. This board is older. Get fucked. eat Tide pods millenial faggot. why arent you busy protesting for social justice and taking away guns?

>closer to 30 than 20 now

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31. suck my dick edgy fag.

I'd color it if it was patchy, but its just evenly blended in so it looks fine

>tfw 29
>No longer cool.
>Tfw never was cool

Well at least i'm rich cause accumulated crypto while workfaggin and got a lot of it out near the top.

What now 19 yearold biatch?

(Also slightly drunk: what is the hip n trendy word for workfagging on the chans again)

under 30 is the official "gonna make it" cutoff
we're gonna make it, fren

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>tide pods
whatup based skybro

This describes reddit

not married cuz I'm not a cuck. I also look 25 and earn more money than you ever will in your life and regularly fuck girls in their early 20s. now get back to whining about gender pronouns and being an eternal poor faggot

That's reddit, we are all Mexicans here

We are older here, that applies for the rest of Jow Forums though

The arrogance of youth leads to the disasters of youth.

But it's what being young is all about, so keep making your smug comments. When you're older we'll probably cut you some slack and laugh about what a fucking retard you were before 30.

"I fuck girls! Really! And i don't pay for it! I'm better than you! And I'm rich!"

No, we believe you, neckbeard. Who would'nt believe boasting and bragging on the biggest retard and neckbeard containment board posing as a Patagonian picture collecting site?

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nice larp, grandpa. let gertrude have some time on the nursing home computer

its a Jow Forums meme

>being this mad
I'm not that young anymore either but wew, talk about insecurities.

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>under 30
>Jow Forums
>saturday night
you already lost kid

>that 87 year old that trades crypto

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I'm going to be 40 this year!

Rather be here than at some degenerate bar or social event

I’m 31 and have made several hundreds of thousands of dollars on the internet in and outside of crypto for years. Who cares? Should I listen to terrible new mumble rap and go full soy to fit in with yung millennials? Snack on dicks you gay bitch. Oldfags are a big reason Jow Forums isn’t like /b/ - we stopped posting there 5 - 10 years ago.

>29 and 9 months
take that newfriends

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Time for bed old man

>He thinks old people don't afternoon nap

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>asian men
Insects are not allowed

Unironically going to bed momentarily.

Also, I could more likely than not bang your 18 - 25 yo girlfriend if you had one, which you almost certainly do not.

Men don’t hit the wall like roasties. We can basically be supreme gentlemen until 50. Rejoice in that knowledge.

nice larp, walter. let the other old folks use the nursing home computer and get to bed, you have the early bird special to catch tomorrow

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I slept all day so I could have any hope of going out past 9pm tonight it's redbox night with the wife and kids fuck you gun protester faggots

I'm turning 30 in July too

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Respect your elders newfag

You’ve reworked that joke a couple of times now itt haven’t you. Are you a dementia suffering oldfag larping as a stupid and poor youngfag?

getting a little mad there, aren't we bernard? wouldn't want to trigger your pacemaker there.

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>not wanting the boomers come to our side

Come on now OP. don't be a soyboy millennial

We should organize a march to get anyone over 30 off the internet. The internet future belongs to weaboo tweens
#wemillenials ask Kanye West he knows what I'm talking about he's a millenial too

>I also look 25 and

time to take that glucosamine grandps

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First off it’d have to be locatable.

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And meds too
t. South American med

We will make it brother. HH.

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with crypto there's a perfect age for it, probably around mid 20s, when you had several thousand dollars to put in, and you got in early. any older is wasted time, and if you're under 20, or just over it, you probably completely missed the boat on the best investment opportunity you will ever see in your life, or you didnt have enough money to put in.


or you know don't. You'll experience the same effects.

I'm 29 and made more than you last year, faggot.

23 year old Rajesh here

I know 60 year olds that trade it and have made millions.

>30 year olds aren't millennials
>35 year olds aren't millennials

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go back to faceberg, Harold. your age group doesn't belong on this part of the internet.