
Blockchain tech does not need your stupid little coins to survive & thrive.

Please google these:

Project ubin
R3 Corda
Jasper bank of Canada
ABM Amro blockchain
Kabuni tech and securities exchange
ASX blockchain

there are many more but I forgot off the top of my head.

I keep hearing the argument
>"but companies are only adopting blockchain tech, look how many years it takes to integrate a technology into society, its only growing!"

Your coins are not needed for mass adaptation of blockchain, I'm sorry to have to break it to you, kiddos.

If you're hodling on to bitcoin right now, it's like it's the year 2000 all over again and the internet bubble popped, but youre still holding on to "muh stock bro, businesses are only going to adopt internet technology, this will go to the moon after this dip!"

Do you see the flaw in your logic? Sure blockchain and dlt are here to stay, reducing friction costs within financial infrastructure and many other benefits, but these crypto coins themselves, such as btc, don't actually need to exist.

Blockchain doesnt = bitcoin and especially blockchain =! your shit coins such as ada eos trx xlm, etc.

If you made any money along this ride consider yourself lucky, but the fact is most of the 'crypto currencies' themselves will die off long term. Absolutely no reason for them, this was simply hype. Just like beanie babies, just like the many bubbles before it.


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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm sure what you wrote was fascinating but it was entirely too long, so I didn't read it. Is money skelly ok? He really doesn't look well.

These are called databases you moron.

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You really think bitcoin can die off and absolutely no one wants a decentralized store of value? Yeah you might as well kys now since when you die you will have had no impact on the planet anyway just a waste of oxygen.

>being this mentally incapacitated

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Omisego migger learnt about corporate blockchains and now hes fudding all of crypto

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Looks like you have yet to learn about saving images


>Blockchain tech does not need your stupid little coins to survive & thrive.

this. anyone who doesn't understand this yet is going to have a really really bad time

Hey everyone op is James Edwards @cryptomedicated on twitter. He had a mental breakdown and has been on a fudding campaign for 2 months.

Lmaoooooo the best part he is 5'1 and black. Look at his reddit history username Randomshortdude. He has posts about red pill theory as a midget

Damn, I am exposed. This anons deductive skills are top notch, please don't spam my house with pizza

Putting together a compilation with all your personal info and posting it on /b/. Im going to ruin your life kiddo LOL

Bring it, make sure to add olives to pizzas

No problem, I will send you some za. Black or green olives?

(because i'm still accumulating Corda)

Im getting you triple onions and cheese

green please

yep that's what i've been saying many times here too
why would anyone adopt current blockchains with a bunch of neet freeloaders who bought cheap and want to sell with 10000x profits?
that's not how business works

that's not bad, can you atleast add green olives on half?

His parents did a better job of ruining his life than you ever could.

EOS tokens have valuable utility. It stakes bandwidth in a trustless, feeless decentralized smart contract platform. It will also be the best blockchain technology in the universe come June. You feel pretty smart in a bear market, don’t you?

I understand your argument. I’ve provided a counter-argument. Producing blockchain blocks in a decentralized manner requires financial compensation. If block producers (miners) are simply centralized company servers - they might as well use Dropbox.

Most “coins” are shit but cryptoeconomics and straight logic gobble up your knee jerk dismissiveness.

You tried to be smart, however you are not. At all. You did bad today, retard. You will remain in poverty.

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Just saw the reddit spacing and skipped over it.
kys and sage

a mediocre at best rebuttal disguised as an intellectual counter argument. What you fail to see is they are decentralized within themselves. It's like approving who can only mine btc, limiting it to trusted computers overseen by those within their network.
It reduces the possibility of a 51% attack, and yes you can say internal rogue employees or something, but how is that worse than the large consortium of miners that is bitmain and jihan? soooo decentralized, muh security! if they had enough resources they could comprise more than half the network and essentially bog down transactions. The key for these private blockchains is outsourcing significant amounts the protocol to indifferent third parties, and yes they are compensated with whichever means they want. But a decent amount of "miners" will be undisclosed to the people of company behind the private block chain. Trusted third parties just to keep the network decentralized and tamper proof. It's in its infancy I'm not saying they're ready or optimal yet, but they will crush alot of cryptos

James lives in Owing Mills Maryland. HAHA I FOUND HIM

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All I see is teeth...where is he?

James Roland Edwards
Mary A Edwards
Vernell R Edwards

Do these names ring a bell migger?


is that seriously the best pic you could find?

no shit.

look at coin market cap from 4 years ago and 90% of the coins on the front page dont exist anymore

intranet is worthless without the internet

You clearly have no idea how blockchain works.

It's a DECENTRALIZED, trustless system. That involves nodes with no single point of control. Nodes involve computing power for POW and POS. For that, you need an incentive, and that's where the tokens and intrinsic value come in.

There are always retarded claims like "muh why can't institutions just make their own blockchain and cut out the middle-man". Good luck building a trustless node network with a proofing algorithm that doesn't have an incentive like that. Without that it becomes a centralised system that's really no better than what's currently available.

While Bitcoin doesn't have an incentive like this, it has others. It's a store of value. To claim it has no value is to claim that gold doesn't, or even fiat. Something is worth what others are prepared to pay. Simple as that.

I agree that a lot of tokens will die off, but many of them, including Bitcoin, have strong use cases and are certainly here to stay. They are also an integral part of the decentralized nature of blockchain, otherwise there's no reason for anyone to bother verifying the transactions in a trustless manner.

I paid the 5 bucks for the whitepages info for all of your relatives.


>trusted computers
>trusted 3rd parties
>decentralized immutable dlt

Nothing on these centralized internally run distributed ledgers could ever be legally binding or considered tamper resistant. These hypothetical compensated indifferent trusted 3rd parties can be compromised through various methods. I do agree that blockchains will be privatized, I just don’t think they’ll be sufficiently decentralized and tamper resistant.

I also think that if you think people aren’t interested in truly decentralized stores of value, your brain has severely malfunctionined.

You should buy EOS or remain embarrassingly poor.

Don’f bother the family members of some clown because he’s been conditioned by John Oliver. You also just identified a paper trail. I assume doesn’t accept Monero.

I think Il just remain embarrassingly poor, tyvm

Too late migger we let you fud for 2 months. Its getting old. Now someones gotta pay the price

you could have just asked me for free. Hell I woulda told you all of em for 5 bucks

That’s a choice you are making consciously my skeptical friend.

Proof the dude is a serial fudder? Also, what does his family have to do with it? Why get on some angry autistic script kiddie prankster shit? Focus on your money, not your autistic rage my homosexual associate.

Hey man I appreciate the support but let these autistic goons run up on me, u know what I mean. My neighborhood isn't exactly the greatest, I don't think it will play out how they imagine

Everyone knows cryptomedicated is a fucking retard. He posted an article about Cardano and one of his complaints was that it doesn't have a blockchain explorer. He can't be trusted to take 5 seconds to type in a google search, clearly he just writes whatever comes to mind.

But what is your evidence?

>someone's not too lazy to answer to larping retard or non-larping retard (OP)

This. If you do not have coins you do not have a decentralized, trust-less system, and if you want to accomplish something that doesn't have to be decentralized, why would you even use blockchain to begin with? Its a Catch-22. The only unsustainable blockchain projects are the ones OP listed, for this exact reason.

why is skellys dad so chad?

very bad sorros larp

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They aren’t going to pull up. Worst case scenario they swat (99/100 nothing really happens but it’s sketch) or send pizzas and disrespectful Facebook messages.

we told him this last time
he just left the thread and started a new one.
he's not interested in facts or logic

It's centralized, this is basically an encrypted excel spreasheet stored onto a database. It doesn't solve the same problems that public blockchain solve.

Few coins will survive only, like XLM, EOS, DBC

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You can't have decentralized blockchains without tokens lol what the fuck are you talking about? Decentralized consensus in databases wasn't solved before bitcoin because incentive didn't exist (which was solved by introducing tokens). In fact, it was already known it was theoretically impossible to have decentralized consensus in databases without incentives

>falling for brainlet bait

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sorry you're a late adopter op, but for all of us multi-millionaires thanks to not being a worthless retard, and getting in very early, none of us could give a shit about anything you're desperately trying to talk about.

This has been debunked time and time again. The first time I saw this bullshit debunked was in fucking 2014 on bitcointalk forum.
> "yeah but companies/governments can just make their own blockchain and use it internally"
The point is to get away from companies and governments. The point is to build decentralized autonomous organizations. If you don't understand this, you don't understand crypto.

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