South brazilian school

South brazilian school.
Notice anything?

Attached: sul3.jpg (1000x500, 104K)

I can see 5 Americans in your photo.

grills wear pink
biys wear blue

Scratch that, there's 7 of them



A couple of monkeys.

White people are genetically closer to monkeys than black people.


Some pardos to MUTT those whiteys

there are niggers

whites are not people.

Find that hard to believe considering blacks are the only ones who still have ape shaped skulls.

Attached: honkeys are monkeys.png (1351x1938, 1.96M)


what's to notice

>Who's the "primitive" here?
Still niggers

Attached: so this is the power of the kara boga.jpg (700x466, 104K)

funny how wh*Tes claim MED (negroid admixed arabs) achievemets.
your ancestors, wh*Te subhuman, were barbaric gauls

Attached: BLACK architecture vs wh_Te mud hut.jpg (795x988, 264K)

Naaa white athletes dominate more areas

Attached: images.jpg (470x313, 16K)

Egyptians were not black

Attached: DUUw5poX0AAa6gT.jpg (640x618, 74K)

yes, we were

ayyy lmao

Yeah, an insecure poster looking for approval on a Malay espresso-brewing conference.

Nigga, believe or not he is just a mad and autistic commie because Lula is arrested. He is implying every right-winger want to be white or something.

Is South Brasil rich? Which European country do they compare to economy-wise?

no, they were greeks
cleopatra was white

Still not as white and developed as South Belize

Attached: 1521690440055.png (924x560, 48K)

it's less white than south belize

no, we were black.

where's sopa de macaco?

whiter than most schools in my country nowadays, not even joking

>He is implying every right-winger want to be white or something.

Every Brazilian right-winger wants to impress their American boss: FACT
Every Brazilian right-winger wants to be considered white: FACT
Every Brazilian right-winger has severe autism: FACT

Daily reminder to all sulistas that Ronaldinho Gaúcho, a black man, will forever be the most relevant, well-known gaúcho ever.

Attached: ronaldinho-gaucc81cho-barcelona-20071209-006.jpg (1125x750, 720K)

This is how a German enclave looks like these days though. If you really believe a place with young white women could stay pure for very long in Brazil, you're very mistaken, Brazilians will walk kilometers to fuck white white girls.

Attached: Escola Curt Brandes, de Pomerode molequeestadual2013semi_20131019_1018826734 - Copy.jpg (1500x1000, 203K)

>Every Brazilian right-winger wants to impress their American boss: FACT
As vezes eu acho que todo brasileiro deveria utilizar Jow Forums nem que seja só um pouquinho.
Assim eles conhecerão os americanos de verdade.

Eu acho que todo ip brasileiro devia ser barrado de visitar o Jow Forums. A userbase brasileira seria muito menos cancerígena se isso acontecesse.


Germs are still a minority even in the whitest city in Brazil

Attached: caes_vac_joinville_escola.jpg (690x388, 119K)

''B-but Brazilians are all Pardos''

Doctors during a protest in the southern state of Santa Catarina in 2013, true Aryan White Germans are a minority, we also have some blacks here too

Attached: mais-mc3a9dicos-mc3a9dicos-catarinenses-paralisam-as-atividades-nesta-quarta-feira-31-em-apoio-c3a0- (620x465, 119K)

Funny how you can clearly spot the mutts from the actual white boys, and they also use those stupid looking favela haircuts since they don't have straight hair.

Good posts

based, fuck wh*tes