The next new/best "scheme"
Get in now before the FOMO hits
The next new/best "scheme"
Get in now before the FOMO hits
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sauce. more pics. now
torso is freakishly long
Dang premine tho
Nah kys pajeet
Dammit, her face is bogged.
A few people will be dropping 50-100 ETH into this pretty quick. You want to be in before they do
why women do this? fucking escorts everywhere, taking a dick a few times a week earning 5 times more than me with 20 times less work and in the end Im taxed more cause these fucking talentless lazy hoes contribute nothing, just like the top1%. 21th century men are cucked beyong belief.
>why women do this
Because like you said, they make 5x what you do and all they do is get raw dogged by the Bogs and their whale friends(while they're not taking your money)
Some whale probably liquidated my short right before getting out of his car to pipe this chick out today
and where is the fucking spine? the morals? how can she look in the mirror. looking at those pics it looks like she is pretty fucking proud of herself.
I mean the ammount of young girls selling thier bodies and making it ok because "I really really needed the money for my college" or other excuses...
On college the only the poor young guys work, the ugly girls, then there are those few average/good looking girls working in bars and getting those sweet tips in exchange of flirting with drunk ppl.
rotten world we live in. the price of pussy should be around 20 bucks, maximum but there are too many super rich bastard out there fucking different girls every day and paying 200-500 cuz that is pennies for them. I cant wait for the devaluation of pussy so these part time whores have to work hard for once and they have to choose in between full time whoring or a normal wagecuck job.
too many rich bastards out there paying too much for rotten pussy, too many desperate fucks out there paying hundred bucks for used panties. And there is this thing called "financial domination" and a bunch of subreddit around this type of thing.
Dont get me wrong, I know a bunch of honset working girls, Ive got stable relationship but I know for a fact many girls from my former uni worked as an escort/prostitute once a week so they could party and drink atleast 4 times a week and buy new shoes...
But yeah, If I had fuck you money probably I would fuck and humiliate college hoes every day too...
do you reckon her brapper tastes like strawberries?
jealousy: the post
women dont really have morals user. they have one night stands so whats the difference if they get paid $200-$400/hr tax free to get raw dogged by a guy that might have been tricked into sleeping with if they went out and got too drunk. now back to work, someone needs to pay for their medical care as women use the majority of medical care but pay the least into it out of the genders not taking pregnancy into account.
Good looking women dont have morals. I thought thats pretty clear.
Escorts (Decent ones, not street trash) probably pay more taxes than you, because they have to do some pretty hard laundering to hide their income. They can't report to the IRS that they're whores, so they usually have someone pretending to 1099 them, or they have small side gig to hide their cash in. They have to be careful with deductions and shit to avoid scrutiny, so they tend to overpay. A lot of them pose at massage therapists, shit like that, if they manage to get their CMTs.
Source: actual whores.
You're awfully angry at women. Do you have dreams of sucking dick? Kissing men?
The ones I know just double as strippers for like once a week and put maybe 1/3rd of their hooking income as stripper income and just pay everything in cash that they can.
He’s right you dumb brown faggot
Do you really think guys like Gates, Soros, the 1%, act from morality? Gimme a fucking break. "WImmen hab no morels, lulz", meanwhile the central banks are raping the planet, but hey, they're moral men, right?
Expecting morals from anyone in this day and this age is childish and immature and fucking naive. It's dog eat fucking dog and if you don't expect that and act accordingly, you're just krill for the whales. Grow the fuck up, stop applying sky fairy rules to shit, and get fucking real. It's sheer pigheaded retardedness like yours that has led to the 1% taking over - "They're in charge, they must be honest and moral people, right? Right?"
Fucking children on this board.
I'm whiter than you are, chump.
> I'm whiter
pajeet confirmed
Hurrr durrrrr! I haz memes, reeeeeee. I win at thus 4chans. Reeeeeeeeeee.
the only ppl Im jealous of the ones that live a comfy life and can shit on others. and maybe lucky now millionare crypto neets.
prostitutes? Im just disgusted by them. once friends got me a hoe as a present, I was happy but as soon as she started sucking my dick I was so disgusted by her I lost my erection and left without a word.
women have no morals? thats a bit strong but it def feels like. The ammount of hoes touching my dick under the table while they were cuddling with thier bfs (ok only happened 2 times) or bitches ready to fuck me in the toilet while thier boy was fucking around the bar counter.. absolutely disgusting. How could I trust in anybody after experiences like these?
Then again I always had strong morals, since my childhood. Did not learned to lie when I was young, never cheated on anybody, I dont need no moral highground but Im possibly a whining weakling and Im afraid of living and hurting others.
Why are brown people so obsessed with pale skin? You’re shit on the outside and shit on the inside, that’ll never change. Just from reading the small amount of text you’ve posted I can already tell you’re a fucking disgusting shitskin
Im angry at everybody.
>brown eyes
eww would not date
Nice dubs.
I know what you feel, but user is right. A good chunk of people is just liying, cheating human monkey. You are free to chose to live your life honestly and find honest friends/whatever, or becoming one of them.
You can only change till they see monkey human again and change back. They are weak minded but happy, why change may they ask?
luckily you dont have to make that decision lmao
wew found the violent communist that wants to extort people he's jealous of
t. dwarf womanlet
>Just think about it in the long run, they have like what 12 years to make money before no one will even look at them, and you will make more money as time goes by.
If they stay fit they can do milf shit until they're like 45
just imagine if some of them had been smart enough to accept payment in crypto back in the early 2010s.
Uber eat delivery/sex worker
Yikes, her face is fucking jacked. Fake-ass fish lips.
marketing hasn't even started on this one yet.
what a piece of garbage lol
You can become a male prostitute, this is not a female-exclusive job, and be paid about as much, if not more.
That's the point.
If prostitution was considered moral then it would not be as profitable for prositutes, as perceived immorality of given act greatly decreases supply of prostitutes.
That's basic economics for you.